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Tuesday, 14 November 2023

RUBY OR SAPPHIRE What are you wearing?

Ruby or Sapphire What are you wearing?
Ruby is a rare gem.
Ruby is a costly gem.
Ruby is Highest quality and King of GEMS Called RUBY/MANEK/YAQOOT.

SAPPHIRE is majorly available in all the colors of the rainbow.
It is less costly than many gems.
SAPPHIRE can't be worn without proper understanding and guidance from the expert.

DETAILS- To understand the differences and importance why you should not just wear any red color stone calling it Ruby.

Corundum coloured by traces of chromium can yield a range of colours and saturation from intense red to a less saturated red or pink.  From this range, the species corundum can be further classified into two varieties: ruby and pink sapphire.
Although they both have the exact same crystal structure and both have chromium as the main chromophore, ruby is the variety name given exclusively for corundum with a dominant red hue. Pink sapphires have a lower concentration of chromium and will display a dominant pink hue with a range of tones and saturations.

HAPPY GLOBE GEMS AND GEMSTONES. Dr.Fatema Adnan (Palgharwala),09762688352,

Thursday, 12 October 2023

Second Child by Happy Homeopathy Clinic. Dr.Fatema Adnan


THE Most brain racking question today is 
Second Child-     ?????? 
I get so many mothers asking me what should she do ?? 
SOCIAL PRESSURE should I give up and satisfy the aunty who says my child needs a sibling otherwise he will be lonely. 
Dr my financial situation is not working for a second child should I stop my child's extracurricular activities and get pregnant?? 

Who will drive him around during my pregnancy?? 
Ma'am is it true that my second child can only complete my family where are we incomplete?? 

My husband never changed a diaper for the first one and inlaws were busy attending Miqaats whole year round will I get their support for second pregnancy?? 

So many scary stories and silly jokes from the covid times where many couples got pregnant because the husband was not ready to wear a mask and go buy a condom. 
Really Sad and imagine that mother who is yet stuck at home after covid with a 6month old and the first child has exams in school the husband is least bothered about it; because he has bad business and 1 more mouth to feed ! 
Listen MOTHER .
Listen Parents 
Listen Society 
Don't have a second child to give company to the first born they don't need that.

Only in case you have  supportive relationships go ahead with the second child. 

I have had this personal experience where society thinks oh financial freedom educated you should have another baby and all. 

I asked my body ? Yes or No and I received my answer. 
Society is just society. 
Just ask your self how many times have you your self gone and helped the mother next door who is struggling where should she keep her 2 month old and go to school pick up her 4year old?? 
It's a daily dilemma and when she sits alone and cries thinking about her self and the lacking of not fulfilling the elder ones play time that is where the regret sets in and the second child becomes the unwanted burden for all 
Mental Health is affected the elder child sees the baby as the reason mama was late to pick him from school, the father is tensed he has to buy diapers and crayons now , mother is always taken for granted and 90% times I have heard this Dr during first pregnancy I ate everything I took supplements properly I got malish done regularly but....... second pregnancy after 3days I was driving my bike to pick and drop my child to school..... imagine that. 
Think Choose 
Ask your questions to
 Happy Homeopathy Clinic. Dr.Fatema Adnan (Palgharwala),09762688352,   https://www.happyhomeopathy.com

We are listening to you happily!
Health Wealth and Relationships. 


Wednesday, 11 October 2023

KLEPTOMANIA by Happy Homeopathy Clinic. Dr.Fatema Adnan

The repertories are full of strange and bizarre rubrics. There are rich, quality sensations that you feel so lucky if a client utters them.; strange symptoms that are a gift if elicited during case taking. Sometimes you just wish clients would present with some of these clear cut but obscure states just to make life easy - but they rarely do - many cases come across initially as quite ordinary and even after careful and detailed case taking one can still be left with a certain amount of interpretation, having to unravel the richness of someone's story in search of a quality that comes with strange, rare and peculiar symptoms.
Kleptomania could be one of those rubrics. But what is Kleptomania and why are the remedies that are in this rubric there; what do they have in common; how do they relate to each other; what are the themes and essences of some of the remedies that have this rather strange symptom and how might they present during the case taking?
Let's look at the word itself first - klepht = a Greek belonging to one of several independent and armed and sometimes brigandish communities, formed after the Turkish conquest of Greece. From the brigandish, bandit element (brigand can also mean to bring strength and honour), we get klepto = to steal. With the addition of mania we have finally = a persistent, neurotic impulse to steal, especially without economic motive in which the object stolen is usually believed to have a symbolic significance to the kleptomaniac. Almost magpie like
The desire to steal is irresistible and obsessional and the emphasis is on stealing items that are not rationally needed for personal use or monetary value - we could perhaps extend this to 'Desires more than s/he needs'; or 'Capricious, knows not what s/he wants'; then there is 'Delusion s/he has stolen something'; 'Fear of poverty'; 'Contradiction of will'; and 'Makes useless purchases', to consider in the analysis. Aetiology is not to be underestimated and could prove to be a confirming factor within the case - such as jealousy for example. Some clinicians view kleptomania as part of the obsessive-compulsive spectrum of disorders, reasoning that many individuals experience the impulse to steal as an unwanted intrusion into their mental state. Other evidence suggests that kleptomania may be related to mood disorders such as depression - which in turn will have its own aetiology.
But the emphasis really is on the need to steal. And, the thing is, you can steal almost anything. You can steal a kiss, ideas, a look, time, belongings, confidence, protection, energy, money, liberty, secrets, identity, and so on.
If we take a closer look at some of the remedies in this rubric it might shed some light and give us a deeper sense of understanding of these remedies.
Bryonia effects all serous membranes causing great inflammation and fever of many kinds. The circulation and the blood is disordered. Aggravation from any movement at all, they have to be still and resting. There is physical weakness when attempting to move. There are stitching, tearing, bursting pains. 'Bry is dry' - mucous membranes are dry and they are very thirsty, discharges are scant, menses are suppressed, joints seem to lack lubrication - hot, red and swollen, skin rashes recede or do not develop - a definite with-holding state, one of congestion.
Often affects people who are normally of a robust and determined constitution, the complaints develop slowly but with great force, they do not succumb quickly.
The trigger with Bryonia is all to do with clinging, protection and the fear of being scorned (yet wants to be alone), ō¸°€fear of losing that protection (and yet so ugly in behaviour as to repel). -
Bryonia is a clinging and climbing vine. The climbing aspect might well relate to the normal robustness of this remedy - they often do well in life, reach sociable heights, are always talking of their business (even when ill). The clinging relates to the amount of protection they really do need, their fear of being scorned - ailments from being scorned - and as a plant that needs something to cling to the 'home' is a likely source of discontent.
Anxiety in the house
Delusion is away from home Delusion as if in a strange land Attempts to escape
Desires to go home
Talks of home
For people who fear being scorned and have a need to cling then Bryonia is unusually repellent in its attitude. They are so irritable and grumpy, to the point of rage. They want to be left alone (good thing too!), very ugly behaviour, taciturn. Usually so robust they cannot come to terms with being ill so they are extremely apprehensive about their condition, and fear for their future, but the overwhelming emotions are irritability and complaining.
The need to cling and fear of losing protection comes in the form of:-
Delusion is being injured
Delusion he is pursued
Delusion under the control of strangers Delusion he is unfortunate
Despair of recovery
Fear of being alone
Fear of being poisoned
Fear of suffering
Ailments from scorn
Aversion to being touched
Feels unfortunate
So, Bryonia steals for self gratification, needing to reward the self at any cost, they steal your time and drain your energy - a very selfish and needy remedy.
Once known as an exterminator of vermin Staphysagria has the action of stupefying. It also has physical, moral and sexual disturbance. Morbidly sensitive, everything is painfully sensitive, sensation as if being squeezed between stones - pushed to the limit where there is no thought as to the consequence of actions - becomes warped and stupefied, numb to the consequences. The faculties of perception and understanding are deadened but at the same time shocking, astonishing, stunning. Manipulative with a great propensity to object to what others may say or do to them but this is suppressed until again, pushed to that limit.
Staphysagria stands tall and haughty with dignity, reputation and honour at stake. So in the early stages their emotions are kept tightly controlled. But if they fall from this grand stance (fear of falling) they become capricious, appear sweet and romantic, sexually lures, suffers rape or sexual abuse because of this (?), there is want of self control and then deep suppression and remorse and finally more lack of control, violence and serious deep pathology.
Like Bryonia, Staphysagria cannot be scorned and yet they want to throw what they have away. They play with fire and like to throw things into the fire, until they cannot maintain the image anymore and a very unstable symptom picture begins to emerge.
But why does Staphysagria have kleptomania? What is it exactly that Staphysagria needs to steal?
When you stupefy someone you take away their notions of freedom and this is what Staphysagria steals - freedom of choice. Staphysagria suffers so much at their own makeover, their own self image, that they suppress their own identity to such a degree that they then, can only, explode and crumble (sensation as if broken in pieces). Temper, bones, teeth, limbs, stomach, sexual energies - all come to a violent breaking point and then break down.
Sepia gives and works and works and gives more and more until they feel as though everything they are doing is against their will (undertakes things opposed to her intentions and contradiction of will), they become completely worn out doing things for others and never for themselves. They also have fear of poverty and part of their disharmony is when they feel they want to have something back for all the hard work endured - so they steal it, whatever it is that they want - often is it freedom and liberty. The problem is, they continue to work enduringly hard, they continue to give against their will (even sexual activity is indulged in against their wishes) and this exhausts them even more. Pulled in two directions like this - stasis occurs.
Sepia has dreams of rape - this might be actuality - and this violation is a form of 'stealing' in reverse - so within the Sepia concept of despair 'stealing' becomes the norm. They cannot tolerate being contradicted, this is stealing respect; delusion, feels she could injure herself, this is a stolen self worth; unconscious while kneeling in church, this is stolen stability; ailments after anger, this is stolen control; averse to family, this is stolen love. But to counter this they refuse sympathy and consolation, they are heedless and impetuous, they love and welcome anything which disturbs the environment such as thunderstorms, suffer from states of mildness and indifference, have delusions the family will starve - the balance is never achieved, hence stasis, which has to be the encompassing keynote of Sepia.
Kali brom has guilt written all over it - they fiddle and fidget with their hands, the eyes are never still, always averting, suspiciously scanning - deep sense of guilt, as though they had committed a crime. This might actually be the case but there is Delusion about to commit a crime; that money is sewed up in the clothing; that he has been accused of stealing. Taking their case is more like a police questioning - they answer no to all questions!!
The Kali brom person is very unstable. It is likely that they have been brought up to feel this deep sense of guilt - delusion forsaken and deserted - perhaps they were not wanted as a child, so the love they had to work for is deemed as being stolen. They develop depression and melancholy, concern about their health, complain about everything, lose all moral and religious feeling, are full of remorse and eventually become paranoid - delusion is the object of god's vengeance, that life is threatened, that they are in danger from their family (do not underestimate this), that they are conspired against. They often develop overwhelming sexual activities and epilepsy - all because love was stolen from them and they want it back.
I never expected to see Calc carb in this rubric. The oyster in the shell, cannot exist without a shell, this protection is a must for Calc carb - protection and security, the stuff of bones and life and the need for a 'home' and all that entails. A fragile and threatening world is out there waiting for them if this is threatened or stolen from them - delusion small and weak.
Protection comes in many forms - people, money and possessions, softness, food - Calcarea needs company, has fear of poverty, loves soft food (especially eggs) and are often plump (but not always). If these basics are missing then they will steal to get them. But they are fearful of being observed and don't want to be found out, (in fact many fears will evolve over time, all to do with a theme of persecution). So this is how they do it:-
they complain about offences long past
spend ridiculous amounts of money - delusion wealthy
steal money
talk a lot about money in general
become indifferent about their own recovery so others will attend to them get irritable
become extremely obstinate
talks all the time of danger - fire, cruelties, murder, rats and snakes - and how it effects them become averse to the family
pretend to be sick
become destructive
will let people take them over completely indulge in sexual excesses
shriek and scream for attention
they bite you
This is an antiseptic, disinfectant and deoderent remedy. It is a remedy of decay and putrefaction, there is no oxygen in the blood, there is stagnation and collapse, maybe after a long period of serious and weakening illness, they are weak, sick and exhausted - they appear to be lifeless and this is a clue as to why this remedy is in the kleptomania rubric. It is a 'must have' state:-
must have air
must be fanned
must have windows open
must have cold water
must have high living and over indulgence with lots of stimulants, rich food and wine - this is often the causation of their diseased state.
But there is also 'never been well since a violent attack or shock'. This can be absolutely anything, but it will be something that renders them lifeless, something big has been taken from their life, there will be a great loss somewhere - rape and abuse might be present and this is what needs disinfecting. It will be an event that does this:-
makes them feel small
become indifferent to the music he used to love anxious as if committed a crime
anxious with strangers but desires company they bite (defence mechanism)
delusion as if someone in bed with them delusion deserted or forsaken
hears footsteps in the dark
delusion people are beside him
fear of evil and that something will happen shrieking during sleep
very timid and bashful
They are so dejected and unhappy that they can become excessively affectionate - they just want to 'buy' or steal it back.
Anyone who knows anything about the history of drinking absinthe will know the effects it has on the brain - hysterical cerebral irritation, hyperemia, epileptiform seizures, delirium and hallucinations, sometimes loss of consciousness, otherwise extremely restless, trembling and twitching, nervous and no relief found in sleep - cannot sleep, insomnia. The active compound in Artemisia absinthium is Thujone which causes brain damage. It occurs naturally in all the artemisias. It is a monoterpene with 10 carbons and is found in many other fragrant plants especially those which emit an essential oil. Thujone is related to menthol and can be found in products such as Vicks Vapour Rub.
There is a theme of two extremes which evolve out of the fact that the alcoholic effects of Absinthe would be sedative but the Thujone  content would cause the excitation and the hallucinations. So you have stupor AND violence, unconsciousness AND brain excitation.
The inner organs become paralysed and have sensations of swelling (probably are), especially the liver, spleen and tongue, the heart thumps and can be felt and heard all over the body.
Two of the most notable symptoms are always falling down (which can be taken to mean both physical and emotional) and a compete loss of memory. Perhaps that is what the absinthe drinkers wanted - to forget, to numb the brain and memory of their fall from grace, from a higher status. They fall so far as to end as if in a dream, where he has awful visions and feels persecuted, pursued by enemies and fears being murdered. In return they become dangerously violent themselves. It all gets so bad that death is desired.
The best part is the dreamy state, the initial exhilaration and then the loss of memory - who would want to remember all that anyway. And like any addictive habit, it has to be paid for somehow - by stealing.

Happy Homeopathy Clinic. Dr.Fatema Adnan (Palgharwala),09762688352,   https://www.happyhomeopathy.com . Cancer is fast,We are Faster. 

HAPPY HOMEOPATHY CLINIC Dr.Fatema Palgharwala A , 09762688352, https://www.happyhomeopathy.com/    33, ROOM NO.206,SECOND FLOOR,KAPADIA COMPLEX,KHOKHA BAZAR,SARANG STREET. MUMBAI 400003,MS. 
#homeopathy #homeopath 
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Tuesday, 3 October 2023

Bribe vs YAKEEN ,WHAT do you choose? By Dr.FATEMA PALGHARWALA Happy Homeopathy Clinic.


Since childhood when I actually started understanding this word it felt wrong. The conscience didn't approve of it. 

Even today although bribes are common as many hands on earth it feels bad.

Why I always ask myself. 

Have you asked your self why bribe is unethical? 

Although you and me give it every day!

It has become the way of business nothing works without sending a packet.

Small medium big anything pani puri wala on the street corner gives, small shops , showrooms everywhere each one gives. 

It’s bribe,inducement,incentive,payola,backhander,pay-off,kickback,sweetener,carrot,bung,dropsy,plugola,schmear,sling,douceur,drop…………..whatever you call it it’s present.

Why are we pondering about this today well my blogs are always about my personal experiences so that is what happened I came to know about a new way of bribing to get business. 

It's been a practice for certain groups of people to come together and form a symbiotic relationship between ,in which they pay to be a part of the group to themselves and others , the bond they have in between is that they will give business within themselves and get business for all as much as possible. 

And for this design of destiny they pay  200inr / day as 'Bribe'.

So I ask myself has all my study gone to the drain? 

Has all my prayers gone to the drain? 

Has all my Yakeen Gone to the drain?

Were the words heard that Rizq is DEFAULT by Almighty false? 

200/day Bribe is Everything it's the only way to earn money making business. 

Now you are pondering now you are scratching your head. 

Ask your self a breakfast with some deceiving beings will bring you business or a kind gesture of feeding one needy will fetch you more money?      

Oh cool down Doctor you are overreacting.....! 

That's what a few of you might say.

Well I say it’s about  Collective Subconscious. 

We've written a blog earlier about this Collective Subconscious and again I insist that you understand this.

Business is a plan it's a game to play ; cheating might get you a bit ahead sometimes or maybe always yet in the larger picture you have failed. 

Also some free divisions run many zoom shows where you may learn a few good things and get business updates etc.etc .

Yet these don’t actually teach you business it just adds skills to your methods. 

Remember the Camel story of IMAM ALI AS. 

Did HE bribe ?

Did HE go to any hotel for breakfast to promote HIS camel?

Did HE have ZOOM up Skilling? 

No .

Just simple Yakeen. 


This Grace this hope this peace of mind is Business it's just beautiful.

Let’s pray that we will all follow this, I meet so many wonderful people each day who follow this peaceful path of business. I went to mangaldas market the famous cloth market of Mumbai, here I met this uncle who only sells bottoms . Yes all sizes all colours and fixed price, he was very happy to sell his product very confident that his pricing is optimal and best value one will get in a salwar! So simply I buy the product peacefully.

So my learning is that let’s just keep businesses simple and easy going. Make sure your business is unique and fruitful,make sure your product is unique and optimally priced.

And when the customer takes your product it will be advantageous for Health ,Wealth or Relationship of the Customer.

This should be the core of your business and product strategy.

With the Discipline and Yakeen on Our interpretation of the teachings of  OUR AQA MAULA TUS always ,

Follow your heart and keep your ethics safe;

Say no to Bribes. 

Happy Homeopathy Clinic. Dr.Fatema Adnan (Palgharwala),09762688352,   https://www.happyhomeopathy.com . Cancer is fast,We are Faster. 

HAPPY GLOBE GEMS AND GEMSTONES. Dr.Fatema Adnan (Palgharwala),09762688352, https://www.happyhomeopathy.com IS A CERTIFIED GEMOLOGIST. ALL OUR PIECES ARE 100% NATURAL GEMSTONES.

Health Wealth and Relationships with 

Dr.Fatema Palgharwala. 




Tuesday, 8 August 2023

An Abundant Universe. Dr.Fatema Adnan.

"Everything comes to us that belongs to us if we create the capacity to receive it." - Rabindranath Tagore
 Rabindranath Tagore's timeless wisdom subtly weaves the concepts of destiny with our personal growth. At the heart of this quote lies a simple yet profound truth: life's blessings are abundant, yet it's our readiness that determines in case we will embrace them. 

An Abundant Universe Tagore suggests that life is filled with opportunities tailored for each of us. Whether it's love, success, or experiences, these treasures await our grasp. Yet they don't just fall into our hands; we need to be prepared to receive them.

 Building Capacity "Creating the capacity" is about personal growth. 

It’s more than just accumulating knowledge or skills.

 It's about evolving as individuals, expanding our perspectives, and becoming more receptive. 

For instance, to achieve success, one must hone relevant skills and persistently pursue goals. 

Likewise, to experience love, cultivating kindness and understanding becomes crucial. 

The Power of Self-Worth Embedded in Tagore’s words is a lesson on self-worth. Recognizing that we are deserving of happiness, love, and success is pivotal.

 Our sense of worthiness often determines how ready we are to accept life's gifts. Mindset Matters The capacity to receive is also about mindset. 

A positive and open mindset, free from limiting beliefs, allows us to recognize and seize opportunities. On the other hand, a closed mind, burdened with negativity, may miss out even when opportunities knock. 

The Interplay of Destiny and Effort Tagore's quote beautifully balances destiny and our efforts. While some things might be destined, our efforts determine our readiness.

 It's akin to a farmer preparing the soil and planting seeds, trusting the rains to do their part when the time is right. Tagore's insightful message nudges us towards active participation in our lives. It’s not enough to merely exist or await good fortune passively. 

Instead, we must prepare ourselves, nurturing our skills, mindset, and sense of worth, ensuring we are always ready to welcome what life has in store. In this dance of fate and effort, Tagore's wisdom reminds us: the universe rewards not just those who wait yet, more importantly, those who are prepared.

Dr.Fatema Adnan (Palgharwala),09762688352,   https://www.happyhomeopathy.com/  . Cancer is fast,We are Faster. 
HAPPY GLOBE GEMS AND GEMSTONES. Dr.Fatema Adnan (Palgharwala),09762688352, https://www.happyhomeopathy.com IS A CERTIFIED GEMOLOGIST. ALL OUR PIECES ARE 100% NATURAL GEMSTONES.

 #happyglobe #52typesofmasti #happyhomeopathy #happyglobe 

Friday, 26 May 2023

Teething in children and Usage of True Amber Gemstones by Dr.FATEMA PALGHARWALA Happy Globe Gems and Gemstones.

Parents whose babies AZ are teething are quite familiar with amber necklaces. However, people often end up buying fake ones because of how common they’ve become. Read on to find out how you can get to know if the necklace you’ve brought is the real deal!

Purchasing Authentic Amber Teething Necklaces

When an amber necklace comes in contact with the skin, the heat produced by the body releases a type of oil that contains succinic acid. When the skin absorbs this acid, it functions as a natural ibuprofen. It blocks the pain and reduces any inflammation.

For this reason, you wouldn’t want to purchase a teething necklace from a random place. The amber should come from the Baltic region since tests show that amber from the Baltic region has a higher amount of succinic acid than amber from other places.

Beware of Imposters

There are a few materials that are sold as authentic amber in the teething goods market when, in reality, they are far from the real thing. These common imposters include “copal”, which is basically adolescent amber that isn’t mature enough to be effective. However, it is commonly sold as amber.

Similarly, phenolic resins are used in the artificial amber beads while celluloid, glass, and casein (which happen to be plastic made from milk) are also sold as amber.

Also, beware of pressed amber, which are amber pieces fused together under very high pressure. In these instances, the succinic acid is also compressed, and the teething necklace is no longer effective.

Buying The Right Design

The necklace is going to be placed against your child’s skin beneath the clothes. For this reason, you need to make sure of the following:

The beads shouldn’t have jagged edges that can harm the skin

Every bead on the strand should be individually knotted

All the beads should be tied and threaded with numerous strands for unbreakable strength

All the materials used in the necklace should be completely natural

The clasp should be either a screw clasp or a pop-clasp.

Look at It Closely

Real Baltic amber has certain characteristics, which show that it is completely authentic. When buying an amber necklace, make sure that you see or feel the following:

The beads shouldn’t be round and each bead should vary in shape

The beads aren’t perfect, which means that you should be able to see tiny imperfections within the beads like air bubbles

The beads should be warm and not too smooth

The beads should feel light in weight

Testing Your Amber Necklace

Amber has some unique features so to find out if the amber necklace you have is real or not, you can try out the best authenticity tests for Baltic amber.

Remember, if you purchase a fake amber necklace, then it won’t be able to deliver the health benefits you wanted to get such a necklace for.

Salt Water Test

The Salt Water test is considered to be one of the most effective tests for identifying authentic amber from its imposters. For this test, you need around 7 tablespoons of salt along with one cup of water.

In the medium-sized cup, mix the water and salt until the salt is completely dissolved. Next, place the amber necklace in the water. If your amber is real, the necklace will easily float to the top of the cup while fake amber will sink.

This test isn’t recommended for jewellery that has metal in it; however, loose beads can be tested instantly.

Rubbing Test

Since Copal is often sold as amber, you can do the rubbing test to differentiate between the two. Real amber possesses electrostatic properties; therefore, it can attract dust or tiny pieces of paper when charged sufficiently. 

We at Happy Globe Gems and Gemstones have a special collection of Pure True Amber Gemstones each piece is authenticated by our in house experts and made available for clients.

Our website www.happyhomeopathy.com has all our details and information.

Dr.Fatema Palgharwala is a pioneer in Amberology and Gemology , working in collaboration with many medical practitioners and researchers worldwide, Amber Gemstones is exclusively available only with us in India.

We meet thousands of patients and clients every day who come to visit us for Medical and other services.

Our motto is Health Wealth and Relationships.

Our other blogs and articles read about all other aspects of Amber Gemstones.

. Some clients ask me Why do you suggest Kerba/ Amber GEMSTONE for my Just born baby instead of giving medicine or those yucky smelly drops etc.... . Well

Kerba / Amber gemstone is ITSELF A MEDICINE and a very very powerful medicine. And the best way to Administer this medicine is wearing it skin touching; simple! So why should I ask you to spend on yearly Baby PACKAGES with shiny baby clinics when I know that AMBER WILL SAVE YOUR CHILD FROM MANY AILMENTS AUTOMATICALLY.
A good doctor always administers least medication.
We at Happy Homeopathy Clinic will give you the best chance to achieve your Health Wealth and Relationships with least intervention.
HAPPY GLOBE GEMS AND GEMSTONES. Dr.Fatema Adnan (Palgharwala),09762688352, https://www.happyhomeopathy.com IS A CERTIFIED GEMOLOGIST. ALL OUR PIECES ARE 100% NATURAL GEMSTONES.

Tags: amber teething necklace, baltic amber, guest post, how to test amber authenticity, teething, teething remedies

Friday, 28 April 2023


Padparadscha is a colour variety of the gem corundum, featuring a delicate balance of pink and orange hues. 
Originating from Sri Lanka, the term padparadscha is an alteration of the Singhalese padmaraga, combining padma (lotus flower) and raga (colour). It is believed to
also refer to the colours of a tropical sunset. While Sri Lanka – or by its ancient names Ceylon or Serendip – is the original provenance of these stones, padparadscha sapphires are also found in other places including Madagascar, Tanzania and Vietnam.
There are many regional definitions and interpretations of what exact combination of hue, tone and saturation a corundum has to display to qualify for the padparadscha denomination. In some regions, pale pink is considered as the ideal padparadscha colour, while in others more saturated orange hues are preferred.

HAPPY GLOBE GEMS AND GEMSTONES. Dr.Fatema Adnan (Palgharwala),09762688352, https://www.happyhomeopathy.com IS A CERTIFIED GEMOLOGIST. ALL OUR PIECES ARE 100% NATURAL GEMSTONES. 

Tuesday, 4 April 2023



While many people prefer to just put their mangoes in refrigerator after buying them from the market, many others soak them in a deep container first before storing and relishing them. Is there any point in soaking the fruit for a couple of hours or is it just a myth?
Well let's find out.
Mangoes are not only delicious yet are also rich with nutrients. They provide range of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that boost the immune system and promote good health. It’s important to eat a fruit in the right manner.
Soaking of mangoes before we use would help to get the right nutrition.

Mangoes consist of phytic acid and soaking of mangoes would help to reduce the phytic acid which acts as an anti-nutrient and reduces the absorption of nutrients in our body.
Soaking of mangoes helps to increase the activity of enzyme that helps to breakdown phytic acid. So as you see that as the modern medicine terms that HOMEOPATHY is Psuedo because they can't see the process of Vital Force, mangoes help us understand Vital force exists. And just by soaking the fruit increases its vitality! Imagine the force of nature vs LAB created nonsense.
Read ahead

Soaking mangoes before consume is an age-old tradition that people  our elders basically, follow and there is a good reason behind it.  Basically, when we soak mangoes then the process helps in removing the anti-nutrients.
Anti-nutrients hinder the absorption of few nutrients like iron, calcium etc. Soaking mangoes for 3-4 hours is good enough to remove pesticides also. You can soak them in normal tap water.


1. It gets rid of phytic acid

Mangoes contain a natural molecule known as phytic acid which is seen in several fruits, vegetables and even nuts. So, when mangoes are soaked in water for a few hours, it helps in removing the excess phytic acid that generates heat in the body. This heat is the Vital Force in excess which is natural and by soaking we balance it.

2. Fat buster

Mangoes have a lot of phytochemicals. Therefore, soaking them reduces their concentration, making them act as ‘natural fat busters’. Wow isn't it great.

3. Prevents diseases

Soaking mango in water removes all pesticides and chemicals. In addition, dirt, dust and soil on mangoes are completely removed. With the help of this you will protect yourself from many diseases.
Eating mango boosts the body's immunity, improves digestion and intestinal health. Apart from this, mango is also beneficial for eyes, hair and skin. To get all the benefits of mango, it is necessary to soak it in water for some time before eating.

4. Prevents flatulence

Soaking helps to reduce the degree of flatulence caused due to undigested oligosaccharides. It helps to thoroughly wash the mangoes and get rids of any pesticides and insecticides used on crops.

Soaking helps to reduce the thermogenic effect of mango and thus reduce the heat produced while eating.
At HAPPY HOMEOPATHY CLINIC we always encourage our clients to eat home made home cooked food and often give tips to cook effectively.
Next time you eat a mango bowl on the STREETS remember those mangoes are not soaked and the seller doesn't care about your health, think about it. Instead buy good fruit from the market soak them well and make something special for yourself in your kitchen.

Be Kind.
Kindness is towards your Health Wealth and Relationships.
With the Power of DUA OF OUR AQA MAULA TUS,  we are saved from many diseases HIS SHIFA is  always protecting us. It is our responsibility to be Kind towards this nemat.

Health Wealth and Relationships.
Dr.Fatema Adnan (Palgharwala),09762688352,   https://www.happyhomeopathy.com/  . Cancer is fast,We are Faster.

HAPPY GLOBE GEMS AND GEMSTONES. Dr.Fatema Adnan (Palgharwala),09762688352,  https://www.happyhomeopathy.com   IS A CERTIFIED GEMOLOGIST. ALL OUR PIECES ARE 100% NATURAL GEMSTONES.

Monday, 30 January 2023

Top Crystals for Wealth & Prosperity by Dr.Fatema Palgharwala.

 Happy Globe Gems and Gemstones, your gemologist Dr.Fatema Palgharwala, kindly known for her pioneering efforts to enhance,encourage and ensure the development of your Health Wealth and Relationships.


Nothing on this earth was created without purpose. It is all for the benefits of the mankind. With the Barakat of Our AQA MAULA TUS, we study these GEMS and GEMSTONES and understand their potential to help you. 

William Feather once said ‘wealth flows from energy and ideas’ and you know what this is so true . Let’s see how ?

Gems and Gemstones have many different purposes and will meet you wherever you are in life,it’s not dependent on anything,they are living beings waiting to enhance you. No ask is too big or small for these powerful stones and you should never feel ashamed for wanting to use crystals for wealth and prosperity. It’s completely halal and ethical in case you have that barrier. These wonderful beings will alter your vibrational energy and turn you into a money magnet. 

Happy Globe Gems and Gemstones.

Why should I use a Ruby ,Sapphire or Emerald or Amber etc. for Wealth? 
When it’s time for money ,people have all types of excuses and scepticism about crystals I would say how silly is that? 
Anyways let’s just shed that gate today.
Just like gemstones improve your spirituality,confidence,concentration ,creativity ,relationships there are gems for money.

So here’s a misleading comparison- Gemstone will create wealth for me. 
Gems will not magically make money for you,yet it will open up your mind to new opportunities and new ways that will make you earn money.
So , let’s ask a few questions to ourselves before we go ahead with using gems to attract wealth.

Do I need luck to get wealthy?

Do I need focus to make better financial choices?

Do I need more opportunities to invest and make money?

Do I need better health and relationships conditions such that I’m more productive and be more wealthy?

Answering the above questions will help you select the most suitable crystal to meet you where you currently stand.

So now we come to the conclusion:

The steps are easy 
1) Happy Globe Gems and Gemstones Is located at Mumbai . And available online.
2) Choose a well suited time and take your appointment.
3) Upon meeting with Dr.Fatema Palgharwala, on spot analysis of your wealth enhancing strategies will be done and discussed with you.
4) You go ahead with buying your gemstones from us and count your blessings.

Friday, 27 January 2023




With the immense barakat of Our Aqa Maula TUS, I've been solving Cancer cases since 20 years now.
Let me tell you my latest experience, had a case recently and was told a Classic No by the so called big centers .
I undertook this case and with our HOMEOPATHIC APPROACH the man is alive against the so called prediction by the....
That's routine for me. What was the unique feature of this case.
This case has been chewing tobacco since 15years of age .
And at 60 he's been detected by Cancer. The moment he received this diagnosis he gave up tobacco.
I asked him why Sir? Why did you give up tobacco after 5 decades of chewing he very confidently said  'Doctor tobacco causes cancer ! And I thought giving up tobacco will help me fight the disease. '
Oh great I said , since when did you know that tobacco will cause cancer? He said I always knew it yet I thought not me because it gave me a kick.
So I am sure all those who are chewing, smoking,drinking,gambling etc. know that it will cause cancer.

Now let's go to our childhood when all this starts.
Why ? Because there are many instances where these habits are not present yet Cancer is detected so why then.
Simple - Ask your self what have you been putting into your mouth? What have you been doing when you fell sick? Exercise? Chicken burgers? Packet food? An easy injection to get fine quickly?
I am sure you will get your answer.

Its not today that I have been creating this awareness its been from day 1 .
Yet .
At HAPPY HOMEOPATHY CLINIC our primary concern is EARLY CANCER DETECTION which is not done anywhere because it kills revenues for them.
We do Cancer Detection every day. Whenever a new case comes first protocol is SCREENING the family members and Relationships.
Happy Homeopathy clinic focuses on your Health Wealth and Relationships.
And we fight Cancer Faster; thus our motto is
Cancer is fast,We are Faster.

Dr.Fatema Adnan (Palgharwala),09762688352,   https://www.happyhomeopathy.com/  . Cancer is fast,We are Faster.
We are pioneers in homoeopathy treatment for Cancer, Diabetes, Skin diseases, Child Development Disorders, Autism, Birth defects, Mental disorders, Female Menstrual diseases and Infertility.
Our website is www.happyhomeopathy.com

Dr.Fatema Palgharwala is a Pioneer in Graphology and
Along with her medical knowledge.

Or website www.happyhomeopathy.com 

Tuesday, 17 January 2023


5 reasons to invest in gemstones over diamonds Or Crytocurrency.

With the DUA AND RAZA MUBARAK OF OUR AQA MAULA TUS, we are equipped with the best experiences in every aspect of life and we always invest in halal.

So let's learn about this new investment strategy. 

The act of buying precious stones is similar to the act of investing in art pieces.
Investing in precious diamonds and stones is always a good idea. And while we all concede with the fact that investment in gold will never fail, choosing between diamond and gemstones will be a tough call. Both look very sparkling, not just literally yet in terms of their returns. Yet investing in a precious gemstone is somewhat similar to the act of investing in art pieces !

However, experts suggests to choose gemstones over diamonds to invest.
HAPPY GLOBE GEMS AND GEMSTONES. Dr.Fatema Adnan (Palgharwala),09762688352, https://www.happyhomeopathy.com IS A CERTIFIED GEMOLOGIST. ALL OUR PIECES ARE 100% NATURAL GEMSTONES.

Gives five interesting reasons and cautions to invest in gemstones over diamonds.


Authenticity is one of the major concerns while investing in gemstones. Fraudsters are experts in creating an artificial gemstone that might look exactly like the authentic one, hence, an expert opinion is highly recommended. Always make sure that a certificate from a trusted gemological institute is presented before purchase. Also, follow your intuitions, and in anything seems suspicious, refrain from it.At Happy Globe we have met clients over the years and 99% times they were fooled into believing that they were buying a true gemstone. So do not buy from any one ,yet from a reputable source.

2]Colour recognition.
While investing in gemstones, colour obviously plays one of the most crucial roles. Hence, it is important to make sure that the colour of the gems is pure and no mixture of shades is found. For example, in the case of blue gemstones, one should know that the colour varies from bluish to green. It is advisable to note some basic facts before investing, such as the color of a gemstone is based on its hue, saturation, as well as tone. One should always check the tone and saturation first, which must be higher; so that, the colour comes up better and purer.

3]Value and growth.
It’s crucial to understand why color gemstones retain as well as even grow in value. The top reasons are because they are beautiful, unique, and are desired by everyone. Proper research should be done before deciding to invest in a color gemstones, such as what’s the recent valuation, how unique it is, and what are all the factors that might impact its future valuation. Read ahead for understanding the chronological value.

4]Shop around and compare.
   It is always advisable to shop around for a gemstone rather than stopping at your first choice. You never know in case you will find something even better on your next stop! Also, pricing is subjective, so shopping around will be really beneficial. Happy Globe has been the first and last choice for authentic true gems because of our unique customer satisfaction.

5]Don’t look for perfection.
    Everyone craves perfection, especially while investing their money in something. Yes, perfect gemstones make the best investments, yet that doesn’t always mean one should not consider gemstones that aren’t perfect. It might be true that they won’t net the highest price when one decides to cash in on their investment, yet high-quality
even if they are imperfect — will appreciate in value and attract interested buyers. One should keep track of the market trend and also find out which inclusions are acceptable and which aren’t.

Our analysis shows that 
The following chronological order is the best way to invest in gemstones.
Based on your budget and investment capabilities you should choose these gemstones for a bright future.

Dr.Fatema Adnan (Palgharwala),09762688352,   https://www.happyhomeopathy.com/  . Cancer is fast,We are Faster. 

HAPPY GLOBE GEMS AND GEMSTONES. Dr.Fatema Adnan (Palgharwala),09762688352, https://www.happyhomeopathy.com IS A CERTIFIED GEMOLOGIST. ALL OUR PIECES ARE 100% NATURAL GEMSTONES.

All January we are meeting with clients and analysis of your GEMSTONES is free.

Buy from us be true for life. GEMSTONES have an impact on your Health Wealth and Relationships. Thus we insist only buy true GEMS and GEMSTONES. 
Thank you. 
Be Kind. 

On Maula's Shaan, as seen in Srilanka, my attempt to put my thoughts in words :-


*On a throne amidst the cloud, like sun you sit;*
*To gift us knowledge, with your divine wit.*

Maula aap  vadlao na beech, Suraj ni misal imami takht par  jalwanuma thaav chho.

Aa vadlao hum ghulam momineen- mominaat chhe,  jheney aap na labb si imam Hussain ni shahadat ni  ruhani zikr sunvu naseeb thaaye chhe.

*The light from your finger, glows our soul;*
*To knit Hussain on our hearts, is its goal.*

Aapna hatho na ishara si imam hussain na huzun nu Noor, hamara dillo par imam Hussain nu naam buney chhe..kem ke aej aapni tadbeer chhe.

*Each drop that falls from your divine eyes;*
*It floods our eyes with a rising tide;*

Aaqa aapno aek aansu, hamari aankhon ma aansuo no sailaab laavey  chhe, ki jhema huzun ni mauj aavti rahey chhe.

*This tide of tears, washes our sin;*
*Our soul elevates towards its win.*

Tarey aapna ansu, hamara ghunao Ney maaf karavi desey.
Hamari jaano Ney najaati taraf chadavi desey.

*Our denials, had fallen us on this mortal earth ;*
*O Maula you take us beyond, at that initial worth.*

Haa kehvu hatu, magar Hamey na kahyu, tou aa murdal Duniya ma ghira;
Maula hamarey beyond, Woh aalamey ibdaa taraf aap pohchavi dejo. Kem ke aapej pohchavi sako chho.Aapej hamara safinatun najaat chho.

*And when we die , give soul your shade;*
*And keep them with you, for never to fade.*

Jivarey maut aavey to hamari Jaano Ney aapno saayo ataa karjo.
Aney hamesha matey aapna Saathey raakhjo, taakey aa Duniya na pherao hamari Jaan badal hamesha matey miti jaaye.

*Each grain of your FMB, is the cure of all ill;*
*Its taste divine, I need no pill.*

Maula  aapna mawaid FMB nu jaman, hamari harr tareh ni bimari Ney duur Karey chhe.
Ghanu lazeez ruhani jaman jamiye chhe, tou dawa goli ni koi zarurat padti nathi. Hamey tandurast rahiye chhe.

*Your Jamea gives birth to leaders of right;*
*When the world sees them, they long for your sight.*

Maula aap na Jamea si ilm haasil karnar harr aek farzand ma , leadership ni quality chhe.
Jamea na talebat Ney Duniya na logo dekhey chhe, to Duniya na logo Ney aapna deedar no shauq thaaye chhe.

*You bestow blessings & purify our wealth;*
*Your words of benediction, gives life to our health.*

Maula aap ni aa dua - rozi ma barakaat thaaye - ni atiyat hamara maal ney paak Karey chhe aney hamara zehen Ney, hamari Jaan Ney , hamara jisam Ney sehat bakshey chhe. 

*We have come from wide and far, towards you;*
*We have brought hopes and queries, for your view.*

Maula hamey duur daraaz si aapna darr par Aaya chhe.
Hamey ghani umeedo aney arziyo lai Ney Aaya chhe,
Maula aap nazar farmavi Ney hamney sahi rasto dikhavyeh.

*And we know when we fare goodbye from your abode;*
*We would carry treasures of your blessings in load.*

Maula hamney yakeen chhe ki jivarey aapna darr si hamey pachha valsu; tou aapni Duao si
Malamaal thaye Ney pachha valsu... 

*My thoughts that raise words to recite your praise;*
*Are belittles, that cannot reach your greatness to phrase.*

Maula Mari Soch lafz Ney uthavey chhe taqi aapni madeh Kari saku.
Magar mara lafz aeni mana na hisaab si Ghana chhota chhe, ke jhey aapni madeh talak Nahi pohchi Sakta.

*May, my 70 generations get to kiss your feet;*
*And reach eternals, in your shade, towards divine meet*

Maula aap hamesha hamari aavnaar 70 pedhiyo na haqq ma dua Karo chho.
Tou hamey aem dua Kariye chhe ki hamari aavnaar 70 pedhi aap ni kadambosi Karey aney aap na kudoom ni  barakat si hamesha na Ghar taraf, haikal noorani ma pohchi jaaye.
Rabb aapni umr Ney taqayamat daraaz- daraaz Karey...aem hamari hamesha ni dua chhe.

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