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Showing posts with label #HappyHomoeopathy. Show all posts

Monday, 11 November 2024

“Ek amul,....with KINDNESS! - by Dr.Fatema Palgharwala.@ #HappyHomoeopathy Clinic

“Ek amul, tikha kam, kanda nai, kakdi zyada “
“1 amul sandwich , less spicy, no onion, add more cucumber.”
This is an overdue article, I was waiting for a proper example for this thought to be put through you dear patron.
When we think about Mohamadali road At Mumbai, MS, the first thought which comes in our heads is STREET FOOD AND SHOPPING!
Well here is located a small standing stall of GOLDENPOINT SANDWICH, Just by the general Post office.
I must be eating the famous AMUL SANDWICH here for like last 15years average 2 sandwiches per week.
What’s so unique about this we all get vegetables stacked with bread everywhere, why are you reading about this particular sandwich?
When I was a kid and we would go for a sandwich at this place there was always an Old Fat Uncle standing and when we would say “ek sandwich”!!! he would look at me with wide eyes and then wait for me to repeat my order and I would wonder what to say, I used to feel intimidated also sometimes with his demeanour and always would wonder why he does that?
Then eventually I learnt what I wanted so I started saying, “ek amul, tikha kam, kanda nai, kakdi zyada “……. This would make this Uncle Smile and very happily he would neatly cut my sandwich and present it to me appetizingly!
Over the years I learnt with this OLD Uncle that although sandwich is just bread n raw vegetables YET every sandwich will taste unique with him. Yes this is the quality that only this uncle standing at GOLDEN POINT SANDWICH can offer, he has the capacity of making that 1 sandwich special and unique for you.
It took him years to inculcate that habit in me every time I said 1-sandwich he will stare at me as if I committed a crime!!!! lol!!! and then every time I felt I wanted this and I dint want that in my sandwich and then the ek sandwich became ------“ek amul , tikha kam,kanda nai, kakdi zyada “

So this is kindness of this Fat man that I learnt to get what I wanted.
He taught me kindness. He taught me perfection. He gave me the thought that everything has the capacity to be unique.
Since 2years I started writing about Amber which is such a unique offer from the universe to us all,
We are reading learning knowing so many things about this wonder gemstone.
Here are some experiences I will share with you,
Many people come and talk about the prices of amber to me and show and give me big stories about the prices of amber, and here’s what I say to them;
The difference between the amber you are talking about and the amber I am giving is simple and straight FALSE x TRUE.
False ----- nO comments …..;;;;
I know today I am like this Old Man at Goldenpoint sandwich 15years back , who incessantly made and habituated every customer describe his/her  sandwich ……,
And today every person who eats a sandwich here has a unique taste on his tongue.
Always remember this world is filled with kinds and kinds and kinds of humans  
Yes kindness!
احسن الى من اساء اليك
Do good unto those who do bad / evil to you.
Be Kind, irrespective of your situation
 Your status
Your place

 At Happy Homoeopathy I follow this rule, whatever the situation, being kind.
Achievement is a rule. And Kindness is the key to this achievement.
There are many amongst us who are unique who incessantly point out and only follow ethics.
Our Most unique example for this is MY AQA MAULA, RA, ‘SMB!’ and Our AQA MAULA, TUS.
Every second rather every micro second of HIS LIFE IS KINDNESS KINDNESS KINDNESS!!!
Why are we having problems amongst us?
Why do we feel Dr.Fatema will cheat us?
Why do we compete street stuff vs certified goods?
Why do we ask does Homoeopathy work????
Its just because we lack in kindness.
I know kindness is tough to practise it took me 7years of medical practice to learn it I’ve faced failures had my wins, learnt and learnt from every patient, learning every day.

Came across this one patient who came to me after visiting 3 separate mental health physicians for 3years; after meeting me she had one sentence for me “ Dr , you are the first one I came across during this ordeal who has been Kind to me and explained to me what I am suffering from.”
It just took me 10extra minutes to explain her situation to her, and that was kindness to her , because nobody ever did that to her it made things so simple and ethical for her because now she knew what medication she needed and such cases than heal quick. It just took kindness, for healing.
So as I understand being kind is now routine here at HAPPY HOMOEOPATHY, its nothing like a task, now every patient here is treated uniquely with their own tasty sandwiches.
Visit for your sandwich soon!
Dr.Fatema Palgharwala.
Your Happy Homoeopath.
NLP Consultant and Trainer.
Happy Handwriting Analysis expert and Teacher.
Amber/Kerba Consultant.
Be Kind call me @09762688352
Tweet me with Kindness @ffspp
Look at me with Kindness on Skype – drfatema1
For more about Kindness – www.happyglobe.blogspot.in

Friday, 16 July 2021

ANCIENT HISTORY 3 - Dr.Fatema Palgharwala Adnan

Mythology – Many diverse cultures carry primeval creation myths concerning the origins of amber. Ancient Grecian tales recount the story of the Heliades, who shed tears into the river Eridanus as they grieved the death of their brother Phaethon. The stories say that Phaethon was thrown into the river by Zeus as punishment for taking his golden chariot on a joyride across the sky and that the tears of the heart-sick sisters eventually hardened into drops of dazzling amber.

Ancient Chinese myths say that this warm and magical golden substance is the petrified soul of tigers. Primarily a symbol of good fortune and protection, the tiger is also associated with solar energy, summer and fire and is linked to the powers of attraction, protection and illumination.

Legends from the Polish Kushubian tribe, , say that amber is the result of great lightning strikes upon the earth. Lithuanian tales recount the unhappy love between Jurate, Goddess of the Baltics, and a fisherman named Kastytis.

In a fit of anger, Jurate’s father threw down a great bolt of lightning that shattered the amber palace on the bottom of the sea and drowned Kastytis along with his fishing boat. Since that day, waves have been endlessly washing fragments from the amber palace ashore and littering the Baltic Sea coastline with small pieces of amber which are the tears that the still grieving Jūratė continues to shed.

Ancients – The Greek poet Homer, writing as early as the 10th century B.C., made several references to amber in the Iliad and the Odyssey. Herodotus wrote about Baltic amber’s electrical properties in the 5th century B. C., they were well known even then, though that particular word would not be coined for centuries. Theophrastus, writing in the 4th century B.C., discusses Baltic amber in his work entitled On Stones. Theophrastus classified rocks based on their behavior when heated, and grouped minerals by common properties, such as amber and magnetite, both of which have strong powers of attraction.

Pliny the Elder tells us in his Naturalis Historia, published circa AD 77-79, that Baltic amber was called “northern gold” by both the ancient Greeks and the Romans and that by the time of the Emperor Nero (54-68 AD) a small amber statuette was worth more than a robust and healthy slave. According to the elder Pliny, a necklace of amber beads was well known to offer protection from several poisons as well as from “sorcery and witchcraft.”

Pliny the Younger recorded that Roman women wore amber pendants as adornments and also to ease “swollen glands, sore throat and palate.” Indeed, the ancient women of the original Italic tribes were especially fond of wearing Baltic amber for both its magical as well as its health enhancing properties. Due to the increasing demand for this magical healing substance, trade routes from the Italian peninsula to the Baltic Sea opened up and some were eventually paved by the Roman army.

Though no one knows the exact routes taken during the time of the Imperium Romanum, we do know that considerable amounts of raw Baltic amber were brought south from the Baltics to the Danube, through Eastern Europe and across the Julian Alps down to the Adriatic Sea and the lands of the Veneti people on the east coast of the Italic peninsula. The Veneti tribe, whose territory neighbored Pannonia, helped to popularize amber among the people of the Italian Peninsula. In antiquity, Aquileia was the largest town in this part of Italy, an important transportation crossroads and practically overflowing with Baltic amber craft workshops.

Towards the end of the 1st century CE, the artisans in Aquileia had mastered amber sculpting techniques. The smallest nuggets were made into assorted beaded necklaces and a great variety of other items were produced here as well, including rings, pins and pendants and coffers to hold them, knife, comb and mirror handles and boxes for cosmetics. Dionysian motifs and scenes were popular as were miniature leaves, shells, fish, and loaves of bread, pomegranates, figs, dates and grapes.

Among the most intriguing archaeological finds in this area of Italy are spinning staffs made of bronze rods with strings of amber beads wound around them. Spinning was the sacred work of women and natural amber was a spinner’s ally because its electrostatic properties attracted the raw fibers of wool, flax and hemp and so helped to lighten the work.

HEALTH BENEFITS AMBER 6 - Dr.Fatema Palgharwala Adnan.

Health Benefits: Baltic amber is considered the very finest and most therapeutic amber in the world. It is renowned for its pain easing, rejuvenating and vitality boosting effects as well as its ability to help protect against illness. It is an exceedingly well researched adaptogen, most notably among Russian, Polish and German scientists, and has long been referred to as an Elixir of Youth. When worn on the body Baltic amber warms against the skin, releasing its therapeutic properties safely and naturally. Baltic amber is used to clear the chakras, to fill the body with vitality, alleviate stress, and is believed to help draw disease out of the body and encourage healing. Baltic amber is a natural analgesic agent and possesses anti-inflammatory properties, so is often used to ease joint pain. It also acts as a natural antibiotic and as we’ve seen, has an ages-old history of use in preventing and treating disease and healing wounds. The Greek word for amber was ηλεκτρον (electron) and the warm, golden gems were connected to the Sun God, one of whose titles was Elector or the Awakener. The English words electricityand electron both derive from the Latin electricus, which means “like amber in its attractive properties.” These names stem from research conducted in the late 1500’s by William Gilbert, regarded as the father of electricity and magnetism, who demonstrated that amber could indeed attract other substances. Living tissues possess direct current surface electro-potentials that regulate, at least in part, the healing process. Following tissue damage, a current of injury is generated that is thought to trigger biological repair. In addition, exogenous electrical stimuli have been shown to enhance the healing of wounds in both human subjects and animal models. Baltic amber’s considerable electrostatic properties are an essential part of its health boosting abilities. This substance has long been respected as a natural ionizer; it possesses the ability to produce negative ions, known to help to ease pain, boost over-all immunity and stimulate the healing process. Additionally, Baltic Amber is proven to act as a shield, providing protection from harmful radiation emitted from computers, cell phones and wireless devices, microwave ovens and electrical appliances. Today 285 million Americans have mobile phones and 83 percent of 18- to 29-year-olds are “wired” all the time and sleep with their cell phones next to their heads. Mounting scientific evidence suggests that nonthermal radio frequency radiation (RF)—the invisible energy waves that connect cell phones to cell towers and power numerous other everyday items—can damage our immune systems and alter our cellular makeup, even at intensities considered safe by the FCC, according to Cindy Sage, an environmental consultant in Santa Barbara, California, who has studied radiation for 28 years. Negative Ions and our Health – Extensive research has shown that our good health is in large part dependent on the amount and quality of the negative ions in the air around us and in our bodies. The human body consists of billions of cells, each enclosed by a membrane. This cell membrane performs many important roles, such as the absorption of nutrients and elimination of waste. The function of the entire cell and its membrane is enhanced when there are enough negative ions within and outside the cell. This electrical material exchange revitalizes cell metabolism so that optimum nourishment is absorbed and waste material is eliminated efficiently. The reverse also holds true – in the presence of excessive positive ions healthy functioning of the cell is inhibited. As a result diseases such as inflammation, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, allergies, anemia, neurological dysfunctions, kidney problems, cancer and many others can occur. According to results of research on negative ions conducted at the Nanzandoh Medical Clinic in Japan, negative ions help speed recovery from illness, slow the aging processes and offer protection from the harmful effects of environmental stressors such as electromagnetic fields and radiation. Additionally, it was reported that negative ions support the health of the autonomic nervous system, promote deep sleep, healthy digestion, effect the production of insulin, neutralize free radicals and enhance adrenal function. And, while this magical, electrical, negative ion producing property of Baltic amber’s is nothing short of amazing, it’s not by any means the only thing responsible for its potent healing effects. There’s more! Succinic acid – Baltic amber has high concentrations of a unique substance known as succinic acid, and with from 3% to 8% succinic acid by weight, is one of the most important natural sources of succinic acid in the world. Succinic acid from Baltic amber was analyzed by Robert Koch (1886), the pioneer of modern bacteriology who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1905. Koch confirmed the positive health influences of this substance and discovered that there is no risk of the accumulation of surplus amounts of succinic acid in the human organism. Succinic acid is commercially produced, widely used and approved for use by the United States Food and Drug Administration. It was originally employed by European scientists and military doctors to bolster the body’s immunity to radiation from industrial accidents. It is touted in Russia and other European countries for its youth preserving and cell rejuvenating properties and is commonly used in anti-aging formulations and to aid recovery of cancer patients after undergoing conventional medical treatment. It has been shown to strengthen immunity to ionizing radiation, infections, alcohol and other toxins. Succinic acid is a powerful antioxidant shown to stimulate neural system recovery, eliminate free radicals and modulate the immune system. It is also used to discourage disruptions of the cardiac rhythm and to ease stress. Succinic acid helps restore strength and energy to the entire body, enhances brain function and so helps to improve awareness, concentration and reflexes. Wearing Baltic Amber – The highest content of succinic acid is found in the amber cortex – the external layer of the stone. It has long been believed that by wearing raw or polished natural Baltic amber against the skin, a “homeopathic dose” of succinic acid is absorbed into the body, enough to exert its analgesic, anti-inflammatory, immune enhancing and vitality boosting influence. Due to their natural analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, Baltic amber beads have long been valued as teething necklaces. Worn by babies and small children for countless centuries throughout Europe, the amber beads seem to ease babies teething discomforts and are believed to help calm a fussy baby. The beads are simply worn around the neck and not necessarily chewed. Raw Baltic amber comes in many shades of yellow and yellow browns, and also white, pale lemon yellow and almost black. Uncommonly one finds red or “cherry amber”, green or blue, but these are rare and highly sought after. Baltic amber is translucent and can be especially beautiful when polished. One of the things about Baltic amber that I find the most magical and fascinating is that not only does it carry the energy and memory of all those millions of years on earth, but it also often contains bubbles of air that was actually on the earth all those millions of years ago, as well as inclusions of small particles of living matter, such as leaves or bugs that bear witnesses to life on earth 40 to 200 million years ago. These physical traits energetically transmit to me the power of longevity, endurance, and the ability to survive, with strength and grace, any changes that come our way. Now that is what I call adaptogenic! 

Monday, 1 June 2020


Yes the article is about corona virus ........ deep!
Sorry jokes apart.
Well this is important because you are important.
So let’s start with some praises about this virus,
We got a nice holiday. Rested well,spent time with family etc. 
took charge of the whole house without Bai.
And you all got the opportunity to feel the feeling of being a doctor,wearing mask,gloves ,sanitizing the hands round the clock.
Wow what a blessing, as I always say everything happens for the best.

So have you also taken the ‘immunity booster’ ?
Yes No Maybe?
No matter what your answer is read ahead carefully.
And most importantly follow it.
1)So you took the free booster without your doctors advice. 
2)It was donated to you so you took.
3) All were taking I also took.

You know why you did any of the above because it was free and you think HOMOEOPATHY IS SAFE,HAS NO SIDE EFFECTS , kya farak padega le’lo waise bhi free hai.

Do you realise by doing this you only jeopardised your own life your family’s life .........
How ? 
Yes you should ask questions to me ? 
{any point of time during this article in case you have a doubt call me 9762688352}
I am not afraid and don’t hide .
So coming back to 
Well in simple words homoeopathy is a subjective medicine and even in epidemics , a general dosage is given in emergencies, later it has to be repeated under proper medical attention.
So now second question 
Did you repeat your ‘immunity booster ‘ ? 
All three categories will answer NO.

Unheard voice in your mind must be telling free Nai mila! 

bang now I feel like §{]\£…{][$}£]$[3{_]£4[{£]€\

Do good unto those who do evil to you.
So even though you belittled my Science I give you a wise choice 
Your choice is to follow us at Happy Homoeopathy Clinic ,
For proper dosage repetitions.
For complete prevention towards the Pandemic2020.

Now let’s move ahead to our observations and analysis .
Masks .......
Yes Masks !
The way you guys are wearing it, I understood why contraceptions fails.

Like seriously ,
Masks have risen to fashion statement already.
Every alternate post has a mask advert on Instagram order now premium quality...... and comments are .... where is my Order ... I’ve already paid.
Foolish .
Not them, you are foolish, you ordered something from out of state out of city out of your own area. Postal seva working hai par time kitna lagega woh nahi keh saktey.

When will you understand this is the time to buy locally from shop around you not online. Or best is stitch your own.
And hello mask Has to be 100% Organic cotton at least 2layer, with strings for tying it securely,washable,and keep 2pairs for your personal usage.
And not just designer and style statement.
If you are coming in contact of high risk people then you should use the WHO STATED MASK , yet remember a mask is like helmet or seat belt or contraception comes with the statutory warnings. So our safety is in our hands only.

When you drive do you wear seatbelt ,helmet every time you drive or you wore it just once when you first got the vehicle,hoping it will save you every time you drive?
Funny question right .
Yes .
Immunity booster and mask are also same , your seatbelt and helmet against COVID19 . You will need them every time you drive.

Burning CAMPHOR in your home and surroundings is the best way to sanitize. 

Amber/KERBA/KEROBA is the most important and effective adaptogens Gemstones for the Pandemic  .

As I said meet or call us at Happy Homoeopathy!

Now taking some attention towards what we achieved by typing on online portals while world has gone for a topsy turvy.

Can you make a call to high post holding people?
*Call means a direct call like from your mobile to his mobile *
*No right!!! *
*Whether it was Jawahalal Nehru's time or Today , there's no such possibility.........hmm *
*So *
*Now what human rights, connectivity, hamara neta , man ki bat, ........ *
We can comment and dm To @official or @real.....
Right .
*How close . I tweeted my comments to him directly, has he read ... *
There are like lakhs of comments in minutes you think they are really read? Who are you fooling... The blue bird is just fooling you and helping them fulfill your desire of being able to speak . It's as good as speaking to the walls .

So  analysis and experience how much I have gained during this free time inside my house with no honking outside no traffic no hustle no rush!
The calmness inside .
And I’m a FOLLOWER of HIS HOLINESS.  Thus for me from day one of the lockup was taken care of by HIM.
Sometimes the best ritual is to just pray.
Just pray.
And we followers achieved that with HIM .
So with all my prayers for you,
With kindness and hugs ,
Dr.Fatema Palgharwala Adnan.

Thursday, 19 September 2019

Don't Buy FAKE AND Bipolar Disorder.

Hello dear readers, I’ve missed you equally, blogging was often three years ago, I never felt disconnected. And then came the beautiful change which I waited for many years 
It has been blissful and full of masti and today I decided start writing and begin where we left.

It’s been a while and manifold changes may have brought some changes in my blogging style 
Do give me your feedback.
Our today’s title is

Don’t buy FAKE Gems and Gemstones.
Bipolar Disorder.

I HAVE insisted and kept posting majorly about mindfulness and understanding of the subject.
Let’s recognize how a fake is made,
Since I am a doctor my explanation couldn’t have gone far!

In surgery i.e. operating on human being, many times a diseased organ is removed. later these removed parts are disposed and sometimes kept as models for study purposes.

Any which ways these organs are lifeless and of no further use to the soulful body.

Correspondingly when a live raw gemstone is obtained from the bosom of the earth it is given a silhouette, example square, oval round oblong; and the powder thus left back, is used to cover the fake plastic underneath and sold out as real Gemstone.
How will this waste powder have any Benefits?

how can you expect it will work for your wellness and this puts most of the scientific men against such cures and they term it as magical, yet we all know magic is nothing but something which we perceive and experience? Yet not see through naked eye.

“If you don't believe in any kind of magic, or mystery, basically, (you're) as good as dead”

Amber acid is an adaptogen which is present in PURE AMBER.
AND only when you wear the pure Gemstone you will experience the benefits of amber acid.
Even during my pregnancy and post pregnancy I used to get desperate visitors who wanted to know why is their gem not benefiting them.

How can you count 70 benefits when you wear a true Ruby? 
Do you get some WhatsApp messages confirming them?

Well I know you have that grin on your face, yet we believe it why because we Heard OUR MAULA, TUS SAY IT.
So please don’t buy counterfeit from fake sellers.

My effort and action is to help you wear the most authentic pure gem and gemstone.
What started as my Cancer study with Amber and its Homoeopathic benefits , reached me to understanding this science so deeply, all pure gems and gemstone are living being, and have tons of benefits yet HAVE TO BE USED CORRECTLY.

So let’s enjoy this physical being that we are and rise up ethically towards what’s more wonderful.

Siting a recent example of my case,
 I was meeting a young man of 20 with a diagnosis of BIPOLAR DISORDER,
A disorder associated with episodes of mood swings ranging from depressive lows to manic highs.

It had taken a toll on him and his family environment. 

At our clinic Dr. Fatema Palgharwala, many times called drhappy, harmonises health wealth and relationships and what is achieved is simply beautiful.

This client was so badly affected by his disorder he couldn’t understand the head or tail of his behaviour and actions. A single remedy Homoeopathic prescription and conjunction of therapy solved his problems, after the initial treatment he also wore the appropriate gemstone for treatment enhancement and it’s like he’s got his life back, along with him his whole family consulted and they all experienced most advance levels of well-being.
This is how every case coming to us ends .
Transformation of Health Wealth and Relationships. The 100%of life.
That’s who we are!



With Regards,
Dr. Fatema Adnan Malekjee {Palgharwala}.
MSc. Forensic,

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

AUTISM HAPPY TALK with HAPPY HOMOEOPATHY Dr.Fatema Palgharwala 10042016



Autism seminar by   www.happyhomoeopathy.comDr.Fatema PalgharwalaAUTISM AND HOMOEOPATHY are in connection to eachother. Treatment and Training are integral part of upliftment for Autism management. The talk highlights how parents of the affected children are worried about future prospects and treatment options. Prevention of Autism should be our aim.Happy Homoeopathy gives you the option for FutureTREATMENT + TRAINING + PREVENTION = HAPPY HOMOEOPATHY AUTISM MANAGEMENTcall for all information and for clinic appointments 09762688352.

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

SAY 'NO' Dear Woman!! Happy Women's Day to You.

Received loads of messages and wishes for women’s day, many invites for free talks and stoppings and thing like that.
Ever thought about the negative about a WOMAN?
Yes women are negative too. In between all those achievements all those praises and colors.
I have seen some gravely negative women …..
I have seen

And the best types are those CHAUVENISTS, who create gender bias.
HAPPY HOMOEOPATHY cares for all you and in case you identify yourself here and this creates some awareness in you, start LOVING YOURSELF and create happiness, make something better for the women around you.
Many of us are scared to write negative, I ask why?
Awareness of every level is important, and I write to make one aware that in case you come across such personalities, instead of making your life a nightmare choose to say ‘NO’

Happiest Post Of The Day!

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