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Showing posts with label AURA. Show all posts

Tuesday, 28 January 2025


We all have read loads about KERBA/AMBER and many wear it too. We are all aware that by wearing it we will obtain Maula TUS’s khushi.
So with Ruby I will say its His command that we wear Yaqoot
Being a Medical Doctor, makes it very easy for me to learn and come across new individuals with new experiences everyday and now with knowledge of Medicine, graphology and Gemology its more and more enhanced.
I came across Ruby thanks to my teachers and started understanding the stone. As a doctor my question remained that Kerba/Amber is organic material; its at sync with my body system thus it helps me to stay healthy but whats with a stone? It’s just a red coloured stone.
Well then after an interesting revelation from higher books I understood why this red stone was born, why was it created for mankind. And my dear friends, trust me fascination will over power you once you know it.
Our MAULA TUS doesn’t just command us to start wearing the red stone on one fine lailatulqadr !
Here I present some common known features of yaqoot:
Natural Ruby is one of four “precious” gemstones (including Diamond, Emerald and Sapphire) known its rarity, monetary value, and hardness (second only to Diamond). Ruby is red Corundum, an aluminum oxide mineral with chromium responsible for its rich, red color. The name comes from the Latin word rubeus, meaning “red,” and until 1800 when Ruby was recognized as a variety of Corundum, red Spinels, Tourmalines, and Garnets were also believed to be Ruby. All other color varieties of Corundum are designated as Sapphire. 
Ruby forms in prismatic tabular, bipyramidal or rhombohedral crystals, as well as granular or massive habits, and has a vitreous luster. The most valuable and desired Rubies are those of a shade called “pigeon’s blood,” defined by William Fernie as “a pure deep, rich red, without any admixture of blue or yellow,” though others define it as “a pure red with a hint of blue.” The shade of red varies depending on where it is mined, and may be a deep pink-red, a reddish-orange, red with a violet cast, or even a deep wine color. The paler pink Corundum, debated as Ruby by some, is usually referred to in gemological terms as Pink Sapphire rather than Ruby.
Some very commonly known uses of RUBY:
Wear or carry Ruby to overcome exhaustion and lethargy. It stimulates circulation and amplifies energy and vitality to the whole system.Ruby has been known to calm hyperactivity in some individuals.
Ruby is an aphrodisiac, allowing one to experience all forms of love, from wild sensuality to mystical communion. It deepens a couple’s relationship and encourages closeness and commitment. It is also the stone of courtly love and may honor admiration from a distance. Worn during lovemaking, Ruby can help restore and maintain passion, and is excellent for increasing the chances for conception.
Ruby’s intense energy sharpens the mind, bringing a heightened awareness and excellent concentration. It promotes a courageous attitude, and may increase one’s success in controversies and disputes.
Ruby helps reduce fear of the paranormal and evil. It banishes nightmares, and guards against psychic and psychological attack.
Ruby is considered a blood stone, strengthening the heart, myocardium, ventricles and coronaries, and stimulating good circulation and blood flow. It is also an aid in treating disorders or disease of the heart.
Ruby assists in regulating menstrual flow and alleviating pain associated with menstruation. It is considered beneficial for the reproductive organs, and is often used for treatment of sexual dysfunction, impotence and infertility, early menopause, and as a support for gynecological operations. It is believed to be helpful during pregnancy, especially for older women, and in the optimum formation of children in the embryonic state. 
Ruby is useful in detoxifying the body, blood, and lymph, and is helpful in treating fever and infections. It stimulates the adrenals, kidneys and spleen, and aids inadequate circulation or energy flow in the feet and legs. It may also be used to assist in weight regulation, especially when emotional eating is a cause.
Ruby assists in connecting one’s energy field to the Earth for the purpose of replenishing one’s energy stores. It is excellent for grounding and overcoming mental overload, and is a great support during times of stress or when there is a lengthy sojourn before having the opportunity to rest.
As we have said, colour is a ruby's most important feature. Its transparency is only of secondary importance. So inclusions do not impair the quality of a ruby unless they decrease the transparency of the stone or are located right in the centre of its table. On the contrary: inclusions within a ruby could be said to be its 'fingerprint', a statement of its individuality and, at the same time, proof of its genuineness and natural origin. The cut is essential: only a perfect cut will underline the beauty of this valuable and precious stone in a way befitting the 'king of the gemstones'. However, a really perfect ruby is as rare as perfect love. If you do come across it, it will cost a small fortune. But when you have found 'your' ruby, don't hesitate: hang on to it!
Dr.Fatema is proud to present fully certified and guaranteed  rubies to you, I repeat for me the ruby is not important whats important is that what I recommend for you will help you optimum.

Tuesday, 17 March 2015


I hear it every day from my clients Dr you have a doctors handwriting which only a pharmacist will read!

Here is a very good article by someone from the reporting world:
“I have to say, my handwriting looked quite neat and legible to me. There were several others whose handwriting is much worse.
Anyway, something about it always fascinated me about handwriting. I felt that there was a reason why everyone had a unique handwriting and why the “class clowns” always wrote with large, inflated letters and the introverted studious guys wrote with small, cramped up and timid letters.
Some three years ago, I was watching
the movie Sherlock Holmes – you know the one with Robert Downey Jr. as Sherlock and Jude Law as Watson. Sherlock takes the signature of Professor Moriarty and asks him if he was familiar with graphology, or the study of handwriting to uncover the personality of the writer. He then went on to describe the personality of Professor Moriarty – ingenious, excellent associative abilities but a complete lack of any moral sense and criminal tendencies.
Wow! So much from a person’s handwriting? I immediately looked up graphology, found a tutor and then started my study of graphology or handwriting analysis.
Graphology is a scientific study which originated some time back in France and is now widely used in European countries such as France, Germany,
Italy and Spain for personnel screening, vocational guidance and in psychology and criminology. No, no it has nothing to do with the occult. A graphologist is not a psychic or a fortune teller!
Rather, graphology attempts to scientifically study handwriting in order to uncover various facets of personality such as intellectual and creative abilities, integrity, determination to succeed, communication skills, personal drive, productivity, aptitude, vulnerability to stress, defences, fears and inhibitions, to name a few. Being a cost-effective, accurate and valid personality assessment tool, around 80 per cent of the companies in France hire graphologists to aid them in personnel screening. Another advantage is that handwriting cannot be easily faked, unlike other tests where candidates
are required to answer True or False questions or rating a statement on a scale of 1-5.
Being a handwriting analyst, also called a graphologist, I often hear the question, “But no one writes anymore… It’s all typing. What will you do when writing becomes obsolete?”
My answer is two-fold. One, I sincerely hope that handwriting never becomes obsolete. Two, if it does I wouldn’t be as worried about myself as I would be about your children and grandchildren. As the psychotherapist and graphologist Annette Poizner says, future generations, without handwriting, would have a weak right brain-left brain coordination, which would result in impaired memory power, Attention Deficit Disorder, more learning disabilities, underdeveloped fine motor skills and difficulties with
expressiveness. I, on the other hand, would still be able to continue my job with other projective techniques.
Yes, there are several benefits to writing with our hands instead of typing. These include better fine motor skills, fluidity and ease of communication, memory skills and more developed adult-like neural connections, which cannot be developed by typing. The pen is mightier than the keyboard!
There is no “good” or “bad” handwriting. It is your personality…”

For more about Graphology; go through my previous articles and case studies.
Remember Graphology is a Science and every science when was not understood well is termed magic!
While writing the Graphology thesis I was so scared of failure and then I had the chance of showing my thesis to AQAMAULA,RA and see the power today its evident in every word I write, thats my MaulaTUS power unlimited! 
I am not a psychic I am a Graphologist.
Dr.Fatema Palgharwala
Happy Homoeopathy

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

KERBA/Amber – Its Identification Identifying an original amber gemstone can be quite difficult.

Motivation: its been about a year now that I have posted about Amber and lot off awareness has occurred about the particular gemstone. I met many clients who carried fakes and came to me and were astonished to find out that they have spent on fakes being a Mumin is no certificate to prove that only originals are sold !!  few tips for you to find out if that wrist bead you are wearing is a fake or original.

People have told me that kerba dint work for them my answer is dear Sir only original will benefit you how will glass do the wonders of diamond ?

Amber – Its Identification Identifying an original amber gemstone can be quite difficult. This is because there are many amber imitations found in the market which confuse the buyers One of its numerous imitations is called 'Amberdan'. It has properties fairly near to natural gem. The way to test the originality is when the stone is heated and gives off a certain odor. When the odor smells like a mixture of plastic and amber, it suggests that a natural resin has been mixed with a plastic binder.

Amber is often confused with copal. These two stones are composed of very similar materials with nearly identical origins and so it is difficult to identify the original amber. The main difference is that while copals are just a few hundred thousand years old, ambers are several million years old.

Another imitation that is found in the market is made up of pressed amber or 'ambroid'. This is created by fusing smaller bits of the gem under heat. This can be distinguished from original gem when you examine it under a microscope.

Ancient techniques for identifying this gem are still useful today. When it is rubbed vigorously on a piece of wool, it generates a static charge, which is enough to pick up a small piece of ash. When this gemstone is warm enough, it tends to give off a distinctive odor. These techniques will separate it from plastic imitations but not distinguish it from copal.

To distinguish this gem from copal is difficult. They share the same refractive index, specific gravity, and most other properties. However, Copal tends to fluoresce whiter than amber under UV light. So, it is a judgment call which one needs to make based on having examined a sufficient number of samples so as to recognize the difference.

If one is not able to make the distinction based on fluorescence, then one will have to resort to a destructive test. On an inconspicuous area of the stone, place a drop of acetone. Let it sit for three seconds, and then wipe it off. Copal will have the surface damaged by the acetone, while amber will show little or no change from the brief exposure.

Another easy method to separate this gemstone from its plastic imitations is with a specific gravity solution. Boil water and add as much salt as you can dissolve in it to create a handy testing liquid. Most of the imitations will sink in this solution. This is because few plastics have a density as low as 1.05 and many can be lower than amber if they have air bubbles inside. So, if your sample sinks, you can be sure it is not real. If it floats you need to determine if it is plastic or amber.

There is another destructive test to separate real amber from the fake ones. However, it must be done with care. The best part is that it can be done almost invisibly. Discover a place on the stone where a mark would be as less visible as possible. This can be on the edge, bottom or on an area with scratches. Next, heat the tip of a needle until it glows red. Touch the selected spot just enough to release a tiny whiff of smoke. Now smell the smoke. If it is genuine amber, the smell is of fine incense. It is plastic if the odour is chemical and offensive. This is a good reason for making your test on a very small scale as possible!

Another test of discovering a fake piece is to identify the insect inclusions present in the stone. If one finds this stone which has an inclusion of say, a modern house fly, this can easily alert you to the fact that the stone may be a fake. This is because the house fly did not exist millions of years ago, which means that the inclusion has been fused into the stone, and that the stone is not genuine.

With these tips and techniques, it thus becomes easier for you to identify and spot a genuine amber gemstone from among the fakes.


Dr.Fatema Palgharwala from Happy Homeopathy Introduces The Benefits of KERBA (Amber) for you.

Every Mumin has the RAZA to wear KERBA (Amber), however many of us get special farmaan for wearing it.

 The biggest challenge here is, where do you buy this gemstone from. KERBA (Amber) is an Ancient RESIN of Pine trees which is about Million years OLD; it’s a collector’s item, hence where will you get it from. KERBA (Amber) is not a STONE so no jeweller will analyse it for you.

A person who has not studied KERBA (Amber) will never understand it KERBA (Amber) is not Glass KERBA (Amber) is not Plastic So it is very difficult to analyse It’s like buying blindly from a blind vendor so nobody is the cheater and nobody is cheated!!!! Mumineen in Sidhpur Palanpur in 20th century had a customary tradition to invest in KERBA (Amber) which was considered pride and royalty. This tradition exists even today.

So, the big question is, where to buy your KERBA (Amber) from? Dr.Fatema Palgharwala ,BHMS,MSc.Forensic. AURA Therapist; has studied the mining process and the properties of the KERBA under the able guidance of Shk.F.Motiwala, who is the world’s no.5 in KERBA (Amber) studies. We hold membership with the INTERNATIONAL AMBER ASSOCIATION and all gemstones are certified internationally. KERBA (Amber) is available at various shops in ranging prices. It’s up to you from whom you buy your KERBA (Amber), from an authentic expert or mere salesmen??

 Dr.Fatema Palgharwala analyses the KERBA (Amber) according to your energy fields and recommends the perfect match which is most compatible to your energy type and which will benefit you the most. KERBA (Amber) is for all AGES and Both SEXES.

Benefits of KERBA (Amber) --- Every Individual has an AURA and based upon that when you wear the recommended KERBA (Amber) your Health, Wealth & Relationships get better, making your life worth living. It has both Religious Values and Healing Properties. It protects the wearer from evil eye, and wades away Lungs and Heart diseases. Helps in keeping the Mental Balance and fosters decision making Contact details Dr.Fatema Palgharwala 09762688352 dr.fatemapalgharwala@yahoo.com Skype= drfatema1 GUIDELINES FOR PLACING AN ORDER= Attach the snap of the wearer. In case of CHATTI for new-borns kindly place your order with the names and pictures of the parents. To read more www.happyglobe.blogspot.in




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