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Showing posts with label HANDWRITING ANALYSIS.HAPPY HOMOEPATHY CLINIC. Show all posts

Wednesday, 18 November 2020


Happy Homoeopathy Clinic is actively working towards new cures and more effective treatments always and for the last 7years Dr.Fatema Palgharwala Adnan,has been recommending AMBER GEMSTONES ALSO known as KERBA STONE, KEROBA STONE...
AND today we are presenting a very in depth analysis of what is KERBA , 
history and main question Why AMBER and why AMBER ONLY FROM HAPPY GLOBE GEMS AND GEMSTONES.


 Protective Substance – Baltic amber was (and still is) worn as a protective amulet for both the living and the dead and countless ancient magical and protective Baltic amber adornments have been found in Mycenaean tombs on the island of Crete, in the Egyptian pharaoh tombs in Tethys and among the burial goods of Tutankhamun and in excavated grave sites throughout Old Europe and the Middle East.

Eastern European people have long believed that amber smoke strengthens the human spirit and imparts courage. Lithuanian tribal people use Baltic amber incense to dispel evil spirits and to bless and offer guidance to the souls of their dead. Newborn babes are traditionally blessed with a smudge of burning amber smoke as they have been for centuries and newly-weds are smudged this way as well. Soldiers going off to battle are also fumigated with smoldering amber as a ceremony of protection accompanied by prayers for a safe return.

Mythology – Many diverse cultures carry primeval creation myths concerning the origins of amber. Ancient Grecian tales recount the story of the Heliades, who shed tears into the river Eridanus as they grieved the death of their brother Phaethon. The stories say that Phaethon was thrown into the river by Zeus as punishment for taking his golden chariot on a joyride across the sky and that the tears of the heart-sick sisters eventually hardened into drops of dazzling amber.

Ancient Chinese myths say that this warm and magical golden substance is the petrified soul of tigers. Primarily a symbol of good fortune and protection, the tiger is also associated with solar energy, summer and fire and is linked to the powers of attraction, protection and illumination.

Legends from the Polish Kushubian tribe, , say that amber is the result of great lightning strikes upon the earth. Lithuanian tales recount the unhappy love between Jurate, Goddess of the Baltics, and a fisherman named Kastytis.

In a fit of anger, Jurate’s father threw down a great bolt of lightning that shattered the amber palace on the bottom of the sea and drowned Kastytis along with his fishing boat. Since that day, waves have been endlessly washing fragments from the amber palace ashore and littering the Baltic Sea coastline with small pieces of amber which are the tears that the still grieving Jūratė continues to shed.

Dr.Fatema PALGHARWALA Adnan. 

Thursday, 14 February 2019

Food Habits and Tolerance!

Wow , where is the tolerance going? I was asked what is your food preference, I replied HALAL. Well it is obvious the questioner did not understand my answer.
So elaborated Veg or Non veg I replied both,provided it is HALAL!
Bang ! He went away.
It is a common belief that Vegetarian food is automatically HALAL. Is it?
So please confirm what you want to ask .
And first decide what is your food preference.
Now a days I see many public places and community locations etc. Say only Vegetarian food allowed,
It just reflects their social intolerance towards peoples choices. I visited such place recently and asked if the vegetarian food served there was HALAL?
They were simply dumbfounded.
My religion teaches me tolerance and acceptance.
I prefer carrying my food along whenever I believe that the food will not be fit for my consumption.
Same applys to invitations these days , I hope you understood my point here!
Eat well keep healthy.
It may be vegetables, mutton, chicken or fish.
Mixed with Halal products and cooked into a beautiful morsel of delicious food!
With the Blessings of my AqaMaula TUS.

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Strangers - by Dr.Fatema Palgharwala.@ #HappyHomoeopathy Clinic

STRANGERS – by Dr.Fatema Palgharwala.

Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence.
 Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. 
Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. 
Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts.
 Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
-Calvin Coolidge

To judge between good or bad, between successful and unsuccessful would take the eye of a God.
-Anton Chekhov

I remember the first day at college when I was on the top of the world getting into the medical field and making way ahead in life …
Life is Forever! For me its gone rewind and fast forward until this day when 
Someone termed me unsuccessful!
I was smiling when I heard it!!
Being a doctor gets you many compliments and praises and infatuated approaches, the point is never let that go to your head.
Sometimes we keep doing something which we have decided is correct for all around us and forget to take and accept a Point of view.
This is what’s happened with him, he just couldn’t take a feedback and bashed at me.
This is an example of exaggeration, when you dwell on your past and just can’t have enough of it and stop understanding all those around you, start judging instead and make yourself god.
We all have come across such souls the point here is how to handle these kind,
Should you get angry on them when behave this way or tell them as you sow so shall you reap, or just stay calm.
With this experience I was wondering about the goodness around me, as kids in school we were taught don’t talk to strangers!
Don’t accept any chocolates and goodies from unknown people and this always fascinated me, in case we STOP MEETING STRANGERS HOW will the world work?
It’s just not possible.
As doctors we take an OATH to cure all.
And some emotional studies say, a doctor should avoid treating his own kith and kin.
Well so my family should go to a stranger and treat them and not me!
We are asked to use Public transport more than personal vehicle …. Go green …. Environment saviour … and hello public transport is filled with stranger’s right.
I think I will go on with many examples like this I know we can’t do without strangers around us.
Here I am at UAE away from my family and who’s with me strangers and strangers and with my experience I love these wonderful strangers all around me, so much to learn and so much to do  
This person who termed me Unsuccessful knows me since last 10years and he judged me and why because he took me for granted.
We with our family we feel they are always with us always sticking and we tend to take them for granted and in that emotion we take wrong decisions about our own kin and kith ,
This is one of the reasons why many doctors agree to this point of refrain from practice on family members they say “your emotion will cloud your decision “
I disagree though, yet that’s just me.
I know we all need a magic wand to just know what one is doing is right and only right, we are so scared to leap, we are so scared someone might hurt us and thus stop our kids from going to strangers I know boldness is harmful sometimes, yet how do I obtain that discretion is that really possible,
Many people told me blogging is not professional,well again its just me , I prefer blogging because its easy and faster as yet.
How did I achieve my discretion about understanding a stranger , by my study of Graphology- Handwriting and Signature Analysis, which again is not conventional, my favourite scientist said “SCIENCE IS JUST THE BEST GUESS”; so I am happy I am a student of science and my guess is always the best!
So friends and readers and dear patrons- 
Strangers are delightful 
Strangers teach you well 
Let’s all be with each other and not judge each other!
As I always say Be Kind to our own selves and all around us.

With loads of love 
Your Happy Doctor,
Happy Homoeopathy
We are present now at INDIA UAE KUWAIT.
Call us 09762688352   ;0971557863353  email us – dr.fatemapalgharwala@yahoo.com 
P.S. – HAPPY HOMOEOPATHY is looking to make a website, inviting ideas and designers to do this for us. Please call the Doctor directly between 11am – 1pm.

Discount - Dulha. - by Dr.Fatema Palgharwala.@ #HappyHomoeopathy Clinic

DISCOUNT  DULHA – by Dr.Fatema Palgharwala.
Discount on every service.
Tv on karo--- its starts with SALE – SALE-SALE-
Grab Grab Grab !!! 

My goodness what a waste of money and effort. Imagine the kind of money these companies spend on such adverts. 
Make you buy stuff for ‘DISCOUNT’
At Clinic I face some visitors who will ask me for discount!! This SALE gene is so deep knit in our system now that we feel without discount there cannot be a transaction.
And we never realized how this SALE AND DISCOUNT system has ruined our businesses and relationships and personal growth.
How ?? 
Think !!
Many of us have the book “SECRET” it speaks about abundance right ?
Abundance !!
Don’t you realize DISCOUNT x ABUNDANCE 
Are antonyms to each other.
Its been a personal view whenever I have shopped the discount tag at the shop hasn’t attracted me.
I find the word discount feel ‘Cheap’
Imagine the lack of truthfulness and honesty when something which has a price tag of 100INR is put up for SALE at 70% discount , its seriously BAD business , Seriously unethical pricing .
Why cant we price optimum. Why waste time in stocking up things and then do CLEARANCE SALE 70% DISCOUNT.
The Prophet RA , has taught ethical pricing for goods and also encourage barter system. I am sure these teachings have a reason behind them.
Ethical pricing is a serious requirement of the hour, I don’t understand why some people find it easy to cheat , I work with honey, and I have experienced how this wonderful food from mother nature is manipulated and sold just to fill pockets, we know the latest example of Maggi.
There are very few places I shop at one of them being, fabindia where I get all my home and kitchen stuff , and they never have a discount going on , always new stock fresh stock and ethically priced stock, and they don’t advertise themselves .

You must be wondering why Dr.Fatema suddenly thought about discount and writing something out of her subject; well here is the reason.
Since my profiles online give away the fact that I am Single and well aged to get married and common sense I will be looking for  a Happy Groom for myself, I get advertisement calls from many matrimonial websites to open an account with them , the variety of “dulha.com”; the other day one of these websites called me and said Madam; we have a discount going on and now you can pay for 50 profiles and actually see 100 !!!!! LMAO,LOL,Hahhhaahahah ;;; I am feeling like santabanta here seriously .

Ultimately its all about quality and quantity. Why should I buy something at discount or I should buy something which is optimally priced; it’s a very important decision we should make,we all read about the sale websites and how they are extracting money by not so ethical means, the other day I read about jabong.com , and how it is making bad business by decreasing prices just to achieve numbers…. Its killing the common man economy.

The discount dulha call made me introspect about this new evil,and invoked my thoughts about it. 

You dear patrons and readers are discretional enough to decide.

As I always say Be Kind to our own selves and all around us.
With loads of love 
I always believe in abundance and My AQA MAULA TUS teaches me abundance ! I never ask for discount in blessings then why should I ask for discount and make someone suffer.
I wish we all start preferring ethical pricing in every mode of our life.
Your Happy Doctor,
Happy Homoeopathy
We are present now at INDIA UAE KUWAIT.
Call us 09762688352   ;0971557863353  email us – dr.fatemapalgharwala@gmail.com 
P.S.  www.happy homoeopathy.com

Friday, 22 May 2015

|EMPATHETIC| - by Dr.Fatema Palgharwala.@ #HappyHomoeopathy Clinic

EMPATHY:  the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

I was reading a few articles lately about latest advances in medicine and came across lot of writing about empathy.
They are saying doctors need empathy training doctors don’t know how to open a bad news with patients.
Doctors are medical machines who read reports and not patients.
Now my question isn’t that what clients come for to us?
The GOOGLE has made my life so easy and so hard
Before coming to me patients read the reports and Google it and come to me asking thousand unnecessary questions so thus Google have the empathy software?
A patient asked what is my lifespan. I knew this one, I mentioned 2years with follow ups, and to this the patient was unhappy because Google mentioned “a couple of years depending on the lifestyle”

My definition of
Counselling: Running about the bush with emotions.
Coaching: Clearing the unwanted emotional barriers and making you aware and strong.

And Doctors like me are trained in coaching, like for example when I have a terminal patient I always insist they write their WILL. Talk to their family tell them what they want and what should be done with religious areas also.
I remember a Case of Liver cancer came to me and was fast progress with little room for intervention, palliative was the option, he once told doctor I have a collection of very fine bone china crockery and I have never used it because I kept on procrastinating and then we did something for this which gave him that occasion to use that collection, that was fun and fulfilment.
I agree some doctors don’t handle such fields of palliative care yet that doesn’t mean nobody does, I know many colleagues who do a wonderful job in this.
My friend Mr.Mustafa Jetpurwala from LifeLine Blood donors does this every day, biscuits blankets and love with hugs to those who have never received it, why does he do that he feels happy to do that.

 And Happy Homoeopathy is proud to be associated with this “ONE MAN LOVE FACTORY.”

Imagine you enter my clinic and I see your reports and start sobbing and hugging you and crying and tell you … Dost … App marney waley ho !!! (translation in english "MY FRIEND YOU ARE GOING TO DIE!!!")
I sit on my chair steady and give him the best way ahead and to do that I fight back my tears I swallow my emotions and I make myself very strong.
It’s hard to play God and believe me dear patron it’s a task in which only my AQA MaulaTUS helps me, no books of empathy will teach me and no courses from empathy trainers can teach this art.
I will never be able to portray my emotions in words being pragmatic being simple and straight forward in approach is most important.Its kindness.

As my favourite Bones says Two plus two equals four. I put sugar in my coffee and it tastes sweet. The sun comes up because the world turns. These things are beautiful to me. There are mysteries I will never understand, but everywhere I look, I see proof that for every effect, there is a corresponding cause…even if I can’t see it. I find that reassuring.
Nothing in this universe happens just once, nothing; infinity goes in both directions. There is no unique event, no singular moment...

I don’t know how these dying people think about me because I see them die before they can say anything to me; I like to believe they are happy up above!
This is unlike my other articles which are always touching the happy side of life
Yet you know death is the happiest moment, of life.
I have always given my best to make it as happier for those facing it inevitably.
This is in memory of all those wonderful men, women, children who are now no more and taught me so much about life. Also the life of Aruna Shanbaugh; which shows euthanasia is not the way of life and never take the easy way out only because you had an option for escape.
With this I appeal say No to Euthanasia.


Happy Homoeopathy Clinic and Cancer Care is always Happy to be with you in your fight against the chronic.
With every bad case there is a happy survivor.
Never lose heart come to us and we are here to be with you.
Happy Homoeopathy – 09762688352, 0971557863353.
Please Note: Clinic works on Appointment system only. This arrangement is for your convenience.
the A to Z for Chronic.

 the Empathy Symbol

Tuesday, 8 April 2014


Happiest Post Of The Day!

Ramadan 2025. Are you Ahsin ready ...?

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