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Tuesday, 4 April 2023



While many people prefer to just put their mangoes in refrigerator after buying them from the market, many others soak them in a deep container first before storing and relishing them. Is there any point in soaking the fruit for a couple of hours or is it just a myth?
Well let's find out.
Mangoes are not only delicious yet are also rich with nutrients. They provide range of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that boost the immune system and promote good health. It’s important to eat a fruit in the right manner.
Soaking of mangoes before we use would help to get the right nutrition.

Mangoes consist of phytic acid and soaking of mangoes would help to reduce the phytic acid which acts as an anti-nutrient and reduces the absorption of nutrients in our body.
Soaking of mangoes helps to increase the activity of enzyme that helps to breakdown phytic acid. So as you see that as the modern medicine terms that HOMEOPATHY is Psuedo because they can't see the process of Vital Force, mangoes help us understand Vital force exists. And just by soaking the fruit increases its vitality! Imagine the force of nature vs LAB created nonsense.
Read ahead

Soaking mangoes before consume is an age-old tradition that people  our elders basically, follow and there is a good reason behind it.  Basically, when we soak mangoes then the process helps in removing the anti-nutrients.
Anti-nutrients hinder the absorption of few nutrients like iron, calcium etc. Soaking mangoes for 3-4 hours is good enough to remove pesticides also. You can soak them in normal tap water.


1. It gets rid of phytic acid

Mangoes contain a natural molecule known as phytic acid which is seen in several fruits, vegetables and even nuts. So, when mangoes are soaked in water for a few hours, it helps in removing the excess phytic acid that generates heat in the body. This heat is the Vital Force in excess which is natural and by soaking we balance it.

2. Fat buster

Mangoes have a lot of phytochemicals. Therefore, soaking them reduces their concentration, making them act as ‘natural fat busters’. Wow isn't it great.

3. Prevents diseases

Soaking mango in water removes all pesticides and chemicals. In addition, dirt, dust and soil on mangoes are completely removed. With the help of this you will protect yourself from many diseases.
Eating mango boosts the body's immunity, improves digestion and intestinal health. Apart from this, mango is also beneficial for eyes, hair and skin. To get all the benefits of mango, it is necessary to soak it in water for some time before eating.

4. Prevents flatulence

Soaking helps to reduce the degree of flatulence caused due to undigested oligosaccharides. It helps to thoroughly wash the mangoes and get rids of any pesticides and insecticides used on crops.

Soaking helps to reduce the thermogenic effect of mango and thus reduce the heat produced while eating.
At HAPPY HOMEOPATHY CLINIC we always encourage our clients to eat home made home cooked food and often give tips to cook effectively.
Next time you eat a mango bowl on the STREETS remember those mangoes are not soaked and the seller doesn't care about your health, think about it. Instead buy good fruit from the market soak them well and make something special for yourself in your kitchen.

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Kindness is towards your Health Wealth and Relationships.
With the Power of DUA OF OUR AQA MAULA TUS,  we are saved from many diseases HIS SHIFA is  always protecting us. It is our responsibility to be Kind towards this nemat.

Health Wealth and Relationships.
Dr.Fatema Adnan (Palgharwala),09762688352,   https://www.happyhomeopathy.com/  . Cancer is fast,We are Faster.

HAPPY GLOBE GEMS AND GEMSTONES. Dr.Fatema Adnan (Palgharwala),09762688352,  https://www.happyhomeopathy.com   IS A CERTIFIED GEMOLOGIST. ALL OUR PIECES ARE 100% NATURAL GEMSTONES.


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