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Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Case of Non-malignant Patch in cervix

Patient approaches with psychological issues and menstrual disorders DIAGNOSIS DYSMENORRHOEA + MENOMETRORRHAGIA

Came with 6months old reports which were negative for endometrioses Cancer or Benign Fibroid. No history of trauma etc.
Normal childbirth history.
Had primary infertility for 10years but took no medications or any form of treatments .regarding her childless years of marriage she said “I only trusted Khuda and only prayed I was sure I am normal and my husband also, just matter of patience” would only pray and do arazee to her religious leader.
Handwriting sample 1 DATE-DEC 2009
This sample is evident about lot of mental tensions stress communication gap non-expression of emotions. Levels of low hemoglobin lack of interest, but suppressed enthusiasm. Lack of love and saw herself in darkness always. Not happy at all. The physicals of dysmenorrhea are evident from the sample and gloominess is seen. Also very evident is disposition to tuberculosis and also cancer. (her frequent bleeding was my matter of concern)
With the sample in hand and physicals positively matched
 Phos200 was given for 1month follow-up every 20days. (Telephone)
                   HYGIENE FACTOR
  And counseling was given.      

First follow up- in person 25/05/2010
 First HANDWRITING SAMPLE TAKEN without any narration.
Menses regular occasional spotting only when there is physical exertion.
Her menses were regular after the first month of Phos 200
8-9 days /30days
Does yoga
Kegel exercise
Handwriting practice also followed well.
Following the counseling methods and forming positive relationship with husband now.
Said “I feel happy now”

Prescription of phosphorus 200 0-0-4 pills given
                            Symphytum MT.  2-2-2 pills 15days for Prolapse.
ADVICE – Pap smear
                 Blood routines. 
(her second handwriting sample showed tendency to cancer more openly and now she was also more open and ready to come out with it Medically- her menses were regular now But THE INTERMITTENT SPOTTING WERE MY CONCERN )

AN EMERGENCY PRESCRIPTION OF Hamamelis Virginica 1M WAS MADE since her bleeding would not stop and symphytum continued same way.

In between she was out of town for some time and only telephone follow ups

Reports Pap smear—
SONOGRAPHY was nothing significant.
Blood routine was okay.

PRESCRIPTION OF – Silicea 200 was made 3-3-3 pills 30days. (Inflammation)
Second prescription
 After this was given of
CARCINOCIN 30 3-3-3pills
Symphytum MT.

Last follow up
Handwriting sample taken
No changes found
Carcinocin 30 3-3-3 pills
Symphytum MT

ADVICE- sent for more investigations to rule out Malignancy completely.
Notes- this was a hidden case it would have never surfaced if proper care would not be taken, with graphology I was well prepared to excavate a patch anytime, as I was very sure of its presence from the beginning but it was in hiding.
You may say that we activated it with our intervention but I see it as unveiling the truth. With phosphorus her mental issues were cleared and graphotherapy at that time was given to synchronize the effect. She was out of HER GLOOMINESS AND FELT HAPPY, and thus HER physical gloominess which was shown by DARK DISCHARGES (menometorrhagia) was hiding a patch, was seen in the well timed Pap smear.
Now with Carcinocin as The prescription I am quite sure she will be out of this. Has been given graphotherapy to help Carcinocin effect.
WITH graphology one can KNOW THE person so keenly and deeply that you can understand their psyche very very well. Train them to understand themselves more closely and thus help them help self.


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