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Thursday, 12 October 2023

Second Child by Happy Homeopathy Clinic. Dr.Fatema Adnan


THE Most brain racking question today is 
Second Child-     ?????? 
I get so many mothers asking me what should she do ?? 
SOCIAL PRESSURE should I give up and satisfy the aunty who says my child needs a sibling otherwise he will be lonely. 
Dr my financial situation is not working for a second child should I stop my child's extracurricular activities and get pregnant?? 

Who will drive him around during my pregnancy?? 
Ma'am is it true that my second child can only complete my family where are we incomplete?? 

My husband never changed a diaper for the first one and inlaws were busy attending Miqaats whole year round will I get their support for second pregnancy?? 

So many scary stories and silly jokes from the covid times where many couples got pregnant because the husband was not ready to wear a mask and go buy a condom. 
Really Sad and imagine that mother who is yet stuck at home after covid with a 6month old and the first child has exams in school the husband is least bothered about it; because he has bad business and 1 more mouth to feed ! 
Listen MOTHER .
Listen Parents 
Listen Society 
Don't have a second child to give company to the first born they don't need that.

Only in case you have  supportive relationships go ahead with the second child. 

I have had this personal experience where society thinks oh financial freedom educated you should have another baby and all. 

I asked my body ? Yes or No and I received my answer. 
Society is just society. 
Just ask your self how many times have you your self gone and helped the mother next door who is struggling where should she keep her 2 month old and go to school pick up her 4year old?? 
It's a daily dilemma and when she sits alone and cries thinking about her self and the lacking of not fulfilling the elder ones play time that is where the regret sets in and the second child becomes the unwanted burden for all 
Mental Health is affected the elder child sees the baby as the reason mama was late to pick him from school, the father is tensed he has to buy diapers and crayons now , mother is always taken for granted and 90% times I have heard this Dr during first pregnancy I ate everything I took supplements properly I got malish done regularly but....... second pregnancy after 3days I was driving my bike to pick and drop my child to school..... imagine that. 
Think Choose 
Ask your questions to
 Happy Homeopathy Clinic. Dr.Fatema Adnan (Palgharwala),09762688352,   https://www.happyhomeopathy.com

We are listening to you happily!
Health Wealth and Relationships. 


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