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Friday, 22 May 2015

|EMPATHETIC| - by Dr.Fatema Palgharwala.@ #HappyHomoeopathy Clinic

EMPATHY:  the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

I was reading a few articles lately about latest advances in medicine and came across lot of writing about empathy.
They are saying doctors need empathy training doctors don’t know how to open a bad news with patients.
Doctors are medical machines who read reports and not patients.
Now my question isn’t that what clients come for to us?
The GOOGLE has made my life so easy and so hard
Before coming to me patients read the reports and Google it and come to me asking thousand unnecessary questions so thus Google have the empathy software?
A patient asked what is my lifespan. I knew this one, I mentioned 2years with follow ups, and to this the patient was unhappy because Google mentioned “a couple of years depending on the lifestyle”

My definition of
Counselling: Running about the bush with emotions.
Coaching: Clearing the unwanted emotional barriers and making you aware and strong.

And Doctors like me are trained in coaching, like for example when I have a terminal patient I always insist they write their WILL. Talk to their family tell them what they want and what should be done with religious areas also.
I remember a Case of Liver cancer came to me and was fast progress with little room for intervention, palliative was the option, he once told doctor I have a collection of very fine bone china crockery and I have never used it because I kept on procrastinating and then we did something for this which gave him that occasion to use that collection, that was fun and fulfilment.
I agree some doctors don’t handle such fields of palliative care yet that doesn’t mean nobody does, I know many colleagues who do a wonderful job in this.
My friend Mr.Mustafa Jetpurwala from LifeLine Blood donors does this every day, biscuits blankets and love with hugs to those who have never received it, why does he do that he feels happy to do that.

 And Happy Homoeopathy is proud to be associated with this “ONE MAN LOVE FACTORY.”

Imagine you enter my clinic and I see your reports and start sobbing and hugging you and crying and tell you … Dost … App marney waley ho !!! (translation in english "MY FRIEND YOU ARE GOING TO DIE!!!")
I sit on my chair steady and give him the best way ahead and to do that I fight back my tears I swallow my emotions and I make myself very strong.
It’s hard to play God and believe me dear patron it’s a task in which only my AQA MaulaTUS helps me, no books of empathy will teach me and no courses from empathy trainers can teach this art.
I will never be able to portray my emotions in words being pragmatic being simple and straight forward in approach is most important.Its kindness.

As my favourite Bones says Two plus two equals four. I put sugar in my coffee and it tastes sweet. The sun comes up because the world turns. These things are beautiful to me. There are mysteries I will never understand, but everywhere I look, I see proof that for every effect, there is a corresponding cause…even if I can’t see it. I find that reassuring.
Nothing in this universe happens just once, nothing; infinity goes in both directions. There is no unique event, no singular moment...

I don’t know how these dying people think about me because I see them die before they can say anything to me; I like to believe they are happy up above!
This is unlike my other articles which are always touching the happy side of life
Yet you know death is the happiest moment, of life.
I have always given my best to make it as happier for those facing it inevitably.
This is in memory of all those wonderful men, women, children who are now no more and taught me so much about life. Also the life of Aruna Shanbaugh; which shows euthanasia is not the way of life and never take the easy way out only because you had an option for escape.
With this I appeal say No to Euthanasia.


Happy Homoeopathy Clinic and Cancer Care is always Happy to be with you in your fight against the chronic.
With every bad case there is a happy survivor.
Never lose heart come to us and we are here to be with you.
Happy Homoeopathy – 09762688352, 0971557863353.
Please Note: Clinic works on Appointment system only. This arrangement is for your convenience.
the A to Z for Chronic.

 the Empathy Symbol

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