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Showing posts with label beauty. Show all posts

Friday, 27 September 2019

DIAPERS - A SCAM. by Dr.Fatema Palgharwala.

       Diapers- A Scam.  

 Hello dear readers I’m back again.With a very important topic today.DIAPERS, yes, every mother’s boon, and the child’s bane! 
Yes, these diapers are a big scam. It’s a deception; that diapers are godsend to us.  I wish I hadn’t used them, yet I was pushed into the practice by unavoidable circumstances.I was aware about the No DIAPERS method, to give the child a free will earlier.Yet I failed at it due to my health condition directly after his birth. I wish I could do it, a bit earlier although at two now and he’s achieved his freedom.Why is diaper not appropriate for your child? Infections,Skin discolorations,Muscle weakness,Late understanding of self {that is to differentiate gender},
Later on, it’s very difficult for some to get rid of their diapers; it’s like an addiction for parents and children.Lastly the Cost of these diapers it shoots your monthly budget high, and pushes some parents to buy cheap varieties and put the child to further dangers.

 Here is a short guideline how to avoid diapers from the first day .Start early , like four months five months onwards , use cloth nappy always and let the child feel the wetness , I know this raises eyebrows yet I am sure you’ll reap the benefits, the SENSITIVE PERIOD for Toileting for child is between 12 months to 18months , get a potty for the child in the bathroom, don’t carry the potty all around the house keep it fixed place in the bathroom and let the child just look at it to start with, don’t push the child and don’t make rules for potty and other routines, 

Start observing. The toileting routine. Then start taking him to sit on the potty after every meal, before leaving the house, coming back to the house and before bed. Each time, ask him “would you like to pee?” and only keep him there until he wants to go. If he protests do not take him then and try later.He will catch on immediately.Get nice underwear’s for your child.This is my advice,I have never used rewards of any kind, nor punishments for My baby. When he had an accident, I will ask “Did you pee in your underwear?” He will usually answer with his noise for yes. Then we walk him to the bathroom and help him get into clean clothes and wipe up any mess. We never shame or scold him. Just carry on with our day.This way I got rid of the dreadful diaper!

I hear parents who meet me ask about the problems of cellular phones and other gadgets and chocolates and more examples , and then my question comes up does he wear a diapers or underwear and he is three already, dear parents ,I’m not ridiculing your efforts yet first things first , we get the best of premium quality diapers for our children yet it’s just going to be thrash in the end , rather invest in something better . 

Bedwetting or nocturnal enuresis is higher in those kids who used diapers longer in early life. They simply are not trained to wetness, and can’t make out the difference. I have children who are 7 years 9years and above who still have bedwetting issues, why put our children to unnecessary trouble and also waste money over it.
We at HAPPY HOMOEOPATHY have solved many such problems in young adults.


Skin Allergy
Chemical allergy
Gender awarenessEtc.
Join us with an appointment and solve your worry and become diaper free early.
HAPPY HOMOEOPATHY CLINICMUMBAI9762688352www.happyhomoeopathy.comwww.happyglobe.blogspot.in     

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

SAY 'NO' Dear Woman!! Happy Women's Day to You.

Received loads of messages and wishes for women’s day, many invites for free talks and stoppings and thing like that.
Ever thought about the negative about a WOMAN?
Yes women are negative too. In between all those achievements all those praises and colors.
I have seen some gravely negative women …..
I have seen

And the best types are those CHAUVENISTS, who create gender bias.
HAPPY HOMOEOPATHY cares for all you and in case you identify yourself here and this creates some awareness in you, start LOVING YOURSELF and create happiness, make something better for the women around you.
Many of us are scared to write negative, I ask why?
Awareness of every level is important, and I write to make one aware that in case you come across such personalities, instead of making your life a nightmare choose to say ‘NO’

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

CANCER CURE WITH KERBA(Amber). Brief Study By Dr.Fatema Palgharwala


A Brief Study – Presented by Dr Fatema Saifuddin Palgharwala

As a practicing Homeopathic  Doctor, my clinical work involves dealing with patients with every possible kind of cancer. Cancer, a condition which has become as common as malaria or jaundice, definitely calls for research in new cures, new medicines and better care. As part of my clinical research and development in the cures for cancer I happened to come across Kerba studies and discovered that patients who wear Kerba and take homeopathic treatment are 20% on the recovering side than those who are only on treatment. Amber being a homoeopathy proven remedy also, proves beneficial for cancer. 

This lethal combination of Kerba and treatment can stand against any cancer. Wearing of a Kerba helps the patient deal with the cancer with added mental strength and energy, hence enhancing the effects of the treatment. Homoeopathy Treatment of Cancer at Happy Homoeopathy Centre is based on the Phenomenon ‘Like Cures Like’ and is a Holistic approach.

Here arises a question, are there any Deeni articles available on Kerba? Well most of the knowledge about Kerba, has been imparted to me by my mentor and the remaining is my personal research. If there are any Deeni articles available, then I do not know about them, but one thing is for sure, that MAULA (TUS)’s pak (pure) hands are always adorned by a Kerba Tasbeeh. There is not much written about Kerba as since times immemorial Kerba was always considered a prestigious possession, hence all information was kept secret, and secret prevails today too.

BUY YOUR KERBA - Please book a prior appointment on call 09762688352, at my clinic, located at 33, Kapadia complex, Khokha Bazaar, Mumbai - 3

KERBA DETERMINATION – An ideal Kerba is determined by studying your energy type, which is a study I have done with immense effort and deep passion. This is done through a personal meeting or with a latest snap/picture. Once a suitable Kerba is found for you, you may decide on a date to pick your bead.

PAYMENT OPTIONS - Cash or ACC Transfer. Kerba will be dispatched only after payments are received.

TRANPORTING THE KERBA – The Kerba is directly handed over to the wearer or transported by a reliable carrier, as couriers and other transport companies are not safe.

COLOUR, SIZE AND QUALITY – The usual colour of the Kerba is always between deep yellow to deep brown. The Kerba for you will depend on the mining find. The difference in colour is an indication of how old the Kerba is. Kerba never shines, its opaque. It is neither glass nor plastic. It's a TREE EXTRACT.  A regular jeweller who has not studied Kerba will never be able to identify it.

HOW TO WEAR KERBA – Kerba is to be worn either on the neck or wrist. Please note that it must NEVER be worn with any other metals.

For further queries please feel free to call me Dr Fatema Palgharwala @ 09762688352.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012


Cream of Delight by Happy Homoeopathy Clinic
Hello Readers Introducing for you a wide range of Skin Treatment Creams and Washes Personalized for you according to your SKIN TYPE
Manufactured under strict protocols and Tested on Human skin of all types and ages and results evidently proven all products are HALAL.
Cream of delight is for all ages both sex
Normal skin also ages and we have developed an ANTI-AGEING product for you.
Stretch marks due to exercise/pregnancy etc.
And many other Skin diseases.

Kindly note: we will not endorse any “go fair” products because the skin color you are born with is your natural color so we don’t have any gora making creams sorry, Only detanning products are available.
How to avail the product??
Contact The Doctor and your skin type will be determined and accordingly your personalized cream of delight will be manufactured and delivered to you. Location is no barrier you just have to contact the doctor.
Cost of the cream/washes- Minimum quantity will be charged Rs.1000/- may vary with Skin type and quantity.
Why cream of delight is different from others available in Market- Human Proving and personalized manufacturing makes Happy Homoeopathy’s Cream of delight different from others.
We give no trials
 No sample cream will be made available because as I said our Human proving are already proved.
Contact: Dr.Fatema Palgharwala B.H.M.S.
Contact me: drfatemapalgharwala@gmail.com drfatema1 ffspp@hotmail.com dr.fatemapalgharwala@yahoo.com


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