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Showing posts with label Amber. Show all posts

Friday, 16 July 2021

MEDICINE AMBER - Dr.Fatema Palgharwala Adnan.


Medicine – Baltic amber has been revered as a medicinal substance since time immemorial and many healing elixirs have been made with it down through the ages. The Persian scientist, philosopher and foremost physician of his time, Ali Ibn Sina, known as Avicenna, 980 – 1037, who’s Canon of Medicine provides a complete system of medicine according to the principles of Galen and Hippocrates and was the standard textbook for Western doctors up until the 17th century, was well versed in the medicinal uses of Baltic amber. He wrote that it was astringent, used to staunch the flow of blood and recommended it as a therapeutic remedy against many diseases.

Albert the Great, also known as Albertus Magnus and Albert of Cologne, 1193/1206, was a Dominican friar and bishop who promoted the peaceful coexistence of science and religion. Granted the title Doctor Universalis by his peers, he is often referred to as the greatest German philosopher and theologian of the Middle Ages. Albertus Magnus believed that stones had spiritual/magical properties and wrote about it in his work De Mineralibus. He categorized Baltic amber as one of the six most valuable medicines of his time.

The Polish astronomer and mathematician Nicholaus Copernicus, 1473-1543, studied medicine at Krakow University and wrote his graduate thesis on Baltic amber’s potent healing properties.

The terms Oleum succini (amber oil), Balsamum succini (amber balsam), and Extractum succini(amber extract or tincture) appear often in the formulas of the alchemists of the Middle Ages and these items were still listed as medicines in A Dictionary of Medical Science; Medical Lexicon of Official and Empirical Preparations, sixth edition dated 1846, written by Robley Dunglison, at the Boston Medical Library of Medicine.

Succinum was considered antispasmodic and diaphoretic in a dose from five to twenty grains. It was commonly referred to as Electrum, Ambra, Ambre jaune and Yellow Amber, reported to be composed of resinous matter, essential oil and an acid, sui generis; inodorous, except when rubbed or heated, insoluble in water, and slightly acted upon by alcohol. The oil, oleum or Balsamum Succini, also known as Huile de Succin, was said to possess stimulating, antispasmodic, diuretic and rubefacient properties.

Baltic amber oil was an ingredient in British Oil, formulated by the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, which also contained oil of terbinth, juniper and aloe and was recommended as a remedy for sprains.

Russians of today promote Succinic acid in pill form as an important anti-alcohol medicine; a substance that reduces the desire for alcohol. They claim that it quickly eliminates the effects of excessive alcohol consumption; a mere 0.1 gram pill reportedly restores an inebriated person’s motor skill to normal. A tincture made of amber and vodka was thought to increase male sexual potency and the use of this remedy persisted from at least the Middle Ages well into World War I.

WEARING BALTIC AMBER 5 - Dr.Fatema Palgharwala Adnan.

 Wearing Baltic Amber – The highest content of succinic acid is found in the amber cortex – the external layer of the stone. It has long been believed that by wearing raw or polished natural Baltic amber against the skin, a “homeopathic dose” of succinic acid is absorbed into the body, enough to exert its analgesic, anti-inflammatory, immune enhancing and vitality boosting influence.

Due to their natural analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, Baltic amber beads have long been valued as teething necklaces. Worn by babies and small children for countless centuries throughout Europe, the amber beads seem to ease babies teething discomforts and are believed to help calm a fussy baby. The beads are simply worn around the neck and not necessarily chewed.

Raw Baltic amber comes in many shades of yellow and yellow browns, and also white, pale lemon yellow and almost black. Uncommonly one finds red or “cherry amber”, green or blue, but these are rare and highly sought after. Baltic amber is translucent and can be especially beautiful when polished.

One of the things about Baltic amber that I find the most magical and fascinating is that not only does it carry the energy and memory of all those millions of years on earth, but it also often contains bubbles of air that was actually on the earth all those millions of years ago, as well as inclusions of small particles of living matter, such as leaves or bugs that bear witnesses to life on earth 40 to 200 million years ago. These physical traits energetically transmit to me the power of longevity, endurance, and the ability to survive, with strength and grace, any changes that come our way. Now that is what I call adaptogenic!

Another thing I like about natural Baltic amber is that most amber pieces are sustainably harvested in the same traditional ways that have been used for centuries. Raw chunks of amber are stirred up by turbulent seas, carried ashore by waves and collected at ebb-tide. Harvesters, furnished with nets at the end of long poles, wade into shallow waters of the Baltic Sea and drag their nets through seaweeds which may contain masses of entangled amber. Some rake amber up from boats.

Tincture of Baltic Amber

Amber’s antibiotic and disease fighting properties are legendary. It was credited with saving people from the bubonic plague during the Middle Ages. The Prussian Priest Matthaus Praetorius recorded that “During the plague not a single amberman from Gdansk, Klaipeda, Konigsberg or Liepaja died of the disease.” The succinic acid in Baltic amber has proven to be immune enhancing and an exceedingly effective ally in fighting both bacterial and viral infection.

Modern research at the University of Hamburg, Germany, confirms the safe use and positive effects of succinic acid in cellular metabolism. And in Russia, Dr. Veniamin Khazanov of the RAS’ Institute of Pharmacology says “For aged people, succinic acid has proved to be indispensable. It is capable of restoring the energy balance at the cellular level, which is often upset as the years go by, and helps the patient regain his youthful energy.”

Its “hormone-like” effect on the neuroendocrine system, studied extensively by Professor Eugene Maevsky, Deputy Director of the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics, which is part of the Russian Academy of Sciences, is notable. Scientists working with Dr. Maevsky have documented studies over the past several decades that consistently support their use of succinic acid to prevent and treat many age related diseases.

Traditional Chinese Medicine also has high regard for the medicinal properties of Baltic amber. Chinese practitioners use it for subduing fright, tranquilizing the mind, for the relief of palpitations, to promote blood circulation and protect against heart attack and stroke. Amber is also specifically recommended for lower abdominal pains affecting the testes, prostate or uterus. An old time remedy called “amber syrup”, a mixture of powdered amber and opium, was used as a tranquilizer and antispasmodic.

Chemistry – In addition to the succinic acid, terpenoids with a wide range of therapeutic actions, aromatic oils, phosphoric and sulphuric acids, a-keto acid and a-hydroxy acid are also present in the alcohol extract. Ethanol extracts of amber have been used therapeutically and with no recorded negative effects, for a very long time.

According to A. Matuszewska and A. John, Department of Geochemistry, Mineralogy, and Petrography, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Silesian University, Sosnowiec, Poland, the succinic acid isolated from Baltic amber stimulates plant organisms, and can contribute to an increase in the yield of cultivated plants

Thursday, 14 February 2019

Food Habits and Tolerance!

Wow , where is the tolerance going? I was asked what is your food preference, I replied HALAL. Well it is obvious the questioner did not understand my answer.
So elaborated Veg or Non veg I replied both,provided it is HALAL!
Bang ! He went away.
It is a common belief that Vegetarian food is automatically HALAL. Is it?
So please confirm what you want to ask .
And first decide what is your food preference.
Now a days I see many public places and community locations etc. Say only Vegetarian food allowed,
It just reflects their social intolerance towards peoples choices. I visited such place recently and asked if the vegetarian food served there was HALAL?
They were simply dumbfounded.
My religion teaches me tolerance and acceptance.
I prefer carrying my food along whenever I believe that the food will not be fit for my consumption.
Same applys to invitations these days , I hope you understood my point here!
Eat well keep healthy.
It may be vegetables, mutton, chicken or fish.
Mixed with Halal products and cooked into a beautiful morsel of delicious food!
With the Blessings of my AqaMaula TUS.

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

CANCER CURE WITH KERBA(Amber). Brief Study By Dr.Fatema Palgharwala


A Brief Study – Presented by Dr Fatema Saifuddin Palgharwala

As a practicing Homeopathic  Doctor, my clinical work involves dealing with patients with every possible kind of cancer. Cancer, a condition which has become as common as malaria or jaundice, definitely calls for research in new cures, new medicines and better care. As part of my clinical research and development in the cures for cancer I happened to come across Kerba studies and discovered that patients who wear Kerba and take homeopathic treatment are 20% on the recovering side than those who are only on treatment. Amber being a homoeopathy proven remedy also, proves beneficial for cancer. 

This lethal combination of Kerba and treatment can stand against any cancer. Wearing of a Kerba helps the patient deal with the cancer with added mental strength and energy, hence enhancing the effects of the treatment. Homoeopathy Treatment of Cancer at Happy Homoeopathy Centre is based on the Phenomenon ‘Like Cures Like’ and is a Holistic approach.

Here arises a question, are there any Deeni articles available on Kerba? Well most of the knowledge about Kerba, has been imparted to me by my mentor and the remaining is my personal research. If there are any Deeni articles available, then I do not know about them, but one thing is for sure, that MAULA (TUS)’s pak (pure) hands are always adorned by a Kerba Tasbeeh. There is not much written about Kerba as since times immemorial Kerba was always considered a prestigious possession, hence all information was kept secret, and secret prevails today too.

BUY YOUR KERBA - Please book a prior appointment on call 09762688352, at my clinic, located at 33, Kapadia complex, Khokha Bazaar, Mumbai - 3

KERBA DETERMINATION – An ideal Kerba is determined by studying your energy type, which is a study I have done with immense effort and deep passion. This is done through a personal meeting or with a latest snap/picture. Once a suitable Kerba is found for you, you may decide on a date to pick your bead.

PAYMENT OPTIONS - Cash or ACC Transfer. Kerba will be dispatched only after payments are received.

TRANPORTING THE KERBA – The Kerba is directly handed over to the wearer or transported by a reliable carrier, as couriers and other transport companies are not safe.

COLOUR, SIZE AND QUALITY – The usual colour of the Kerba is always between deep yellow to deep brown. The Kerba for you will depend on the mining find. The difference in colour is an indication of how old the Kerba is. Kerba never shines, its opaque. It is neither glass nor plastic. It's a TREE EXTRACT.  A regular jeweller who has not studied Kerba will never be able to identify it.

HOW TO WEAR KERBA – Kerba is to be worn either on the neck or wrist. Please note that it must NEVER be worn with any other metals.

For further queries please feel free to call me Dr Fatema Palgharwala @ 09762688352.

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