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Wednesday, 11 October 2023

KLEPTOMANIA by Happy Homeopathy Clinic. Dr.Fatema Adnan

The repertories are full of strange and bizarre rubrics. There are rich, quality sensations that you feel so lucky if a client utters them.; strange symptoms that are a gift if elicited during case taking. Sometimes you just wish clients would present with some of these clear cut but obscure states just to make life easy - but they rarely do - many cases come across initially as quite ordinary and even after careful and detailed case taking one can still be left with a certain amount of interpretation, having to unravel the richness of someone's story in search of a quality that comes with strange, rare and peculiar symptoms.
Kleptomania could be one of those rubrics. But what is Kleptomania and why are the remedies that are in this rubric there; what do they have in common; how do they relate to each other; what are the themes and essences of some of the remedies that have this rather strange symptom and how might they present during the case taking?
Let's look at the word itself first - klepht = a Greek belonging to one of several independent and armed and sometimes brigandish communities, formed after the Turkish conquest of Greece. From the brigandish, bandit element (brigand can also mean to bring strength and honour), we get klepto = to steal. With the addition of mania we have finally = a persistent, neurotic impulse to steal, especially without economic motive in which the object stolen is usually believed to have a symbolic significance to the kleptomaniac. Almost magpie like
The desire to steal is irresistible and obsessional and the emphasis is on stealing items that are not rationally needed for personal use or monetary value - we could perhaps extend this to 'Desires more than s/he needs'; or 'Capricious, knows not what s/he wants'; then there is 'Delusion s/he has stolen something'; 'Fear of poverty'; 'Contradiction of will'; and 'Makes useless purchases', to consider in the analysis. Aetiology is not to be underestimated and could prove to be a confirming factor within the case - such as jealousy for example. Some clinicians view kleptomania as part of the obsessive-compulsive spectrum of disorders, reasoning that many individuals experience the impulse to steal as an unwanted intrusion into their mental state. Other evidence suggests that kleptomania may be related to mood disorders such as depression - which in turn will have its own aetiology.
But the emphasis really is on the need to steal. And, the thing is, you can steal almost anything. You can steal a kiss, ideas, a look, time, belongings, confidence, protection, energy, money, liberty, secrets, identity, and so on.
If we take a closer look at some of the remedies in this rubric it might shed some light and give us a deeper sense of understanding of these remedies.
Bryonia effects all serous membranes causing great inflammation and fever of many kinds. The circulation and the blood is disordered. Aggravation from any movement at all, they have to be still and resting. There is physical weakness when attempting to move. There are stitching, tearing, bursting pains. 'Bry is dry' - mucous membranes are dry and they are very thirsty, discharges are scant, menses are suppressed, joints seem to lack lubrication - hot, red and swollen, skin rashes recede or do not develop - a definite with-holding state, one of congestion.
Often affects people who are normally of a robust and determined constitution, the complaints develop slowly but with great force, they do not succumb quickly.
The trigger with Bryonia is all to do with clinging, protection and the fear of being scorned (yet wants to be alone), ō¸°€fear of losing that protection (and yet so ugly in behaviour as to repel). -
Bryonia is a clinging and climbing vine. The climbing aspect might well relate to the normal robustness of this remedy - they often do well in life, reach sociable heights, are always talking of their business (even when ill). The clinging relates to the amount of protection they really do need, their fear of being scorned - ailments from being scorned - and as a plant that needs something to cling to the 'home' is a likely source of discontent.
Anxiety in the house
Delusion is away from home Delusion as if in a strange land Attempts to escape
Desires to go home
Talks of home
For people who fear being scorned and have a need to cling then Bryonia is unusually repellent in its attitude. They are so irritable and grumpy, to the point of rage. They want to be left alone (good thing too!), very ugly behaviour, taciturn. Usually so robust they cannot come to terms with being ill so they are extremely apprehensive about their condition, and fear for their future, but the overwhelming emotions are irritability and complaining.
The need to cling and fear of losing protection comes in the form of:-
Delusion is being injured
Delusion he is pursued
Delusion under the control of strangers Delusion he is unfortunate
Despair of recovery
Fear of being alone
Fear of being poisoned
Fear of suffering
Ailments from scorn
Aversion to being touched
Feels unfortunate
So, Bryonia steals for self gratification, needing to reward the self at any cost, they steal your time and drain your energy - a very selfish and needy remedy.
Once known as an exterminator of vermin Staphysagria has the action of stupefying. It also has physical, moral and sexual disturbance. Morbidly sensitive, everything is painfully sensitive, sensation as if being squeezed between stones - pushed to the limit where there is no thought as to the consequence of actions - becomes warped and stupefied, numb to the consequences. The faculties of perception and understanding are deadened but at the same time shocking, astonishing, stunning. Manipulative with a great propensity to object to what others may say or do to them but this is suppressed until again, pushed to that limit.
Staphysagria stands tall and haughty with dignity, reputation and honour at stake. So in the early stages their emotions are kept tightly controlled. But if they fall from this grand stance (fear of falling) they become capricious, appear sweet and romantic, sexually lures, suffers rape or sexual abuse because of this (?), there is want of self control and then deep suppression and remorse and finally more lack of control, violence and serious deep pathology.
Like Bryonia, Staphysagria cannot be scorned and yet they want to throw what they have away. They play with fire and like to throw things into the fire, until they cannot maintain the image anymore and a very unstable symptom picture begins to emerge.
But why does Staphysagria have kleptomania? What is it exactly that Staphysagria needs to steal?
When you stupefy someone you take away their notions of freedom and this is what Staphysagria steals - freedom of choice. Staphysagria suffers so much at their own makeover, their own self image, that they suppress their own identity to such a degree that they then, can only, explode and crumble (sensation as if broken in pieces). Temper, bones, teeth, limbs, stomach, sexual energies - all come to a violent breaking point and then break down.
Sepia gives and works and works and gives more and more until they feel as though everything they are doing is against their will (undertakes things opposed to her intentions and contradiction of will), they become completely worn out doing things for others and never for themselves. They also have fear of poverty and part of their disharmony is when they feel they want to have something back for all the hard work endured - so they steal it, whatever it is that they want - often is it freedom and liberty. The problem is, they continue to work enduringly hard, they continue to give against their will (even sexual activity is indulged in against their wishes) and this exhausts them even more. Pulled in two directions like this - stasis occurs.
Sepia has dreams of rape - this might be actuality - and this violation is a form of 'stealing' in reverse - so within the Sepia concept of despair 'stealing' becomes the norm. They cannot tolerate being contradicted, this is stealing respect; delusion, feels she could injure herself, this is a stolen self worth; unconscious while kneeling in church, this is stolen stability; ailments after anger, this is stolen control; averse to family, this is stolen love. But to counter this they refuse sympathy and consolation, they are heedless and impetuous, they love and welcome anything which disturbs the environment such as thunderstorms, suffer from states of mildness and indifference, have delusions the family will starve - the balance is never achieved, hence stasis, which has to be the encompassing keynote of Sepia.
Kali brom has guilt written all over it - they fiddle and fidget with their hands, the eyes are never still, always averting, suspiciously scanning - deep sense of guilt, as though they had committed a crime. This might actually be the case but there is Delusion about to commit a crime; that money is sewed up in the clothing; that he has been accused of stealing. Taking their case is more like a police questioning - they answer no to all questions!!
The Kali brom person is very unstable. It is likely that they have been brought up to feel this deep sense of guilt - delusion forsaken and deserted - perhaps they were not wanted as a child, so the love they had to work for is deemed as being stolen. They develop depression and melancholy, concern about their health, complain about everything, lose all moral and religious feeling, are full of remorse and eventually become paranoid - delusion is the object of god's vengeance, that life is threatened, that they are in danger from their family (do not underestimate this), that they are conspired against. They often develop overwhelming sexual activities and epilepsy - all because love was stolen from them and they want it back.
I never expected to see Calc carb in this rubric. The oyster in the shell, cannot exist without a shell, this protection is a must for Calc carb - protection and security, the stuff of bones and life and the need for a 'home' and all that entails. A fragile and threatening world is out there waiting for them if this is threatened or stolen from them - delusion small and weak.
Protection comes in many forms - people, money and possessions, softness, food - Calcarea needs company, has fear of poverty, loves soft food (especially eggs) and are often plump (but not always). If these basics are missing then they will steal to get them. But they are fearful of being observed and don't want to be found out, (in fact many fears will evolve over time, all to do with a theme of persecution). So this is how they do it:-
they complain about offences long past
spend ridiculous amounts of money - delusion wealthy
steal money
talk a lot about money in general
become indifferent about their own recovery so others will attend to them get irritable
become extremely obstinate
talks all the time of danger - fire, cruelties, murder, rats and snakes - and how it effects them become averse to the family
pretend to be sick
become destructive
will let people take them over completely indulge in sexual excesses
shriek and scream for attention
they bite you
This is an antiseptic, disinfectant and deoderent remedy. It is a remedy of decay and putrefaction, there is no oxygen in the blood, there is stagnation and collapse, maybe after a long period of serious and weakening illness, they are weak, sick and exhausted - they appear to be lifeless and this is a clue as to why this remedy is in the kleptomania rubric. It is a 'must have' state:-
must have air
must be fanned
must have windows open
must have cold water
must have high living and over indulgence with lots of stimulants, rich food and wine - this is often the causation of their diseased state.
But there is also 'never been well since a violent attack or shock'. This can be absolutely anything, but it will be something that renders them lifeless, something big has been taken from their life, there will be a great loss somewhere - rape and abuse might be present and this is what needs disinfecting. It will be an event that does this:-
makes them feel small
become indifferent to the music he used to love anxious as if committed a crime
anxious with strangers but desires company they bite (defence mechanism)
delusion as if someone in bed with them delusion deserted or forsaken
hears footsteps in the dark
delusion people are beside him
fear of evil and that something will happen shrieking during sleep
very timid and bashful
They are so dejected and unhappy that they can become excessively affectionate - they just want to 'buy' or steal it back.
Anyone who knows anything about the history of drinking absinthe will know the effects it has on the brain - hysterical cerebral irritation, hyperemia, epileptiform seizures, delirium and hallucinations, sometimes loss of consciousness, otherwise extremely restless, trembling and twitching, nervous and no relief found in sleep - cannot sleep, insomnia. The active compound in Artemisia absinthium is Thujone which causes brain damage. It occurs naturally in all the artemisias. It is a monoterpene with 10 carbons and is found in many other fragrant plants especially those which emit an essential oil. Thujone is related to menthol and can be found in products such as Vicks Vapour Rub.
There is a theme of two extremes which evolve out of the fact that the alcoholic effects of Absinthe would be sedative but the Thujone  content would cause the excitation and the hallucinations. So you have stupor AND violence, unconsciousness AND brain excitation.
The inner organs become paralysed and have sensations of swelling (probably are), especially the liver, spleen and tongue, the heart thumps and can be felt and heard all over the body.
Two of the most notable symptoms are always falling down (which can be taken to mean both physical and emotional) and a compete loss of memory. Perhaps that is what the absinthe drinkers wanted - to forget, to numb the brain and memory of their fall from grace, from a higher status. They fall so far as to end as if in a dream, where he has awful visions and feels persecuted, pursued by enemies and fears being murdered. In return they become dangerously violent themselves. It all gets so bad that death is desired.
The best part is the dreamy state, the initial exhilaration and then the loss of memory - who would want to remember all that anyway. And like any addictive habit, it has to be paid for somehow - by stealing.

Happy Homeopathy Clinic. Dr.Fatema Adnan (Palgharwala),09762688352,   https://www.happyhomeopathy.com . Cancer is fast,We are Faster. 

HAPPY HOMEOPATHY CLINIC Dr.Fatema Palgharwala A , 09762688352, https://www.happyhomeopathy.com/    33, ROOM NO.206,SECOND FLOOR,KAPADIA COMPLEX,KHOKHA BAZAR,SARANG STREET. MUMBAI 400003,MS. 
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