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Monday, 30 January 2023

Top Crystals for Wealth & Prosperity by Dr.Fatema Palgharwala.

 Happy Globe Gems and Gemstones, your gemologist Dr.Fatema Palgharwala, kindly known for her pioneering efforts to enhance,encourage and ensure the development of your Health Wealth and Relationships.


Nothing on this earth was created without purpose. It is all for the benefits of the mankind. With the Barakat of Our AQA MAULA TUS, we study these GEMS and GEMSTONES and understand their potential to help you. 

William Feather once said ‘wealth flows from energy and ideas’ and you know what this is so true . Let’s see how ?

Gems and Gemstones have many different purposes and will meet you wherever you are in life,it’s not dependent on anything,they are living beings waiting to enhance you. No ask is too big or small for these powerful stones and you should never feel ashamed for wanting to use crystals for wealth and prosperity. It’s completely halal and ethical in case you have that barrier. These wonderful beings will alter your vibrational energy and turn you into a money magnet. 

Happy Globe Gems and Gemstones.

Why should I use a Ruby ,Sapphire or Emerald or Amber etc. for Wealth? 
When it’s time for money ,people have all types of excuses and scepticism about crystals I would say how silly is that? 
Anyways let’s just shed that gate today.
Just like gemstones improve your spirituality,confidence,concentration ,creativity ,relationships there are gems for money.

So here’s a misleading comparison- Gemstone will create wealth for me. 
Gems will not magically make money for you,yet it will open up your mind to new opportunities and new ways that will make you earn money.
So , let’s ask a few questions to ourselves before we go ahead with using gems to attract wealth.

Do I need luck to get wealthy?

Do I need focus to make better financial choices?

Do I need more opportunities to invest and make money?

Do I need better health and relationships conditions such that I’m more productive and be more wealthy?

Answering the above questions will help you select the most suitable crystal to meet you where you currently stand.

So now we come to the conclusion:

The steps are easy 
1) Happy Globe Gems and Gemstones Is located at Mumbai . And available online.
2) Choose a well suited time and take your appointment.
3) Upon meeting with Dr.Fatema Palgharwala, on spot analysis of your wealth enhancing strategies will be done and discussed with you.
4) You go ahead with buying your gemstones from us and count your blessings.

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