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Wednesday, 30 May 2012


Happy Homoepathy announces Cancer Camp at Indore Ujjain Shajapur in June 2012

Only because of Karam and Dua Mubarak of Our Aqa Maula TUS and His Mansoos,TUS.

Happy Homoeopathy Clinic And Cancer Management Centre

Has achieved these feats

Our Product Cream of Delight Has reached 1000+ users and counting, And with successful management of CANCER & INFERTILITY and + Chronic Ailments In

Mumbai    Kuwait and   Other places

We are very Happy to announce our presence in Surat, Gujarat

The consultations will be by appointments

Cancer is a dangerous disease and lack of knowledge + Lack of treatment will only cause loss of funds and Loss of Life, please decide well and well in advance.

At Happy Homoeopathy we deliver Only Homoeopathic treatment for all Chronic + Acute cases.

For appointments:

Mumbai – 09762688352 , 33.KAPADIA COMPLEX.SARANG STR.KHOKHA BAZAR, Mumbai 3.

                                           SAIFEE HOSPITAL, CHARNI ROAD, Mumbai.


Surat – By APPOINTMENT 09762688352.

Other Continents and Countries and States – Kindly make a Skype appointment on Skype ID – drfatema1

We have successfully managed Breast, Lung, Bones,Brain Cancers and Tumors ,Parkinson’s ,Asthmas, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Psoriasis, Schizophrenias, Epilepsies …. Some of the dreadful diseases for which many say no cure is available I say Homoeopathy is your answer.

Enjoy health and Be Happy with Happy Homoeopathy….

 Amte Syedna,

Dr.Fatema Palgharwala.

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