Since childhood when I actually started understanding this word it felt wrong. The conscience didn't approve of it.
Even today although bribes are common as many hands on earth it feels bad.
Why I always ask myself.
Have you asked your self why bribe is unethical?
Although you and me give it every day!
It has become the way of business nothing works without sending a packet.
Small medium big anything pani puri wala on the street corner gives, small shops , showrooms everywhere each one gives.
It’s bribe,inducement,incentive,payola,backhander,pay-off,kickback,sweetener,carrot,bung,dropsy,plugola,schmear,sling,douceur,drop…………..whatever you call it it’s present.
Why are we pondering about this today well my blogs are always about my personal experiences so that is what happened I came to know about a new way of bribing to get business.
It's been a practice for certain groups of people to come together and form a symbiotic relationship between ,in which they pay to be a part of the group to themselves and others , the bond they have in between is that they will give business within themselves and get business for all as much as possible.
And for this design of destiny they pay 200inr / day as 'Bribe'.
So I ask myself has all my study gone to the drain?
Has all my prayers gone to the drain?
Has all my Yakeen Gone to the drain?
Were the words heard that Rizq is DEFAULT by Almighty false?
200/day Bribe is Everything it's the only way to earn money making business.
Now you are pondering now you are scratching your head.
Ask your self a breakfast with some deceiving beings will bring you business or a kind gesture of feeding one needy will fetch you more money?
Oh cool down Doctor you are overreacting.....!
That's what a few of you might say.
Well I say it’s about Collective Subconscious.
We've written a blog earlier about this Collective Subconscious and again I insist that you understand this.
Business is a plan it's a game to play ; cheating might get you a bit ahead sometimes or maybe always yet in the larger picture you have failed.
Also some free divisions run many zoom shows where you may learn a few good things and get business updates etc.etc .
Yet these don’t actually teach you business it just adds skills to your methods.
Remember the Camel story of IMAM ALI AS.
Did HE bribe ?
Did HE go to any hotel for breakfast to promote HIS camel?
Did HE have ZOOM up Skilling?
No .
Just simple Yakeen.
This Grace this hope this peace of mind is Business it's just beautiful.
Let’s pray that we will all follow this, I meet so many wonderful people each day who follow this peaceful path of business. I went to mangaldas market the famous cloth market of Mumbai, here I met this uncle who only sells bottoms . Yes all sizes all colours and fixed price, he was very happy to sell his product very confident that his pricing is optimal and best value one will get in a salwar! So simply I buy the product peacefully.
So my learning is that let’s just keep businesses simple and easy going. Make sure your business is unique and fruitful,make sure your product is unique and optimally priced.
And when the customer takes your product it will be advantageous for Health ,Wealth or Relationship of the Customer.
This should be the core of your business and product strategy.
With the Discipline and Yakeen on Our interpretation of the teachings of OUR AQA MAULA TUS always ,
Follow your heart and keep your ethics safe;
Say no to Bribes.
Happy Homeopathy Clinic. Dr.Fatema Adnan (Palgharwala),09762688352, https://www.happyhomeopathy.com . Cancer is fast,We are Faster.
HAPPY GLOBE GEMS AND GEMSTONES. Dr.Fatema Adnan (Palgharwala),09762688352, https://www.happyhomeopathy.com IS A CERTIFIED GEMOLOGIST. ALL OUR PIECES ARE 100% NATURAL GEMSTONES.
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Dr.Fatema Palgharwala.
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