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Showing posts with label DOCTOR. Show all posts

Wednesday, 21 September 2022


 So, I was on my routine work schedule and in the middle of a meeting, I received this call from an unsaved number, and the kind man spoke with me and informed me which was not something I ever expected and I just ignored it and continued working. Now after a while I get another call from someone I know and they ask me to please check the number and call back. Well, that turned out to be a genuine call informing me I have to travel to Saudi Arabia for performing Medical khidmat for Hajj.  Seriously I’m shocked. Yes, that was a surprise beyond my expectations. Cool; I just have like 7 days to finish my work and hop on a flight. Yes, dear patrons and readers this series of blogs is going to be about my “Haj-Travel of Life”. And I never filled any forms for this or gave my names on any lists or pulled any strings neither paid anything, completely based on my work ethics I was called in as a Doctor for Medical khidmat on Haj1443. 

Are you with me for these eventful 40 days for the travel of life!

 Well let’s start. take off and I land Jeddah Airport at 2am in the morning SA time. Sleepy, was I? not at all never been so alert all my life … let’s go a little reverse in time while I was boarding this flight … it’s an indigo 6E Mumbai-Jeddah direct and believe me the worst flight I’ve ever flown, I have taken tons of flight around the world this overtook my worst flight experience of Air Arabia. and this flight was supposed to carry one more doctor and paramedic for the same purpose yet they were not on the flight so the journey began with a big problem and scare of the unknown.

 So come back to Jeddah airport I thankfully received all my luggage unlike many who did not receive their bags which was our second shockwave, bumped into rocks when we enquired about the missing luggage. So, we boarded our buses with some rolls of chicken to eat and started the “Labbiak” chants, wow that sound rings in my mind right now hear some @


It’s a sunny Friday morning at Mhouse, in my room with bags unlocked and breakfast calls ringing on the announcement. Eat well drink well was my personal motto for my own well-being because I was aware I have tough days ahead, I’m accompanied with Ms. KnowThemAll, it’s going to be the two of us for the next few weeks, so we acquaint ourselves trust each other quickly start matching our bathroom times and pick our bags to go for our first …. Umrah.


 It’s a very fresh memory of my childhood my uncle who was an artist by profession made me prepare a drawing of The Kaaba with Color pencils I was like 7 years then; I used my whole black color pencil that day and more!

That competition fetched me the first prize. So that’s how picture perfect The KAABA is, huge mighty overwhelming adorned in the black KISWAH.


The HAJJ AND UMRAH are physical acts and have to be performed in perfection there is no exception in that, for example when you enter the Masjid Haram there is a procedure for that, a tawaf i.e., the anti-clockwise round around THE KAABA it has many elements to it, from start till end. This procedure is fixed and same for all there is no bending rules and exceptions here, in case you break the rules there is a procedure of KAFFARAT, for it yet there is no exception.


So, after the completion of the 7 tawaf and namaz comes the ZamZam water, after drinking this glass of water I understood what is the meaning of quenching one’s thirst and mesmerism. The SAFA AND MARVA is a different ball game it’s long and tiring and tests your physical capacity to its optimum. 



Once we were all set with the medical room and medicines, we were all set for any emergencies, my team had this very unique pharmacist who I will call Mr. Neem Hakim, and he was not khatare jaan.

 And eventually our work started with daily routine of visitors to my desk. Somehow my team was perfect.

The three of us.

This trip was solo and solo to the core for all the three of us we did not have any guidance or help or perks and the difficulties arose when the travel had to be done along with the medical work which was a task without guidance. And we were learning every day, initially we could not reach on time for the namaz because the bus running by the Mhouse was incompetent to match the rules of travel for us.

Explorer wins the bread You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness.”

So, I found out the app, yes the app ‘Makkah Bus’ so every 6minutes we get a free bus which carries us mystically to the gate outside Haram!

Consciously elating!

This bus ride made me many friends from all countries, I met a very happy couple from Iran who are now my friends. Even the Mumineen of Mhouse started following the app and we became 6minExplorers. So, thank you we did not have the perks! The universe is abundance. 

Ms. KnowThemAll and I had bonded well and enjoying our experiences every day, Mr. NeemHakim along our team was happy.


Mecca is a city where things revolve around the Kaaba only, so everything starts and ends there, so thus shopping and some outside food I loved BinDawood for shopping and the food outside was below average thus I preferred our kitchen food over anything outside.


With days passing people started pouring in at MHouse and the parameter is directly proportional to your waiting time for the elevator to arrive at your floor.

It was fun to see a filled lobby and mawaid. I love jaman khidmat so I would join the cool gals’ team for jaman khidmat sometimes in that I met this PoetLady, you got to listen to her poems.


Graphology is my tool for analysis since years now and new people don’t know about it, so while I would make them write and absorb all the information regarding their health wealth and relationships, they mistook me for a simple GP who can give some painkillers or Crocin and this made many feels like magic. For me diagnosis is not dependent upon some blood tests and in a setup like this where it’s not easy to get blood work done this was my boon. I solved many chronic issues for my visitors and adjusted their medications and made them feel free and better and not pill dependent.

Menses and travel are a big mismatch for the female species! Yes, it’s messy its time wasted, it’s unhappiness for many and many believe that Hajj should be performed only after menopause, yet this travel is so anxiety creating that even a 55-year-old will menstruate. Graphotherapy helped me with this, how? That questions I’m sure you will receive in the comments once this blog is published. So many of them went writing their way through and avoided the pills completely.

 It’s a debate why no pills and why allow the nature take its toll, yet my favorite question remains is it natural in all ladies or acquired?

Well so these episodes of menses anxiety and lack of knowledge and over medication also in many cases wrong medications taught me a lot. How the lay man is cheated by money making quack doctors around.

 And our own chicken stories and it made my conviction of saying no to chicken all the stronger.


With so many experiences our journey continued and then joined us the missing team members finally the ‘Ms. DryNeedle’ joined our team so now we were four and things got better with addition of physiotherapy in the treatment.


Let’s take our blog to ‘The Enlightened City’, The Prophet’s City - Al Madinat Al Munawwarah. We stayed for 3 days at this Holy City and my main focus was the ‘Visibly Uncovered Tomb’; I think nobody will contradict me in case I say this is the most Pious place on earth Jannat.

My experience at this place has been simply unexplainable. Nobody will have words to express their emotions who visit here. So just feel it sync with it and after our short stay at Madinah we were back to MHouse. Duty calls thus we were summoned back to Mecca.


Our routine was set and now the upcoming days were bringing the most important part of our life Haj, the clinic got two more doctors from Pakistan. A little ease in work for me. Now we were six in the team!


So much anxiety and pressure and past experiences of previous visitors of Haj, sums up to fear for these days although to each is own.


We performed one more Umrah and got ready for Haj during these days one is supposed to stay in Ahram till the start and then again Haj Ahram which is as I mentioned in the beginning a physical act and the procedure is very important and has to be done ‘as its is’ there are no exceptions for this so this requires expertise and thoroughness, so we were given Hizb and we were headed by ‘MasoolHakimi’

A very charming young man he reminded me of my little brother! we were not less than a nightmare for him to handle because we had to travel along with our khidmat tasks which was very difficult for time management. The feeders and doctors were together with our MasoolHakimi. Feeders were a group of men who had come for mawaid khidmat and they were amazing people.



There are 3 types of people, and Haj is a mystery; the first kind who have come for the first time, second those who have not yet come which also comprises of those who are non-Muslims, and the third kind are those who perform Haj every year since 15 - 20 years.

Yet remember that all these three kinds are humans and to Err is Human, now guess who is most likely to make mistakes in the physical acts of Haj, 1st ,2nd or the 3rd? Put your answers in the comments, and then read on.

 Well, the answer is the third kind. And we witnessed it, they take things for granted and think it’s ok and just make mistakes in the procedure and then try to prove it true too, My prayers for such kind. And then as we say there are always those few good men who are void of ego and true to their souls and acts, and save the day for the learner’s and first timers

One such couple was at MHouse I will call them ‘Mr&Mrs.Quote’, and I have really started admiring their dedication and selfless service I learnt from them many things very soft spoken and kind and then in the scriptures once I had a few questions regarding the medical treatment and kind sir simply explained me with quoting the scriptures flawlessly and it was so easy to understand and follow the same, they were the power couple of MHouse,

unlike a few who have centipedes crawling in their brains and shout out wrong orders without explanation, we are doctors not donkeys this had to be made clear and it was. All those who are reading this please update yourself and remember that doctors are doing their best and each doctor who had come for khidmat had one single aim well-being of the hujjaj without reservations, we were not bureaucrats neither politicians nor centipedes. And my kind advice to those doctors who will go after me , keep your hearts open and be kind don’t forget you are a doctor first you don’t need to be going every year to prove your expertise only one best effort is effective for a lifetime don’t fall prey to the cancer of politics ,this khidmat opportunity will come to you because of our Aqa Maula TUS and his acceptance of our services and not because of your degree or contacts, when you are in front of The Hajar ul Aswad, only truth prevails .




Now let’s focus on our pilgrimage we started at night, got ready with our Ahram on and there were some unexpected events which were taken care of than finally we went to Masjid Al Haram, prayed and came back to travel ahead.


Let’s ponder at the unexpected event a bit reason for pondering is that this event makes it clear that allopathy is not going to work and makes blunders always , their prescription is useless because everything is available over the counter and anyone can buy anything from a medical shop without any prescription this happened because to prove their worth these Drs write the commercial name of the medicine and not the generic prescription, which makes it easy for people to buy anything anywhere, without a requirement of a Certified Pharmacist, in these type of setup where different drs of different countries come, the brand names are difficult to learn.

Our prescription rules in homeopathic medications are very strict and foolproof and universally understood.


Let’s travel ahead…

The second night we reached tent no.53 coincidence I was in tent no.53 yes.

 Almighty was protecting us from all evil and each body and soul present in these tents was going to experience something unique and extremely important. We were performing Haj we were all equal.

 Let me tell you an adventitious experience about my bag for Haj, lol yes bag is very an important part of Haj and what to carry list and what not to Carry list. Let’s travel back in time, before Haj khidmat knowledge I was supposed to be travelling to another country and I needed a good transit luggage and I was looking for something perfect and I came across this brand mokobora, difficult to pronounce and it was hard to believe their quality, simply excellent, I ordered for a golden Color and received a white Color, yes white completely white and I know 99% people will not buy a white transit backpack because “it will get spoilt” and here I was with a white transit backpack and simultaneously I receive a call regarding the confirmation of my visa procedure and I continued with this beautiful white backpack which was famous in the whole tent and throughout and more white Ahram White backpack we started our first transit to The Namera tent, our medical supplies were along with us and camp was set up for any medical aid required. It was that time when we go to Arafat; that whole afternoon is the most beautiful time after my son’s birth of my life. And we just pray there, each breath is prayer, each moment is prayer, each step is prayer, each word is prayer, just pray.


Fulfilled it’s done your prayers are answered it’s a mission accomplished now walk back to Namera and go to Muzdilafah and sleep. 

Good morning wow all the fulfilled souls woke up and counted those 70 stones and with our MasoolHakimi we started ahead.

Stoning the dEvil and then go back to tent 53.

Mina is the best tent life one will experience with refrigerators filled with cold drinks and food so tasty that you keep eating no changing clothes no combing hair just be just be yourself and enjoy and go ahead.

Now the next big experience was the Adahi which has 1000000000…. Myths for all and more in case you are a female.

You will have heard many stories I’m telling you mine here, it was a lovely morning walk for 30 minutes and we reached the Adahi place, MasoolHakimi is our leader now because as I said Haj is a physical act and has to be performed with perfection, otherwise you will end up paying KAFFARAT, so after a long wait we got our tickets for Adahi.


We entered and we saw them lovely looking goats waiting for release. Now our aim was the knife, Hahahah yes don’t be scared I’m a doctor I know my knives well and this one is the best kind, we were carrying our salt water and sand and queued up, my turn came and with all my conviction and prayer I skill fully completed the Zabihat. Easy and simple. Neat. This was the easiest act I performed in the whole travel. Our Hizb completed our Adahi perfectly and we left for The Kaaba, as I approached The Kaaba, this time it was a fulfilled experience with all done and we were performing our Tawaf of Eefaada then Namaz, ZamZam, and SAFA MARVA, Complete. Haj is complete.


Happy and joyous faces everywhere each one.

Now we reached our tent 53 relaxed and all the doctors were taking turns of duty and also enjoying their experience.

A few tasks remaining like stoning the devil and sleeping well.

So, these blissful 3days come to an end and we are back to MHouse.

Once back it was time to go back, many left the very same night and all were gone in the next 2 days empty MHouse was empty it was us now and we doctors were relaxed since very few visitors came.


My colleagues and I had a short shopping list because luggage was an issue.

I had to get toy cars for my boy, he was the most affected by this absence of mine. For the first time in his 5years of age my Burhanuddin was staying without Mamma, and believe me each parent reading this knows what I mean. And the best part is he would call me and tell me he is fine and doesn’t cry and that I should I complete Aqa Maula TUS, work and return soon. Parenting is a very important part of life always tell your children the truth and trust me they will be confident in their life, no need making dumb stories tell them where you are and why they can’t be along and never telling them they are alone without you, tell them they are with themselves for few days and that they are prepared for it. So, we were preparing for our departure.

We performed our Gadeer khum Umrah and next day we were supposed to say Wada to The KAABA is it even possible, well yes physically we are human beings and departure is imminent so we finish our final tawaf of Wada and pray for our souls and return to our families.

The flight back was fun and better than the last, although it was the same flight 6E.


I took my bags loaded them on the trolley and ran towards the exit, He was the loudest flight…. And ran into my arms and I’m home.

Monday, 12 May 2014


Hum sab ka rahbar - Ali Ali Tu kabar se bahar jo kar le Teri kabar ke andar - Ali Ali With Blessings of Our AqaMaula TUS. presenting Gems & Gemstones.  How Strong is the RUBY you are wearing? IS your Kerba True?   Can a couple of thousand worth Stone affect your Health Wealth Relationships! For Viewing and Buying Beautiful Natural Certified Gems &Gemstones. Fix A time with your Gemologist & Amber Expert; Dr.Fatema Palgharwala. Also Free Unprejudiced Assessment for your Ruby And Amber/ Kerba Contact 09762688352dr.fatemapalgharwala@yahoo.com www.happyglobe.blogspot.in   Competitive Pricing for the rarest of Pieces!

Monday, 22 April 2013

INTOXICATION vs ALCOHOL , Homeopathy is HALAL MEDICINE FOR ALL. Dr.Fatema Palgharwala Happy Homeopathy Clinic.

D’aaim ul Islam Vol. 2
When water is mixed with milk or honey or with things that are permissible to eat or drink such as dates, raisins or other solvent foods; the mixture is lawful to drink until such time as its character changes as a result of fermentation or boiling.

The pulp of grapes, raisins and dates which is cooked to boiling point and turned into syrup to a consistency like that of honey is also lawful to drink, either concentrated or diluted with water so long as it is not fermented. It is lawful to eat, drink, buy or sell and make use of this syrup.

Molana Ali (as) used to purify thick pressed grape juice as described above.

Imam Mohammed ul Baqir (as) was asked about drinking grape juice and he replied that there was no harm in drinking it from a clean vessel that had not been contaminated by wine. ‘Drink it at any time during the day or the night as long as a large quantity of it does not intoxicate for when a large quantity causes intoxication then even the smallest quantity is forbidden.

Means all medicines having any type of alcohol is FORBIDDEN

Do not drink it lest it result in lasting disgrace; for after an hour or overnight the pleasure of wine disappears but its sin remains. So be wary of Allah and assess yourselves for verily the Shi’a of Ali (as) are known for their piety (adherence to the Shariah), constant endeavour (through expending one’s
self and one’s wealth), safeguarding (through consistency of action), avoidance of malice and love of Awliyaullah (as).

Imam J’afar al-Sadiq (as) said, “There is no harm in drinking the juice that seeps from fruit before it ferments so long as it does not intoxicate.

Molana Ali (as) said, ‘We used to soak raisins or dates in a vessel of water to sweeten it for Rasulallah (sa). For a day or two he used to drink from it but if the taste changed he ordered it be thrown away.

Imam J’afar al Sadiq (as) states, ‘The lawful drinking of ‘nabidh’ (fruits steeped in water) is to drink it on the same day or the next but when it changes (ie ferments) then do not drink it. We (the Imams) drink it sweet before it ferments.

The Imam further states, ‘The water of Zamzam had a salty taste and the Arabs would throw dates into it to make it sweet.’


Molana Ali (as) states, ‘Do not bear affection towards he that considers an intoxicant to be lawful. Verily the drinker of wine, with that it is forbidden, will find it easier a death than the one who considers it lawful,or declares it to be lawful, even though he does not drink it himself. His declaration of the lawfulness [of intoxicants] is sufficient for [his] disapproval and rejection of that which the Prophet has brought [ie Islam, the Shari'a] and his preference to be with devilish.’


Imam Sadiq (as) states, ‘The one that consumes an intoxicant; loses his mind and the essence of faith (imaan) decamps from him.’


Imam Husain (as) wrote to Muawiya (l.a.) upbraiding and rebuking him for actions he had taken; in it he wrote thus:

‘You have appointed as ruler your son [Yazid, (l.a)], a juvenile who drinks wine and sports with dogs; thus you have dishonoured the trust placed in you and brought detriment upon your subjects and not fulfilled the obligation of your Master. How can you appoint over the community of Mohammed (sa) a man who drinks intoxicants? The drinker of intoxicants is amongst the profligate and from those of vile character. When a man who drinks cannot be trusted with even a dirham [penny] then how can he be appointed to rule over the Muslim Ummah? Shortly you will come to face your actions whilst the pages of forgiveness will have been closed.’


Molana Ali Zainulabedin (as) states; ‘Wine is of five kinds; from dried dates, raisins, wheat, barley and honey aside from grapes. Every intoxicant is a form of ‘khamr’.


Khamr is derived from takhmir (covering something) and that is to cover it up so that it warms and ferments.’

A lengthy disputation concerning the unlawfulness of intoxicants has been related to us from Ahlul Bayt (as) which we bring here in a shortened form and what we have stated here is sufficient and beyond dispute.
Rasulallah (sa) forbade the use of wine and intoxicants for medical treatment or for administration to children or animals. He said, ‘The sin is on he that gives wine to drink.’


Imam Al-Sadiq (as)  was asked about the drinking of ‘fuqqa’ (barley wine) and he asked the questioner as to how it is brewed. The questioner explained the process to which the Imam (as) replied, ‘It is forbidden, do not drink it.’

Imam Al-Sadiq (as) further states, ‘Wine and intoxicants cannot be used for medical treatment or by women to beautify their hair.’ He related from Molana Ali (as) that, ‘Allah has not bestowed the quality of healing on impure things which He has declared forbidden.’

Means Shampoos,creams, washes etc NOT allowed right cetyl alcohol stearyl

Imam Al-Sadiq (as) was asked about vessels that have been contaminated by traces of wine and he said, the wine or juice has not been forbidden due to the container but any intoxicant has been forbidden be it in large or small quantity.’




Once a person, after reading a critical article about homeopathy, asked me out of his curiosity, “How homeopaths can practice without knowing anything about their medicines?” He thought that we just give some sweet pills blindly as the critics say there is nothing in homeopathic medicines. Such fellows are not aware about the information we have about our medicines. Here are a few things we know about our medicines. 

The following details are available in the homeopathic literature about our medicines. It is also found applicable and reproducible in our day-to-day practice. 

1. Source of medicines, its chemical, physical and biological properties, details about active principles, toxicological data, best time to collect the medicinal sources, detailed preparation and preservation of medicines etc. There are also several studies done on higher potencies of our medicines including most advanced nano technology. Many studies are also in progress like every system. In this matter we are taking help of experts in science and technology. 100 percent information is not available in any system in this world. 

2. Effect of those medicines on healthy provers in the form of Materia Medica, which includes source books and clinical Materia Medica and therapeutic books. 

3. There is mention of sphere of action and location affinity of each and every medicine (not just systems, but even specific locations), the sides, specific location affinities such as muco-cutaneous junction, mastoid process, intercostals space, etc. All these details are very clearly mentioned in our homeopathic books.

4. The duration of action of medicines in hours and days given in our medical literature. 

5. Our books have given the special affinity of our medicines to act in different age groups and the nature and type of people who will get benefited by the medicines.
6. The list of medicines that can be useful during some particular seasons and the medicines to be avoided during some climatic conditions and other circumstances are also given. 

7. The type of foods and beverages that can affect the action of medicines including antidoting the medicinal action.
8. The time and the situation in which a medicine can work better in an individual patient are also given. 

9. The medicine that can be given when one remedy does not help in a particular condition or sickness is mentioned in various books. 

10. Which remedy can be used for completing the curative action of previous remedy in a particular condition is mentioned in various books. 

11. The medicine that can be given to remove the ill effects of the previous remedy is give. Boenninghausen’s Therapeutic Pocket Book has a section exclusively for remedy relationship, using that, a list of remedies related to one particular case can be selected for follow-up. 

12. The series of medicines that can be given one after the other for a best result is also available in our literature. 

13. The same homeopathic medicines are available in various potencies that can be applied as per various features of the case. There are guidelines for the selection of a potency and dosage. 

14. There are medicines listed for the side effects of various food items, beverages and medicines. No other medical literature provide such a long list of medicines for the side effects of various items we come across in our day to day life.
15. There are several medicines that can remove the troubles due to various things like life style changes, emotional stress, injuries, exposure to external agents, etc. 

16. We also have data on medicines that works in specific potency in certain situations and the best potency for children, terminally ill patients and patients with low vitality. 

17. We also have books that teach us about the symptoms that show improvement in cases, and the symptoms that show wrong direction of cure and bad prognosis. 

The above mentioned points are scattered in our homeopathic books, which include Organon of Medicine, Lesser writings, homeopathic philosophy books, source books and other materia medica books, various repertories, Homeopathic pharmacy books, homeopathic therapeutics books and various books on clinical experience, and research works done in the field of homeopathy. Homeopathic magazines, articles, thesis written by doctors and paper presentations by pioneers and contemporary physicians also provided us extra knowledge. 
So, we have all such details available. And using such information in our day to day practice is our main task.              Happy Homeopathy Clinic. Dr.Fatema Adnan (Palgharwala),09762688352,   https://www.happyhomeopathy.com . Cancer is fast,We are Faster....

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

CANCER CURE WITH KERBA(Amber). Brief Study By Dr.Fatema Palgharwala


A Brief Study – Presented by Dr Fatema Saifuddin Palgharwala

As a practicing Homeopathic  Doctor, my clinical work involves dealing with patients with every possible kind of cancer. Cancer, a condition which has become as common as malaria or jaundice, definitely calls for research in new cures, new medicines and better care. As part of my clinical research and development in the cures for cancer I happened to come across Kerba studies and discovered that patients who wear Kerba and take homeopathic treatment are 20% on the recovering side than those who are only on treatment. Amber being a homoeopathy proven remedy also, proves beneficial for cancer. 

This lethal combination of Kerba and treatment can stand against any cancer. Wearing of a Kerba helps the patient deal with the cancer with added mental strength and energy, hence enhancing the effects of the treatment. Homoeopathy Treatment of Cancer at Happy Homoeopathy Centre is based on the Phenomenon ‘Like Cures Like’ and is a Holistic approach.

Here arises a question, are there any Deeni articles available on Kerba? Well most of the knowledge about Kerba, has been imparted to me by my mentor and the remaining is my personal research. If there are any Deeni articles available, then I do not know about them, but one thing is for sure, that MAULA (TUS)’s pak (pure) hands are always adorned by a Kerba Tasbeeh. There is not much written about Kerba as since times immemorial Kerba was always considered a prestigious possession, hence all information was kept secret, and secret prevails today too.

BUY YOUR KERBA - Please book a prior appointment on call 09762688352, at my clinic, located at 33, Kapadia complex, Khokha Bazaar, Mumbai - 3

KERBA DETERMINATION – An ideal Kerba is determined by studying your energy type, which is a study I have done with immense effort and deep passion. This is done through a personal meeting or with a latest snap/picture. Once a suitable Kerba is found for you, you may decide on a date to pick your bead.

PAYMENT OPTIONS - Cash or ACC Transfer. Kerba will be dispatched only after payments are received.

TRANPORTING THE KERBA – The Kerba is directly handed over to the wearer or transported by a reliable carrier, as couriers and other transport companies are not safe.

COLOUR, SIZE AND QUALITY – The usual colour of the Kerba is always between deep yellow to deep brown. The Kerba for you will depend on the mining find. The difference in colour is an indication of how old the Kerba is. Kerba never shines, its opaque. It is neither glass nor plastic. It's a TREE EXTRACT.  A regular jeweller who has not studied Kerba will never be able to identify it.

HOW TO WEAR KERBA – Kerba is to be worn either on the neck or wrist. Please note that it must NEVER be worn with any other metals.

For further queries please feel free to call me Dr Fatema Palgharwala @ 09762688352.

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