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Showing posts with label diaper rash. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diaper rash. Show all posts

Friday, 27 September 2019

DIAPERS - A SCAM. by Dr.Fatema Palgharwala.

       Diapers- A Scam.  

 Hello dear readers I’m back again.With a very important topic today.DIAPERS, yes, every mother’s boon, and the child’s bane! 
Yes, these diapers are a big scam. It’s a deception; that diapers are godsend to us.  I wish I hadn’t used them, yet I was pushed into the practice by unavoidable circumstances.I was aware about the No DIAPERS method, to give the child a free will earlier.Yet I failed at it due to my health condition directly after his birth. I wish I could do it, a bit earlier although at two now and he’s achieved his freedom.Why is diaper not appropriate for your child? Infections,Skin discolorations,Muscle weakness,Late understanding of self {that is to differentiate gender},
Later on, it’s very difficult for some to get rid of their diapers; it’s like an addiction for parents and children.Lastly the Cost of these diapers it shoots your monthly budget high, and pushes some parents to buy cheap varieties and put the child to further dangers.

 Here is a short guideline how to avoid diapers from the first day .Start early , like four months five months onwards , use cloth nappy always and let the child feel the wetness , I know this raises eyebrows yet I am sure you’ll reap the benefits, the SENSITIVE PERIOD for Toileting for child is between 12 months to 18months , get a potty for the child in the bathroom, don’t carry the potty all around the house keep it fixed place in the bathroom and let the child just look at it to start with, don’t push the child and don’t make rules for potty and other routines, 

Start observing. The toileting routine. Then start taking him to sit on the potty after every meal, before leaving the house, coming back to the house and before bed. Each time, ask him “would you like to pee?” and only keep him there until he wants to go. If he protests do not take him then and try later.He will catch on immediately.Get nice underwear’s for your child.This is my advice,I have never used rewards of any kind, nor punishments for My baby. When he had an accident, I will ask “Did you pee in your underwear?” He will usually answer with his noise for yes. Then we walk him to the bathroom and help him get into clean clothes and wipe up any mess. We never shame or scold him. Just carry on with our day.This way I got rid of the dreadful diaper!

I hear parents who meet me ask about the problems of cellular phones and other gadgets and chocolates and more examples , and then my question comes up does he wear a diapers or underwear and he is three already, dear parents ,I’m not ridiculing your efforts yet first things first , we get the best of premium quality diapers for our children yet it’s just going to be thrash in the end , rather invest in something better . 

Bedwetting or nocturnal enuresis is higher in those kids who used diapers longer in early life. They simply are not trained to wetness, and can’t make out the difference. I have children who are 7 years 9years and above who still have bedwetting issues, why put our children to unnecessary trouble and also waste money over it.
We at HAPPY HOMOEOPATHY have solved many such problems in young adults.


Skin Allergy
Chemical allergy
Gender awarenessEtc.
Join us with an appointment and solve your worry and become diaper free early.
HAPPY HOMOEOPATHY CLINICMUMBAI9762688352www.happyhomoeopathy.comwww.happyglobe.blogspot.in     

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