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Friday, 1 May 2015

COOKING.DO YOU KNOW COOKING? - by Dr.Fatema Palgharwala.@ #HappyHomoeopathy Clinic

I wonder how IT IS possible for THEM.
They don't know cooking and I know cooking,
Dear readers I'm taking a break from the intense writing and  here's a light         article for little funny things in life!
The question I have always faced while meeting any man for   matrimony is Do    you know cooking?  well I initially thought    maybe they ask because men don't know how to carry a conversation. Then later one friend said no DR! THEY ask  you this because their mothers want this information. OK so mother in law          thingy well I started taking it seriously, and religiously when faced this query I  would ANSWER. Now  another thing started happening, men who meet me find it  very intimidating that a Dr can be so efficient that she can cook also ,well and  that also really tasty! (please don't ask for any     treats after reading THIS)
So I'm confused again what is the answer that should be given  and how to decide if I've to say I know cooking or I don't know cooking , to find my prince                charming.
Now you know the Dr's mind goes into research!  I decided let's get a statistical   data from all those married and find what answer they GAVE. Well!
I STARTED...............
Was doing this for LIKE 2 months and guess what?
I found these women around me don't know COOKING!
Do they cook for their children HUSBAND......? NO!
well I asked my MOM? Mom what was your answer when dad ASKED? Mom     said all the cooking I do I learnt after marriage,
So now I'm phished for marriage MAN! please teach me how to forget cooking,
EXCLAMATIONS, PAUSE, intensive, ADJECTIVES, oh my GOD,                     ACTUALLY!
so now decided my Answer is I have had specific memory LOSS! And I don't 
know how to cook.
cooking has been my stress BUSTER, I remember someone telling me, your          emotions make your food and my best friend cooks beautifully, my mom is the 
bests cook on earth and Dad makes the best KHEEMA, my brother is very good with   his culinary skills and sister is the nutrition consultant who's always cooked well measured DISHES, my KAKI, IN case  you've eaten the Khichda she makes you have had your heaven trip!
Such a strong cooking background and Now I've forgotten        cooking!
NAH! I am not giving my skill for some unknown man just to marry, NAH!
Dear MEN!
I understand your confusion about educated women , your  head spins in deciding .I have lately come across men who are well educated and all well settled and they have narrowness about education, they want to marry someone less educated        then themselves I wonder in case these find someone less educated and marry    what will be the plight of their daughters. WHY ? please answer someone?why is our  community          having this problem?  we have such support system of         ITNC   and many times I hear from my counsellor please let's drop some  degrees from your PROFILE! Hilarious I just laugh out  loud seriously is marriage worth my degree     NAH!
I feel if you can't taste how you cooked you wasted your LIFE, how can someone not know the most basic thing of life I mean  cooking is HAPPINESS! I will insted tell all these women cook ladies COOK!
After a daylong work no matter how busy I prefer eating at least one thing I have cooked myself, WE are blessed with the   abundance of richness of this world yet cooking is Heaven! And mom's cooking top of the WORLD!
I know marriage is an important part of life yet I have come to realise that our     community lacks the open view about educated women, the basic principles of the relationship is lost and it's     loosing it's charm where nobody is equal , you want to marry    someone lower than you thus to tame them for life which is      pathetic attitude.  and the latest is you marry someone with a   rich DAD! Well that's       GREAT!
So now what is the SOLUTIONS?
this time Dr.Fatema Palgharwala is stuck with a question?       
Need your ANSWERS?
What should I do?
Is there someone who wills to marry a single, charming, well    

educated, knows cooking, AND IS A SUCCESSFUL Doctor!

with all the tons of blessings of MAULA,TUS. I am proud,kind and honest to      myself, and I  love cooking! Its my MaulaTUS,    blessing that HE has bestowed that happiness in me and my         surroundings which tastes in the food I cook.    AMEEN. 

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

ALBERT:FATEMA - by Dr.Fatema Palgharwala.@ #HappyHomoeopathy Clinic

MANY TIMES I HAVE GOT THE QUESTION ABOUT , MA'AM what is the meaning of MEDICAL INTUITIVE? on your Visiting card!

I understand the scepticism between Intuition and Medical Accuracy.
Well I know; thus to clear some understanding I referred to my favorite SIR ALBERT EINSTEIN, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Einstein

and the next thing I hear around is some new thing around MBA- Mid Brain Activity,where they are making some blindfolded reading and object assumptions, well going by the "Occam's Razor" 
 here's what is Intuition and what is Knowledge!  

Albert Einstein about creativity and intuition
Albert Einstein, Strictly Scientist or Simply Intelligent Intuitive?
"Imagination is more important than knowledge." Is one quote that gives you some insight into
the mind of Albert Einstein.
A few quotes by Einstein enlighten us on his belief in intuition and creativity as an aid to
scientific discovery:
"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."
"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."
"Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen."
"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and
all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand
rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed."
Einstein used visualization techniques to arrive at some of his theories, including that of
relativity. On that occasion, he sat and visualized what the world would look like if you rode on a
beam of light through the universe. He often used visualization techniques as his preferred
method of discovery.
Einstein knew that his methods of deduction with the use of images was not acceptable and
chose initially to hide the facts. An important quote that shows you of Einstein's use of nontraditional
methods of discovery is as follows:
"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."
He knew that anything was possible and felt that there was no world you couldn't conquer with
the right techniques. When speaking on attaining information from a colleague he noted: "Now
he has departed from this strange world a little ahead of me. That means nothing. People like us,
who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a
stubbornly persistent illusion."
Einstein was a genius in that he used more parts of his brain than those simply available for
rational thinking. He shunned traditional methods and often commented on those that uselessly
clung to it. In giving advice for learning, he suggested opening the universe of the mind.
Einstein had problems with traditional learning methods, which drove him to the use of his
creative side of the brain. Perhaps this is what made him a great scientist. He looked at things
through different eyes to find the hidden solutions to problems.
Was Einstein smarter than the average person is? He might not have been brighter when he was
in school. Unlike the popular belief that IQ is static, it's proven quite mobile. People born with
lower IQs can raise them and those born with more capability can find their brainpower dropping
with lack of use. Accessing all portions of the brain and using new areas is one way to increase
the IQ. Perhaps, one of the greatest minds in history started out average but his quest into other
parts of the brain increased his abilities.
A quote from Einstein condenses all the potential that Einstein believed every individual shared
and why some people never achieve their potential.
"A human being is a part of a whole, called by us "universe", a part limited in time and space. He
experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of
optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to
our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free
ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures
and the whole of nature in its beauty."

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