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Tuesday, 25 August 2015

SALT to SALT;Full To Full,Welcome all. by Dr.Fatema Palgharwala at #HappyHomoeopathy

Ashara Ohbat!!
such a personal matter of my community and it's made public in the newspapers such as incriminating me and my community fanatics,, wow !
May I know why ?
Only because we are peace loving keep to ourselves and spread happiness---  kind of community. Illogical irrational stupid emails newspaper articles and whatsapp  messages circulate and it has no reason at all . 

Dogs bark I know without reason yet please stop barking it's annoying now.
Only because you don't believe it doesn't mean we believe blindly, my every belief has an experience testimonial  behind it.
 Every true Mumin will say YES to this , no doubt .

Yes we call ourselves Amt e SYEDNA,TUS, so why are you burning?

Yes I keep my businesses close during ASHARA, why are you worried about my loss for those days ,

Yes I will get my children along with me for every Waaz, why are you scared of their exam performance?

My community may have some ups and downs and misconceptions miscommunication etc. but those are my community problems not yours , it's going to be solved behind my doors why are you knocking and eavesdropping!

Religion and Politics have been combined since ages and I only see petty monetary gains behind such articles may God bless you, and be rest assured God Exists,

I know not many mumin are rich as  the Ambani's ,many are less educated,many have their own trails and tribulations ,many are sick, some dying terminally, some are also unethical;doing wrong deeds and hypocrites too;and then there are some who are charmingly intelligent & single like me !!! Lol !!

 yet we are staunch followers of My AQA MAULA,TUS. , 
and you know what that is my secret weapon my following towards His Holiness and whenever I sit to pray I know ALLAH is listening to me right now and before I die my wishes will be fulfilled no matter what, every mumin reading this will be chuckling right now because we know what we actually yearn for!

Quoting from the BRIHAD ARANYAKA UPANISHAD- {dont be awed how can a mumeen know about the Upanishad,we mumeen study many scriptures unlike you who only read the verses and misinterpret religion completely}

The world there is full;
The world here is full;
Fullness from fullness proceeds.
After taking fully from the full,
It still remains completely full (5.1.1)

Money follows me
Calmness follows me
Steadiness follows me
I'm following My AQA MAULA,TUS.

Without agitation without any reservations We mumineen are doing our work then why are you worried.

We mumineen are so full of My AQA MAULA,TUS., LOVE that no matter what you do it will always remain full.

Since I love you so much I kindly request you don't spread wrong notions about my community. Be informed we are here for spreading happiness and love equally. What I do behind my doors is my wish, and we never stopped you from your pleasures and simply expect the same.

About ASHARA OHBAT, I will attend and my fellow mumineen will also Attend And those who find it meaningless rhetoric about history and past and don't want to come  as recommended I advise you don't come at all. 
Because;we mumineen like to serve full thaals and don't want that you eat the leftovers, so please welcome for the full course I don't want you to miss any delicacy my friend, we are mumin Our food habit is Salt to Salt, not buffets.

Do good unto those who do bad/evil to you. 
This is a classic thought which many scriptures in multiple languages speak about with variety of examples and the same thought My AQA MAULA, TUS. , teaches me. 

Ignorance of the true nature of reality is tantamount to ignorance of the true nature of our own selves. Or stated in different terms,the human predicament consists of a severe identity problem: we don't know who we really are. We identify ourselves with the fragmented,seemingly disconnected phenomenal world of diversity,instead of with the ONE . We are creatures of infinity stuck in highly conditioned and finite personalities. While in reality we are kin to the immense universe,we spend our lives overwhelmed and blinded by the limited projects of our own ego. The result of this is alienation. The human condition is thus an ongoing experience of fragmentation,isolation,and loneliness . Consequently,our social worlds are riddled with crime and hostile conflict,informed by belief in our own individuality,and we are plagued with existential anxiety,rooted in an investment in the disconnected,transitory self.

In case you feel that I'm wrong here then maybe I'm yet you know what I care a dime! I'm illuminated by HIM and don't ignite me.

I hope you will understand.

amt-e-SYEDNA (TUS)
Dr.Fatema S Palgharwala
Happy Homoeopathy & Cancer Management.
SKYPE: drfatema1

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