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Showing posts with label happiness. Show all posts

Friday, 5 September 2014

WILL YOU TRUST ME!! - by Dr.Fatema Palgharwala.@ #HappyHomoeopathy Clinic

Dr.Fatema Palgharwala.
"Homoeopathy is a pseudoscience and its remedies have been found to be no more effective than placebos” this is the description of homoeopathy on Wikipedia. I am a homoeopathy physician in this ad mad world and here writing about homoeopathy humbly. All I am concerned about is to show you how Happy Homoeopathy works and how we achieve cure every day.
Let's explore a new area of homoeopathy which would very simply explain how Homoeopathy works so effectively and why it poses such a threat and is pushed into the alternative form?

To begin with please be informed that Dr.Samuel Hahnemann is the founder of Medicine! And Founder of Homoeopathy Medicine.
 I ask the reader.... Do you think in today's world where every career option is taken with care and sense of understanding would Students like us opt for Homoeopathy! If it was a pseudoscience or something unproved or something which is a fooling system? Ever wonder that? Ok say I took admission without this knowledge and started learning the science I ask you dear reader , do you think I am such a fool that even after learning that this was a wrong system I would continue studying it ? .
Would you continue in case you were in my place?
So we know the answer now.
Anyways let me prove it further.
Homoeopathy is the only science which follows a set of rules. Every student is taught this and we all follow it. These are called Law of Cure, which were laid down only after perfect scientific proving on healthy human beings.
Yes only homoeopathy is a Medical Science which consists of every medicine which is scientifically proved on HEALTHY HUMAN BEINGS. So by default all my medical kit is Safe for Human consumption in prescribed dosage.
My Cancer patients ask the most common question to me Doctor Can you perform Surgery? So here is the information about Surgery---- surgery is a separate technique which is learnt by those who desire to learn it. I opted for understanding the medicine part of disease only thus opted for Homoeopathy. Do surgeries happen in homoeopathy hospitals? Answer is yes; it happens and pre-operative post-operative care is Homoeopathy medicines.

So now going further in our task. Why homoeopathy for chronic diseases? Understand the body, its complex machine and when something hurts the body continually it gets habituated to that occurrences and defends itself with what little methods available to it. Homoeopathy helps the body to get stronger against the chronic diseases and thus it's more effective in deep seated diseases than anything else.
Cases of Cancer Psoriasis thalassemia find their cure with Homoeopathy very easily.

Halal and Homoeopathy practice: this is the latest debate found around our clinics these days. Well here's the answer homoeopathy is a halal medicine and when used with proper care and rules it's not going to send you to hell!
Another pointer here is that readers depend on lot of jargon available free of cost on various media. Study the science spend 6years of your precious life become a Homeopath and then ask me is my medicine effective, or is it halal, or can it work and is it proven,
I am not unhappy for the questions you ask I'm unhappy about the mistrust created by a handful few which is wrong.

So here I'm at Happy Homoeopathy spreading Happiness, I'm a proud to be a homoeopath; proud follower of AqaMaulaTUS. I will put my future generations in this field.
I know my science and my religion do you have the guts to follow it as thoroughly as I do?

For all about Amber/ Kerba www.happyglobe.blogspot.in.  
Or talk to Dr.Fatema Palgharwala @09762688352
Tweet Dr.Fatema @ffspp
Skype drfatema1
For appointment with the clinic use any of the above.

Happy Homoeopathy takes Clients and patients by appointments.
With Blessings of my AQAMAULA.TUS here I am having a blessed practice each day with smiles and happiness abundant! Ameen.

Happiest Post Of The Day!


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