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Monday, 19 August 2013




The name 'Amber' was derived from the word 'ambre' from Middle English, 'ambra' from Medieval Latin and 'anbaramergris' from Arabic. Amber is the fossilized resin from ancient forests. This aromatic resin oozed and dripped down the trees, and filled the internal fissures. During this process it ended up trapping debris such as seeds, leaves, feathers and insects. Through a process of natural polymerization of the original organic compounds the resin got buried and fossilized. Majority of amber that is found today is approximately 30-90 million years old.

Amber – Its Origin

Amber has been a sacred stone to Eastern Indians and Native Americans for thousands of years and was used by ancient tribal healers and shamans during fire ceremonies. It was burned as an incense to cleanse or clear the environment off negative energy. It was considered a symbol for the renewal of marriage vows and promises made. Amber was used in the breastplate of the high priest.

Amber has been called a kind of "time capsule" that holds the early history of life on earth. It is a fossilized resin that is normally golden to yellow-brown in colour and although it is not mineralized it is considered to be an organic gemstone. Specks of red, blue and green have also been found in samples of amber. Most specimens found today are between thirty and ninety million years old and commonly contain and preserve insects, spiders, frogs, plant-structures, fruits, and other small organisms. The value of amber increases with the rarity and precision of whatever object in entraps.

Amber - Where Is It Found?

The richest and largest amber deposits are found in the Baltic Sea region. The level of succinic acid contained in the amber is what determines its quality. Amber from the Baltic Sea region contains the highest level of succinic acid, and therefore is considered to be the highest quality amber found.

About ninety percent of the world's extractable amber is found in the Kaliningrad region of Russia on the Baltic Sea. It is widely distributed and also extends over a large portion of Northern Europe. Amber that is used in the making of jewellery usually comes from the Baltic Sea or the Dominican Republic. Specimens that come from the Baltic region are generally older and more valuable, but those that come from the Dominican Republic are more likely to contain inclusions. In addition to jewellery it is also used extensively for beads, ornaments, cigar holders and the mouth-pieces of pipes.

During the process of fossilization, a variety of flora and fauna tend to remain trapped in the amber resin and eventually become an integral part of the final gem i.e. amber. Over the centuries fauna like larvae, caterpillars, bees, flies, butterflies, spiders and even land snails have been discovered in amber. Flora like wood fragments, flowers, leaves, many other parts of plants and ferns have been found in the gem. The more unique the type of fossils found in amber, the higher its value. Other kind of trapped flora and fauna, dust, small pyrite crystals and other minerals may also be found in amber.


Amber - Its Chromatic Range

One can find Baltic Amber in a large spectrum of colors like white, yellow, brown, black, red, green and blue. The most common colors are honey and milky yellow. A small percentage of amber is bone white and the rarest has a green and blue tone.

Amber – Its Composition

Amber is not a typical gemstone mineral. Technically, it is organic material. It comes from the resin of the fossilized remains of a living plant. It is a mixture of organic compounds like hydrocarbons, resins, succinic acid, and oils. However, it has none of the crystalline structures common to other gems.

Amber – The Legends

The early Germans called this Baltic amber by the name of 'Bernstein', due to the sweet smell it emitted when burnt. The Greeks called it 'Elektron' due to its properties of developing static electricity when rubbed. In the local markets of India, amber is known as 'Kerba'.

Amber jewelry is said to help one to be joyful and happy. The cheery yellow stone is believed to lighten the burdens of life. It is said by Healers that amber helps us realize the full power of our spiritual intellect and activates our altruistic nature. It is said that if the first gift from a man to a woman is made of amber, it means they will marry soon.



Dr.Fatema Palgharwala from Happy Homeopathy Introduces The Benefits of KERBA (Amber) for you. Every Mumin has the RAZA to wear KERBA (Amber), however many of us get special farmaan for wearing it. The biggest challenge here is, where do you buy this gemstone from. KERBA (Amber) is an Ancient RESIN of Pine trees which is about Million years OLD; it’s a collector’s item, hence where will you get it from. KERBA (Amber) is not a STONE so no jeweller will analyse it for you. A person who has not studied KERBA (Amber) will never understand it KERBA (Amber) is not Glass KERBA (Amber) is not Plastic So it is very difficult to analyse It’s like buying blindly from a blind vendor so nobody is the cheater and nobody is cheated!!!! Mumineen in Sidhpur Palanpur in 20th century had a customary tradition to invest in KERBA (Amber) which was considered pride and royalty. This tradition exists even today. So, the big question is, where to buy your KERBA (Amber) from? Dr.Fatema Palgharwala ,BHMS,MSc.Forensic. AURA Therapist; has studied the mining process and the properties of the KERBA under the able guidance of Shk.F.Motiwala, who is the world’s no.5 in KERBA (Amber) studies. KERBA (Amber) is available at various shops in ranging prices. It’s up to you from whom you buy your KERBA (Amber), from an authentic expert or mere salesmen?? Dr.Fatema Palgharwala analyses the KERBA (Amber) according to your energy fields and recommends the perfect match which is most compatible to your energy type and which will benefit you the most. KERBA (Amber) is for all AGES and Both SEXES. Benefits of KERBA (Amber) --- Every Individual has an AURA and based upon that when you wear the recommended KERBA (Amber) your Health, Wealth & Relationships get better, making your life worth living. It has both Religious Values and Healing Properties. It protects the wearer from evil eye, and wades away Lungs and Heart diseases. Helps in keeping the Mental Balance and fosters decision making Contact details Dr.Fatema Palgharwala 09762688352dr.fatemapalgharwala@yahoo.com Skype= drfatema1 GUIDELINES FOR PLACING AN ORDER= Attach the snap of the wearer. In case of CHATTI for new-borns kindly place your order with the names and pictures of the parents. To read more www.happyglobe.blogspot.in


  1. hello Fatema behn
    My mom wants to have a kerba .As you have said that the picture is needed to get the kerba accordingly.We are based in Karachi.Will you be able to send the kerba here.Please let us know.Thanks

  2. Hii , salam I want a kerba fr my all fmly . How can I get this ? I live in mandvi (guj)

  3. how does one decipher between a real kerba and a plastic one. i happen to have a lot of kerbas so how do i get them valued


      amberology is a study nobody can hold amber in hand and determine its value, there are chemical tests for detremining the purity of the same.
      for evaluation you may contact me on 09762688352 INDIA
      +971557863353 uae

      CALL and get an appointment and we go ahead.

  4. Hello ben...i want to buy kerba how do i buy from u ...i live in chennai

  5. Hi I want to buy authentic kerba from you. What is the average price of it n how do I buy it

  6. Hi I want to buy authentic kerba from you. What is the average price of it n how do I buy it

  7. Hi I want to buy authentic kerba from you. What is the average price of it n how do I buy it???

  8. Hi I want to buy authentic kerba from you. What is the average price of it n how do I buy it???

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  10. hello I am from pakistan and i want to sell 2 kerba tasbeeh how can I ? If anyone interested to buy contact me on +923213720151


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