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Showing posts with label MEDICAL LAW AND ETHICS. Show all posts

Saturday, 23 August 2014








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26 AUG 2014
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CONTACT: Dr.Fatema Palgharwala. 
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In the end it can be said that informed consent is at heart shared decision making—a recommended approach to medical treatment decision in which patients actively participate with their doctors.
The Patients must have adequate information if they are to play a significant role in making decisions that reflect their own values and preferences, in cases like HALAL vs. NON-HALAL medicine and side effects of medicines or treatment  outcomes consequences of denying treatment and lastly areas like trust the doctor or trust self-study.
 The physicians play a key role as educators in this process.[1] To avoid legal action, according to the doctrine of informed consent, physicians must disclose enough information for the patient to make an “informed” decision. However, because informed consent laws and principles do not specify the amount of information that must be disclosed like the process of treatments, time consumption, life expectancy, perfect treatment outcomes in theory and practice etc., physicians might find it useful to know what they must typically disclose.[2]
In India also the situation has been made clear by the apex courts. The courts in all their decisions have held that the patient has the right to know all about their treatments and procedures. The doctor should disclose everything before going for any surgery or treatment. Whenever the doctor failed to disclose such information to the patient, they are found to be at fault.
In UK as we studied found that the core of everything lies with the NHS; which is completely responsible for complete care of the patient irrespective of any condition. The informed consent and all rules and regulations pertaining to the same.

The CAM treatments hold their own shortcomings and ethics following the Hahnemannain and Hippocratic Oath; they do their best in complete disclosure to the patient and help them achieve cure. Thus pin pointing here in conclusion that CAM treatments are purely in unification of doctor-patient relationship both are equally involved; opposite in case of a typical surgery where the patient is under anesthesia and cannot do anything.in CAM its always collective efforts thus informed consent is of utmost importance at every step of treatment.



In India medicine and religion go hand in hand doctors are next to God since they save lives, with the advent of variety of information available over the internet many patients are now aware about the content of the medicines they consume.
Example many Ayurvedic medicines would contain NUTMEG, or homoeopathic medicine prepared from cuttle fish, numerous examples can be enumerated,
Allopathic medicine contain alcohol in preservative contents. These are very important questions for a physician now a day.
Religion emphasis on HALAL products
Now while a prescription is made it will be necessary for the physician to state whether this will be halal or not halal,
Again going by the route of Medical negligence, in Malay Kumar Ganguly vs. Sukumar Mukherjee 2009 the Supreme Court cited 3 American cases Canterbury vs. Spence 1972;
Cobbs vs. Grant 1972;
And Hamilton vs. Hardy 1976
The apex observes, The Law on medical negligence also has to keep up with the advances in medical science at treatment and diagnostics. Doctors increasingly must engage with patients during treatments especially when the line of treatment is a contested one and hazardous. A significant number of jurisdictions, however, determine the existence the scope of doctor’s duty to inform based on the information a reasonable patient would find material in deciding whether or not to undergo the proposed therapy.
As we observe that same pertains to halal and non halal medicines as balance has to be struck and it will be fair for a physician to mention specifically the possible developments after taking the medicine prescribed by him.
Here HALAL or NON HALAL medicine will Impact the religion of the client which, implies that he may be sent to HELL after Death OR NOT;
Physical example cited in Consumer Protection Act 1986 is as follows: A patient being treated with steroid must be asked to take care against rise of pressure and sugar level in blood, or when patient suffering with arthritis is treated with SULPHASALAZINE, he must be informed about chance of drastic fall of platelets count and the probable consequences thereof .disclosure in cases like these seems to be a must. Negligence is strictly nonfeasance and not malfeasance. The patients are by and large are ignorant about the disease and side or adverse effect of the medicine.
In an English decision in  SIDAWAY vs. BOARD OF GOVERNORS of Bethlehem hospital and Maudsley Hospital 1985, it was observed as follows:
“The decision what degree of disclosure of risks is best calculated to assist a particular patient to make a rational choice as to whether or not to undergo a particular treatment must primarily be a matter of clinical judgement.
An issue whether non-disclosure of a particular risk or cluster of risks in a particular case should be condemned as a breach of the doctor’s duty of care is an issue to be decided primarily on the basis of expert medical evidence. In the event of a conflict of evidence the judge will have to decide whether the responsible body of medical opinion would have approved of non-disclosure in the case before him. a judge might in certain circumstances come to the conclusion that disclosure of the particular risk was so obviously necessary to an informed choice on the part of the patient that no reasonable prudent medical man would fail to make it, even in a case when no expert witness in the relevant medical field condemned the non-disclosure as being in conflict with accepted and responsible medical practice”,
As I observe and concur from the above citation is HALAL MEDICINE DISCLOSURE A RISK
Or vice versa is NON HALAL medicine disclosure a risk, the risk defined here being made according to the religion that it would cost the client an entry to HELL, theologically HELL is considered a bad place to be!
Can any expert medical man give any evidence on this factor, can it be proved that intake of NON HALAL medicine would cause entry to HELL, can we check this implication?
As a physician does it include in my syllabi to cover and have a complete understanding of each religion and cover the food and drug part of Halal and Non Halal foods and drugs.

In my opinion here I would follow the halal protocol for my client simply because I follow a religion which expects me to follow certain rules. As the religious texts show that there is a presence of Good vs. Evil in every aspect of life and justice is evident in every field, I will stick to my religion purely because I trust and believe in it and I follow that “BELIEF COMES BEFORE PRACTICE”

MEDICAL LAWYER AND ETHICS CONSULTANT http://www.healthlibrary.com/helptalks.php?action=list&speaker_id=739


Informed consent in Alternative Treatments:

alternative medicine
noun: alternative medicine
1.     any of a range of medical therapies that are not regarded as orthodox by the medical profession, such as herbalism, naturopathy, and crystal healing.

Alternative medicine is any practice that is put forward as having the healing effects of medicine but is not based on evidence gathered using the scientific method
Complementary medicine CAM is the abbreviation for Complementary and alternative medicine. Integrative medicine (or integrative health) is the combination of the practices and methods of alternative medicine with conventional medicine.


The term Alternative Medicine means any form of medicine that is outside the mainstream of western medicine or conventional medicine as practiced a majority of doctors today. This term is loosely used to over all forms of medicine except allopathy. In 1973, the Medical Faculty of the University of Rome convened the first World Congress of Alternative Medicines and the provisional program contained no less than 135 therapies.

Alternative medicine exists in all cultures to some degree and terms such as traditional medicine, indigenous medicine or folk medicine etc. are used to describe such practices. These medicines date back hundred or even thousands of years depending on the country and culture concerned.

There are more than 100 systems of alternative medicines still in practice all over the world.  Every country, region or area has its own traditional system of health and medical cares such as for the Chinese it is acupuncture, for the French, magnetic healing; for the Germans, Heilpraxis; for the English, Herbalism; for India, Ayurveda with Siddha being widely practice in the southern part of the country; for Japan, Shiatsu etc.

The most popular forms of alternative medicine are Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Yoga, Acupuncture, Acupressure, Magneto therapy, Shiatsu, Herbalism, Meditation, Aromatherapy, Bach Flower Remedies, Chromo therapy, Diet therapy, Hydropathy and Reiki.

Alternative Therapies

The following is a guide to some alternative therapies


Similar to acupuncture, but using finger pressure rather than fine needles on specific points along the body to treat ailments such as tension and stress, aches and pains, menstrual cramps, arthritis.


Fine needles are inserted at specific points to stimulate, disperse, and regulate the flow of vital energy, and restore a healthy energy balance. In addition to pain relief, acupuncture is also used to improve wellbeing and treat acute, chronic, and degenerative conditions in children and adults.


Using "essential oils" distilled from plants; aromatherapy treats emotional disorders such as stress and anxiety as well as a wide range of other ailments. Oils are massaged into the skin in diluted form, inhaled, or
placed in baths. Aromatherapy is often used in conjunction with massage therapy, acupuncture, reflexology, herbology, chiropractic, and other holistic treatments.


Astrology is a humanistic attempt at trying to understand the cycles that we share with the forces in the Universe. The planets have corresponding ruler ship to certain vitamins, minerals, cell salts, herbs, metals, colours and parts of the body. Through the chart, one can look to see what natal health conditions exist. Through these precepts, we can then look at the present and into the future to see what areas of our lives are being affected and potentially how we can head off ill health and promote wellness.

Atlas Orthogonal

Atlas Orthogonal is a chiropractic program to evaluate and correct subluxation based on scientific and biomechanical procedures. By incorporating the latest advancements in scientific technology, chiropractors can calculate, in precise detail, the vectors specific to an individual subluxation pattern, and program their instrument with the specific correction vectors to deliver the adjustment without any manipulation at all.

Ayurvedic Medicine

Practiced in India for more than 5,000 years; ayurvedic tradition holds that illness is a state of imbalance among the body's systems that can be detected through such diagnostic procedures as reading the pulse and observing the tongue. Nutrition counselling, massage, natural medications, meditation, and other modalities are used to address a broad spectrum of ailments.

Auricular Therapy

Ancient Egyptian writings state that pain can be relieved by stimulating certain points on the ear. In the 1800's, several publications indicated that there were several techniques of cauterization and manipulation of the ears to aid certain disorders. Many benefits can be achieved by massaging and palpating specific points on the ear.

Alexander Technique

the Alexander Technique is a method that works to change (movement) habits in our everyday activities. It is a simple and practical method for improving ease and freedom of movement, balance, support and coordination. The technique teaches the use of the appropriate amount of effort for a particular activity, giving you more energy for all your activities. It is not a series of treatments or exercises, but rather a re-education of the mind and body.

Autogenic Training 

It is a century-old European method for achieving relaxation based upon passive concentration and body awareness of specific sensations. Its effectiveness has been shown in relieving many stress-related disorders including anxiety, tension, insomnia, and examination stress. Persons with chronic medical conditions ranging from migraine, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes, high blood pressure, to thyroid disease and many other conditions have also been shown to benefit from the practice of autogenic training.

Anthroposophical Medicine

Anthroposophical Medicine involves an internationally organized group of people who think that Rudolf Steiner (an Austrian physician, 1861-1925) found the ultimate truth - the anthroposophy. Steiner said: By anthroposophy, I mean a scientific investigation of the spiritual world which will bring to light the weaknesses and half-truths not only of science but also of modern mysticism. It is a method which, before attempting to investigate the spiritual worlds, first develops psychic powers not normally used in daily life or in current scientific research.

Auto-Urine Therapy

This practice comes from Yoga and is the use of one's own urine as food, medicine, restorative, transforming agent and immune system booster. It is sometimes called 'Your Own Doctor'.

Holotropic Breathwork
It is a simple yet powerful technique for self-exploration and healing, based on combined insights from modern consciousness research, depth psychology and perennial spiritual practices. The method activates non-ordinary states of consciousness which mobilize the spontaneous healing potential of the psyche. Sustained effective breathing, evocative music, focussed energy work and mandala drawing are components of this subjective journey. 'Holotropic' literally means 'moving towards wholeness'.

A method of monitoring minute metabolic changes in one's own body with the aid of sensitive machines. The technique is used especially for stress-related conditions such as asthma, migraines, insomnia, and high
blood pressure. Clients learn to make subtle adjustments to move toward a more balanced internal state by consciously visualizing, relaxing, or imagining while observing light, sound, or metered feedback.

Bach Flower Remedies

A system of herbal remedies devised by Edward Bach; these floral remedies can supposedly alter the disharmonies of personality and emotional state that trouble us all from time to time. These remedies are mostly aimed at curing emotional states rather than physical ones.

Cellular Therapy

Cellular therapy also called live cell therapy, cellular suspensions, glandular therapy, fresh cell therapy, siccacell therapy, embryonic cell therapy, and organotherapy -- refers to various procedures in which processed tissue from animal embryos, foetuses or organs, is injected or taken orally. Products are obtained from specific organs or tissues said to correspond with the unhealthy organs or tissues of the recipient. Proponents claim that the recipient's body automatically transports the injected cells to the target organs, where they supposedly strengthen them and regenerate their structure. The organs and glands used in cell treatment include brain, pituitary, thyroid, adrenals, thymus, liver, kidney, pancreas, spleen, heart, ovary, testis, and parotid. Several different types of cell or cell extract can be given simultaneously -- some practitioners routinely give up to 20 or more at once.

Chromotherapay or Colour Therapy

The use of colour (usually in the form of coloured light) to produce beneficial or healing effects.

Colon Therapy

The therapeutic goals of colon therapy are to balance body chemistry, eliminate waste, and restore proper tissue and organ function. Colon therapy releases toxins, cleans the blood, stimulates the immune system, and aids in restoring the pH balance in the body. Colon Therapy, also known as colonics, is believed to relieve a wide range of symptoms related to colon dysfunction.

Chelation Therapy

Chelation therapy is a series of intravenous injections of the synthetic amino acid EDTA, designed to detoxify the body. It is also often used to treat arteriosclerosis. Most frequently, this is administered in an osteopathic or medical doctor's office.

Chinese (Oriental) Medicine

Oriental medical practitioners are trained to use a variety of ancient and modern therapeutic methods - including acupuncture, herbal medicine, massage, heat therapy, and nutritional and lifestyle counselling - to treat a
broad range of both chronic and acute illnesses.


The chiropractic views the spine as the backbone of human health: misalignments of the vertebrae caused by poor posture or trauma cause pressure on the spinal nerve roots, leading to diminished function and illness. Through manipulation or adjustment of the spine, treatment seeks to analyse and correct these misalignments.


A colonic is colon irrigation, the irrigation of the large intestine with sanitized, filtered water under gentle pressure to wash out or detoxify it of stagnated faecal material; it is a full intestinal enema.


This broad category covers a range of practitioners, from career counsellors to psychotherapies who treat depression, stress, addiction, and emotional issues. Formats can vary from individual counselling to group therapy. Some
therapists may also incorporate bodywork, ritual, energy healing, and other alternative modalities as part of their practice.


It is a traditional Chinese medical technique which applies suction to diseased parts of the body using ceramic glass or bamboo cups in order to increase the regional circulation and thereby promote healing. In very ancient times the horns of animals were used for this purpose.

Craniosacral Therapy

This is a manual therapeutic procedure for remedying distortions in the structure and function of the craniosacral mechanism - the brain and spinal cord, the bones of the skull, the sacrum, and interconnected membranes. It
is used to treat chronic pain, migraine headaches, TMJ, and a range of other conditions.

Dance/Movement Therapies

Dance and/or movement therapy uses expressive movement as a therapeutic tool for both personal expression and psychological or emotional healing. Practitioners work with people with physical disabilities, addition issues, sexual abuse histories, eating disorders, and other concerns.

Dentistry, Holistic

Holistic dentists are licensed dentists who bring an interdisciplinary approach to their practice. They may incorporate such methods as homeopathy, nutrition and acupuncture into their treatment plans. Most holistic dentists emphasize wellness and preventive care while avoiding silver-mercury fillings.


Dowsing is an ancient art of searching for hidden things (water, precious metals, etc) using one of the senses that many of us are not even aware of possessing; reportedly 80% of people have this special gift - an ability to sense things not perceptible to others. Some of these people do not need any extra tools to do that - they just KNOW where the best place to dig a well is or where the gold treasure is hidden.

Ear Candling

primarily used for wax build up and related hearing problems; ear candling is also used for ear infections and sinus infections. Treatment involves placing the narrow end of a specially designed hollow candle at the entry of the ear canal, while the opposite end is lit.


Electropathy is a specialised system of therapeutics which involves the use of various forms of electric currents for medicinal purposes.

Fasting Therapy

Therapeutic fasting or fasting for health is a purifying and rejuvenating process by which toxic waste matters of the body are eliminated and regeneration of diseased tissues occurs.

Feng Shui

Ancient Chinese practice of arranging the home or work environment to promote health, happiness, and prosperity. Consultants may recommend changes in the surroundings - from colour selection to furniture placement - in order to promote a health flow of chi, or vital energy.

Feldenkrais Method

The Feldenkrais Method is a systematic approach to neuromuscular relearning. The method is suited to healthy people who want to increase the flexibility of their bodies and thinking, people with neurological and movement disorders, and those who want to achieve excellence in the arts, sports, or any endeavour.

Flower Essences

a method of alleviating negative emotional states that may contribute to illness or hinder personal growth. Drops of a solution infused with the captured “essence" of a flower are placed under the tongue or in a beverage. The practitioner helps the client choose appropriate essences, focusing on the client's emotional state rather than on a particular physical condition.

Gem Therapy

A relatively recent discovery in the field of alternative medicines, it involves the use of specific gems to treat specific ailments.


an ancient form of healing still widely used in much of the world, herbalism uses natural plants or plant-based substances to treat a range of illnesses and to enhance the functioning of the body's systems. Though herbalism is not a licensed professional modality in the United States, herbs are "prescribed" by a range of practitioners.


Heliotherapy is the science conducted on the positive effects of the sun and is an effective tool in boosting the body's immune system.

Holistic Medicine

A descriptive term for a healing philosophy that views a patient as a whole person, not as just a disease or a collection of symptoms. In the course of treatment, holistic medical practitioners may address a client's emotional and spiritual dimensions as well as the nutritional, environmental, and lifestyle factors that may contribute to an illness. Many holistic medical practitioners combine conventional forms of treatment with natural or alternative treatments.


A medical system that uses infinitesimal doses of natural substances - called remedies - to stimulate a person's immune and defence system. A remedy is individually chosen for a sick person based on its capacity to cause, if given in overdose, physical and psychological symptoms similar to those a patient is experiencing. Common conditions homeopathy addresses are infant and childhood diseases, infections, fatigue, allergies, and chronic illnesses such as arthritis.


a means of bypassing the conscious mind and accessing the subconscious, where suppressed memories, repressed emotions, and forgotten events may remain recorded. Hypnosis may facilitate behavioural, emotional, or attitudinal change such as weight loss, or smoking cessation. It is also used to treat phobias, stress, and as an adjunct in the treatment of illness.


It is defined as the scientific application of water for therapeutic purposes. Water may be used at various temperatures, in different modes and in different forms.


the diagnostic system based on the premise that every organ has a corresponding location within the iris of the eye, which can serve as an indicator of the individual organ's health or disease. Iridology is used by naturopaths and other practitioners, particularly when diagnosis achieved through standard methods is unclear.


Kinesiology is the study of the human body during movement. There are many disciplines within Kinesiology including anatomy, biomechanics, exercise physiology, motor control, motor learning, neuromuscular physiology, sports psychology, and philosophy. Kinesiology graduates enter a variety of careers and graduate programs related to the understanding of how the body works including medical school, physical and occupational therapy schools, athletic training, and other health professions, public school teaching, sport and exercise related fields, the military, business, and law.

Lymph Drainage Therapy

Therapy to drain and improve the lymphatic vessels, a system of tubes or canals through which lymph is carried from different parts of the body.

Massage Therapeutic

a general term for a range of therapeutic approaches with roots in both Eastern and Western cultures. It involves the practice of manipulating a person's muscles and other soft tissue with the intent of improving a person's well-being or health, and may include, but not be limited to, effleurage, deep tissue, percussion, vibration, and joint movement.


The art of healing by the application of natural and artificial magnets to the diseased parts of the human body. It is a clinical system by which human ailments are treated and cured through the application of magnets to the body of the patients.

Midwifery/Childbirth Support

Midwives provide education and support during pregnancy, assist the mother during labour and delivery, and provide follow-up care. Practitioners of childbirth support include childbirth educators, assistants, and doulas (women labour coaches who also provide postpartum home care).

Native American Herbology

Native American healers and spiritual leaders seldom travel far from their homes and even more infrequently publicize their work - it is not the way. However, there is a body of knowledge about the herbal treatments used by various Native People. Much of the information has been tested and incorporated into our present herbal therapies.

Natural Products

Products composed of organically grown plants and containing no chemicals. These products may be used cosmetically as well as for health and nutrition.

Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathic physicians work to restore and support the body's own healing abilities using a variety of modalities including nutrition, herbal medicine, homeopathic medicine, and orient medicine. A primary health-care system which emphasizes the curative power of nature, treating both acute and chronic illnesses in all age groups.

Network Chiropractic

this refers to a network of independent chiropractic offices that use Network Spinal Analysis, a method characterized by the sequential application of a number of gentle, specific adjusting techniques. Care progresses through a series of levels that parallel spinal and quality-of-life changes.


A system of physical techniques, exercise and meditation used to relieve tension and fatigue and induce a state of harmony and peace. The practitioner first assesses a person's state by feeling the hara, the area below the navel. Then, using continuous and flowing movements, the practitioner presses and stretches the body's energy channels, working in unison with the person's breathing.

Oriental Diagnosis

it is a diagnostic procedure by which the patient's pulse is examined to detect disease according to traditional Chinese medicine.

Osteopathic Medicine

Osteopathic physicians provide comprehensive medical care, including preventive medicine, diagnosis, surgery, prescription medications, and hospital referrals. In diagnosis and treatment, they pay particular attention to the joints, bones, muscles, and nerves and are specially trained in osteopathic manipulative treatment - using their hands to diagnose, treat, and prevent illness.


It is a wonderful manipulative technique by which the deformities of an individual are modified in order to notify the body and the vital organs in accordance with the principles of naturopathy.

Pyramid Healing

A potential healing method using pyramidal structures.


The use of of dowsing or divining to diagnose disease and select remedies. It can be used to diagnose any condition according to leading practitioners. Basically, it is simply a method of arriving at a diagnosis and treatment using the human being as the diagnostic instrument.


A therapy that has grown up around the ability of the human being to use radiesthesia together with simple instruments to help in the diagnosis of disease in animals, plants and humans and then to treat this disease at a distance without the presence of the patient.

Reconstructive Therapy/Prolotherapy

Reconstructive therapy uses injections of natural substances such as dextrose, glycerin, and phenol in order to stimulate the growth of connective tissue and this strengthens weak or damaged joints, cartilage, ligaments, and tendons. This therapy is used to treat degenerative arthritis, lower back pain, torn ligaments and cartilage, carpal tunnel syndrome, and other conditions.


this modality is based on the idea that specific points on the feet and hands correspond with organs and tissues throughout the body. With fingers and thumbs, the practitioner applies pressure to these points to treat a
wide range of stress-related illnesses.


Practitioners of this ancient Tibetan healing system use light hand placements to channel healing energies to the recipient. While practitioners may vary widely in technique and philosophy, Reiki is commonly used to treat
emotional and mental distress as well as chronic and acute physical problems, and to assist the recipient in achieving spiritual focus and clarity.


A massage technique using deep manipulation of the fascia (connective tissue) to restore the body's natural alignment, which may have become rigid through injury, emotional trauma, and inefficient movement habits. The
process involves ten sessions, each focusing on a different part of the body.


The most widely known form of acupressure, shiatsu has been used in Japan for more than 1,000 years to treat pain and illness and for general health maintenance. Using a series of techniques, practitioners apply rhythmic finger pressure at specific points on the body in order to stimulate chi, or the vital energy.

Sound Therapy

The use of sound waves to heal.

Tibetan Medicine

Evolved as a synthesis of Tibetan, Chinese and Persian Medicine, and even Ayurveda. These remedies include indigenous herbs, fruits, flowers, metallic powders and minerals given in tablets, and are especially effected in
treating rheumatism, asthma, gastritis, diabetes and many neurological disorders.


Involves the use of plants and herbs, these remedies are known to provide cures for diseases such as sinusitis, leucoderma, rheumatism, jaundice and elephantiasis.

Vision Therapies

Through exercise and relaxation techniques, vision may actually be improved to the point that glasses may no longer be needed. Therapies are typically offered by licensed optometrists and ophthalmologists.

Vitamin Therapy

a complementary therapy of vitamin usage combined with other treatments to address a range of illnesses and to enhance the functioning of the body's systems. Assists the immune system in combating diseases such as Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome and HIV/AIDS.

Wellness Restoration

A comprehensive program designed to increase muscle mass by using adequate nutrition, supplementation, anabolic steroid therapy and resistance weight training to prevent/reverse wasting in HIV disease.

Yoga Therapy

The use of yoga to address mental and physical problems while integrating body and mind.

The main purpose behind enumerating the long list of CAM treatments is too portrait to the reader the exhaustive nature of alternative treatments available to the society, every nook and corner of the cities or interiors there is presence of the variety of treatments available .Also many of the above enumerated maybe completely out of practise or extremely rare yet they are present. It is very important for us to know the nature of each of it as we may face them sometime in future!

noun: superstition
1.     excessively credulous belief in and reverence for the supernatural.
unfounded belief, credulity; 
o    a widely held but irrational belief in supernatural influences, especially as leading to good or bad luck, or a practice based on such a belief.
plural noun: superstitions


The antonym for superstition is SCIENCE!!!
Thus it goes without saying that science has always had its battle with superstitions and INFORMED CONSENT, in case of superstitions will hold a back seat, as I have pointed earlier also SOUL CONSENT,
Universal Consent,
Healing consent.
These methods are used in many of the above pathies.
HOMOEOPATHY AND INFORMED CONSENT: An example of the CONSENT FORM used By Homoeopathy Practitioners.
Name and location of practitioner:
Lisa Amerine, N.D.                                               Dee Warner, F.N.P
Purehomeopathy                                         pureprimary care           
600 W. Emma St                                         600 W. Emma St
Lafayette, CO 80026                                            Lafayette, CO 80026

Dr. Amerine holds a current licenses issued by the State of Arizona Naturopathic Physicians Board of Medical Examiners.   Dee Warner, F.N.P. holds a current license in Nursing with the State of Colorado.  License numbers are on file.

Naturopathic Doctors are not licensed as primary care physicians in the state of Colorado. There are certain services that our doctors cannot provide, such as writing prescriptions and performing routine screening exams. Nurse Practitioners are licensed in the state of Colorado and can provide prescriptions and any diagnoses needed.  Naturopathic medicine and Homeopathy are not a substitute for conventional medical care. It is recommended that you continue services with your primary care physician.

Experience and Training
All of the doctors at purehomeopathy hold N.D. degrees from the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine. Their training includes:
Four years of post-graduate medical instruction
Studies in basic sciences, conventional diagnosis, pharmacology, and natural therapies including homeopathy, botanicals, nutrition and hydrotherapy
1200 hours of clinical training
Medical degree accredited by the Council on Naturopathic Medical Education (CNME) and The Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.
Two-step licensing exams, including basic science and clinical boards, administered nationally by NPLEX

Payment and fees
The doctors at purehomeopathy are not contracted with insurance providers. We do accept payment from Health Savings Accounts (HSA) and Flex Spending Accounts (FSA). Payment to purehomeopathy is expected at the time of service, via cash, check, or visa/mastercard/discover/amex. See attached schedule of fees and services

Appointments can be changed or cancelled up to 24 hours before the scheduled time. Missed appointments are subject to a $50 missed appointment fee. 

You will be notified if there are any changes of services or charges.

Product Sales
Homeopathic medicines and nutritional supplements are available to purchase through purehomeopathy. This is a service that is available for your convenience. You are not required to purchase items recommended by your doctor from purehomeopathy. You are free to purchase these or similar products at the retailer of your choice.

In this paper I would like to show how I , tackle Informed consent in my daily practise and also try to answer some questions that may arise in this process.
So what information should we as Homeopaths give to patients to ensure they are able to give their 'informed consent'.

How homeopaths tackle the tricky issue of informed consent?

 Do we set out some of the controversial aspects of homeopathy, the current lack of understanding of how homeopathy might work, and so on?

Do we allow patients to make their own informed decisions on the back of this information, or do we make that decision for them?

Homoeopathy is a very complex science based on the laws and thus I as a homoeopath will get furious in case homeopathy was called PSUEDOSCIENCE,
Not getting into the bureaucracy of medicine here’s is a SCIENTIFIC UNDERSSTANDING OF EVIDENCE BASED HOMOEPATHY

Homoeopathy is based on the natural or Fundamental laws. These laws are in accordance with the established scientific laws of the universe. The same laws apply and hold good in homoeopathy, hence it is called the scientific system of medicine. The laws of nature cannot be changed or cannot change. They remain for ever and so does the homoeopathic laws.. The fundamental laws of homoeopathy are as follows,
1. Law of Cure:
a. Similia Similibus Curentur.This is the law underlying the cure and its knowledge to the mankind was known since ancient period. It is recorded in the manuscript of ancient hindu religion.It was known by Aristotle and was appplied by Hippocrates in treating some cases.
b. Cure takes place from above downward, from within outward, from the more important to the less important organ, and in the reverse order of the onset of the symptoms.
Cure doesn't simply mean the disappearance of symptoms. Their disappearance must be as per the anove law. Every true cure that has taken place has followed this law of direction and will follow the same in the future.

2. Law of Action:
Action and reaction are equal and opposite.

3. Law of Quantity and Dose:
The quantity of action necessary to effect any change in nature is the least possible; the decisive amount is always a minimum, an infinitesimal.

4. Law of Quantity:
The quantity of drug required is in inverse ration to the similarity.
This means in patients where there is greater similarity between the indicated drug and disease symptoms, then the less quantity of drug is required.

5. Law of Quality:
The quality of the action of a homoeopathic remedy is determined by its quantity, in inverse ratio.

6. Law of Biological development:
Function creates and develops the organ.

7. Law of Disease Development:
Functional symptoms are produced by the vital force in exact proportion to the profundity of the disturbance. The functional symptoms precede structural changes.

8. Law of Use governing the homoeopathic remedy:
The dose and quantity that will thoroughly permeate the organism and make its essential impress upon the vital force is that which will affect the functional sphere of the individual.

9. Law of Repetition(for Proving):
Never repeat the dose while symptoms are manifest from the dose already taken.
The above law guides the physician while proving the drugs in healthy human beings to discover the symptomatology of the drug. The symptoms are developed in natural cycles during proving.

10. Law of Repetition(for Cure):
Never repeat your remedy so long as it continues to act.

11. Laws of Proving:
These laws deal with various types of substances for proving. These laws are in accordance with the above laws of action, law of quantity and dose, law of quantity and law of quality.
i. Any drug which in its natural state affects the vital energy but little will develop a proving only in a high potency.
ii. Any drug which in its natural state disturbs the vital energy to functional manifestations only may be proven in a crude form.
iii. Any drug which in its natural state disturbs the vital energy to destructive manifestations should be proven only in a potentiated form.

Homoeopathy has a rich Historical value also where Dr.Hahnemann who was actually an allopathic physician has worked tirelessly for years and proved every drug. Eventually formed the science  of cure that is known as Homoeopathy.
Every  new Homeopathy patients who enters my clinic  fit into one of two categories.
1.)Some arrive at an early stage of their illness because they have already decided that they do not want to go through the Modern medicine route of drug-based treatment.
2.) second have gone through the modern medicine route, some for many years, and found that their health has not improved, or has gradually declined.
In both the scenarios I don’t not take for granted that the patient knows enough about their illness, and its treatment by Homeopathy, to ensure that they can make an 'informed choice' about it. I sit with them spending enough time and explaining various aspects I always start with the question; HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW REGARDING HOMOEPATHY? Maximum times its to my relief I have found that potential patients have already done considerable research into Homeopathy, and/or have heard about it from former patients who have been treated successfully. But nevertheless the question remains important. What patients say in response to it will determine what the Homeopath needs to say to enable them to make an 'informed choice' about proceeding with Homeopathy. Like for example after the news of MMR vaccines causing autism in children, many parents met me with the queries of making HOMOEOPATHIC PROPHYAXIS an option for the new born, with the onset of such queries it became important for me to understand the rules laid down for newborns, diseases like TUBERCULOSIS
Are very dangerous and I hold a very important responsibility of giving prophylaxis to my young patients.
Here the Consent was very important for my safety because though homoeopathy only deals with PROVED DRUGS which are then USED AS MEDICINES, it can be difficult and tricky.
Before giving any prophylaxis to my patients it was made sure that a complete understanding was given to the parents.
A 5years prophylaxis course was designed for the children from birth to 5years of age, and a safe method was proposed and very stringent protocol is observed.
Homoeopathic Prophylaxis (HP)( Homoeopathic Disease prevention without needles)
Happy Homoeopathy Clinic is now Bringing Homoeopathic Vaccination (no Needles!!) to you
In association with Kate Birch.
A complete program from birth till 5 years of age
Homoeopathic Prophylaxis (HP) System for your child.
This will have raised many questions in your mind
This service will be available at
Saifee Hospital- every Thursday between 8.30AM till 11.30AM with
Dr.Fatema Palgharwala—09762688352.
For crisp information kindly read on, for more kindly meet the Doctor at the above time.
How can we stimulate immunity without killing the person?
How can we mimic natural responses diseases to disease with artificial means?
HP works to stimulate your child’s immune system in a natural and gentle way so as to stimulate immunity to specific diseases without damaging the immune system. HP is the introduction to disease agents in the attenuated form of a homeopathic dilution. No disease is present, no toxic adjuvants included. Some immune system response such as mild temporary fever or discharge is the expected outcome, of stimulating the immune system in this way. The result is a healthy immune system, with learned immunity to a variety of infectious agents without side effects.

The Problem with Vaccination
Disease is injected straight into the blood
Bypassing general immune system receptors
Delayed febrile response if at all
Period of agitation prior to cellular response
Cellular activity is delayed as general immune system is not activated
Viral particles remain in body
Immune system confusion from all the stimulating and suppressing action of the adjuvants

Resultant Symptom Picture
Recurrent fevers
Sicknesses that don’t resolve
Repetitive ear infections
Allergies, asthma
Behavioral changes
Pervasive Developmental delays
Food sensitivities
Disturbances in brain function

Similarities between Vaccination and Homeoprophylaxis
Aim to prevent disease
Introduction of a disease agent into the body to stimulate immunity prior to exposure to disease
Material dose
Germ injected directly into the blood stream
Multiple diseases given at once

Energetic dose
No adjuvants
Imprint of the germ and discharge in response to the germ
Administered orally
Single disease at a time

 My patients should know how does homeopathy work?
Usually I have experienced it is not important! Indeed, it is probably not important for patients who seek help from any medical discipline. Patients know that they are ill, and that they want to get better. And it is not my experience that patients want to sit through a long, philosophical lecture on the working mechanism of any particular medical therapy!

So I usually keep the explanation (or answer) to this question quite brief, mentioning the homeopathic principle of 'treating like with like', and briefly describing 'remedy pictures', and 'symptoms of illness', and the importance in Homeopathy of matching the two together. If patients want to ask further questions about this (and most don't) I will try to provide them with answers, based on my understanding.

However, one important point should be made in response to this question. This concerns the nature of the healing process, and how this will be driven by the body, and not by the homeopathic remedy. All the remedy does is to seek to assist the body to do so - it will not do so in its own right. Remedies are not 'wonder cures', all they do is to 'nudge' the body towards its self-healing task.

In addition, every patient should be told that Homeopathy works best when it is used as part of a 'holistic' strategy, which stresses the importance of good diet, exercise, and other life-style factors. 

Another Important question put forward by patients. Is homeopathy an effective treatment for their condition or illness? And how safe is it?

I usually begin with the latter - safety. I tell them that homeopathy is safe, and will not cause 'side-effects', 'adverse reactions', or indeed, cause disease or death. To support this, I will give a brief description of how remedies are made - by serial dilution and succussion. I will then affirm that if, together, we arrive at the wrong remedy it will do absolutely no good whatsoever - but likewise it will do no harm!
Thus showing my patients that homoeopathy is completely safe and never cause a side effect in medical dosage.
 Talking about safety of homeopathy medicines in this case
Citing the case of a homeopathy overdose
Juggankhan v State of Madhya Pradesh (1965)1 SCR 14]
Date of Decision: 10.08.1964

The appellant, a registered Homoeopathic medical practitioner under the Madhya Pradesh Homoeopathic and Bio-chemic Practitioners Act, 1951, issued a pamphlet advertising that he inter alia treated Naru (guinea worm). Believing this, Smt. Deobi, aged about 20 year visited the appellant's clinic. along with some member: of her family, for treatment. The appellant administered 24 drop. of mother tincture stramonium and a leaf of dhatura. However, soon after taking the medicine, Deobi felt restless and ill and despite administration of antidotes, she died the same evening. In the trial for murder under section 302 of the IPC, the appellant was convicted. When the matter reached the Apex Court, the Court considered whether. in view of the nature of the appellant' offence he was rightly convicted under s 302 of the IPC. The Court agreed with the lower Courts that Deobi' death resulted from poisoning. However. after considering the material, the Court found it could not be established that the administered dose was fatal or that the appellant had administered stramonium drops and dhatura leaf with the knowledge that it was likely to cause death. But the court observed that stramonium and dhatura leaf were poisonous and in Homoeopathy dhatura leaf was never administered as such. In fact. in no system of medicine, except perhaps Ayurvedic, was: dhatura leaf given as a cure for guinea worms and that the appellant prescribed the medicine without thoroughly studying the effect of giving 24 drops of stramonium and a leaf of dhatura. The court held that it was a rash and negligent act to prescribe poisonous medicines without studying their probable effect. The Court also held that though it was true,as ruled in , John Oni v King [AIR (1943) 30 PC 72], that care should be taken before imputing criminal negligence to a professional man acting in the course of his profession, even then it was clear that the appellant was guilty of a rash and negligent act and hence liable for conviction under s. 304A, IPC.

 Effectiveness of my Homoeopathy treatment and medicines
It is then quite easy to move on to discuss effectiveness. I have always felt it important to tell patients that in order to be effective, a correct or 'similar' remedy has to be found. If such a remedy is found there will be some measure of improvement in the condition or illness. If it is not there will be no improvement. At this stage I always feel that it is important to manage expectations. There are no guarantees. This is especially important, perhaps, when a patient has arrived after homeopathy has cured or successfully treated a friend or relative (the source of most new referrals). My hair loss patients always come looking for more hair on their head and always refer automatically and yet as a physician I cannot claim that every bald head will get hair, reasons will be based on age, body dynamics, diagnosis. Etc.
A classic case of Hydrocephalus which I came across in March 2013 was a rare occurrence and this one case which fetched me the whole village as my client.

Homoeopathy case-taking is a very exhaustive process and often makes patients nervous and tired, yet it’s the most important part of treatment with us, I make my
  patient aware about homeopathy, that the treatment process needs to be a partnership, and that it is not an 'expert-client'  relationship. Although the Homeopath may have all the training and knowledge needed to determine a remedy that is 'similar', he/she can only arrive at this if the patient is able to openly, honestly and with insight, explain and describe their symptoms. 

Understanding the concept of sign and symptoms is very VITAL in Homoeopathy practice
Definition of Sign
1: one of a set of gestures used to represent language
2: an objective evidence of disease especially as observed and interpreted by the physician rather than by the patient or lay observer <narrow retinal vessels are a signoff arteriosclerosis>—see brudzinski sign, chvostek's sign,homans' sign, kernig sign, physical sign, placental sign,romberg's sign, tinel's sign, vital signs, von graefe's sign;

Definition of symptom

: subjective evidence of disease or physical disturbance observed by the patient <headache is a symptom of many diseases> <visual disturbances may be a symptom of retinal arteriosclerosis>; broadly : something that indicates the presence of a physical disorder

This means that the patient is a vital part of the process. Even the most skilled and experienced Homeopath has to depend on the patient for the treatment to be effective.

Normally I will also tell patients that I am likely to ask some strange, and sometime intimate questions, and that these questions will often appear to have little relationship to the illness or disease being treated (at least, not in conventional terms).

In my experience, Homeopathy works best when it is conducted within a professional relationship that is open, honest and transparent. And I know of no reason why the homeopath-patient relationship should be based on anything else!

Homoeopathy prescription:
 After the above methods and  arrangement for the same is made the patient is now aware about the methods to be used, I follow the method of APPOINTMNET AND MEETING THE CLIENT on the given time, this makes it easy for me and client to understand and work together,
The diagnostic reports, surgical reports and earlier prescriptions have to be submitted for scrutiny before the consultation, a fee structure is explained and payment options given.
 Complete case taking is performed and followed by required diagnostic tests are prescribed,
A complete physical examination is then commenced and all notes taken.
Homoeopaths like me have become modern and we prefer video case taking instead of sitting and writing out every point, and this is a very IMPORTANT AREA for INFORMED CONSENT IN HOMOEPATHY PRACTISE,
The Patient is made completely aware that I am making a VIDEO RECORDING, during the consultation, patients generally consent for this method and ask questions about privacy and it is made sure that it is followed.
The video recording of surgical processes is also made by many hospitals and surgeons which is made it important for Doctor-Patient safety.

Thus a complete holistic approach is achieved here,
After completion of case taking and examinations and diagnostics, a Homoeopathic Prescription is made, which states the

The general understanding in India is that Homoeopaths make their own medicine and supply to the patient, yet this is a MYTH and not always correct,
A proper prescription and the client will decide where the homoeopathy medicines can be bought from.
A proper address of the pharmacy is always supplied for ease to the patient. And a proper invoice for medicine bought is supplied.
Thus in practice it is observed that every aspect of healthcare and CONSENT TAKING proper communication is achieved.
In my observation homoeopathy is no different than any other pathies and the ETHICS will never change and rather should never change.

Looking at the opposite factor which is also possible and is an invitation for trouble
For CAM practitioners is
The alternative medicine world is faced by a theory which says that these pseudoscience’s are NOT EVIDENCE BASED SCIENCES there is not enough research and evidence that a particular organic substance will cause cure, while Homoeopathy and Ayurveda have little acceptance in the Modern Medicine in India the case is complete No in US UK OR Canada where these science hold No status, reason being that the science according to them is NOT EVIDENCE BASED,
The area of Informed Consent is jeopardized by CAM because,
The intrusion into “conventional” medicine of implausible and unproven treatments by supporters of CAM, and those who will benefit from their support, does not alter the ethical and legal obligations of physicians to be truthful with their patients. Medical ethics demand that such treatments not be offered. If they are recommended, ethically the physician has, at the very least, a duty to disclose implausibility and lack of evidence of effectiveness. Legally, physicians offer such treatments at the risk of being sued for battery based on the claim that patient consent is nullified by misrepresentation if implausibility and lack of effectiveness are not disclosed. Alternatively, if the CAM treatment results in harm, physicians risk suit under a negligence theory. It should be easy enough to prove by expert testimony, under the physician standard of disclosure that implausible and ineffective treatments would not be offered by a reasonably prudent physician. Under the patient standard, a jury would be hard pressed to conclude that a reasonable patient would find it immaterial to that the proffered treatment lacked scientific plausibility and evidence of effectiveness.

Ethical Duty of Informed Consent and CAM
I understand that certain treatments should not be offered to patients, even if the physician believes they are unlikely to result in harm to the patient. Which would include any treatment which:
a. is implausible on a priori grounds (because its implied mechanisms or putative effects contradict well-established laws, principles, or empirical findings in physics, chemistry or biology),
b. lacks a scientifically acceptable rationale of its own,
c. has insufficient supporting evidence derived from adequately controlled outcome research, or
d. has failed in well-controlled studies done by impartial evaluators and has been unable to rule out competing explanations for why it might seem to work in uncontrolled settings.
 Such treatments are called “quackery” and beyond doubt it is unequivocal that “doctors should not truck with quackery” and that “physicians should not offer or accede to patient demands for unproven treatments.”
For example When a patient enters a homoeopathy clinic and presents a case of Classical Gall-Stones requiring surgery and intervention, it is my duty as a clinician to explain the same to my patient and not simply take the case and handle is medically and give homoeopathic drugs and wait for the gall-stones to melt, which is seldom possible, although in my theory books it is possible, there has to be a discretion in me that includes modern medicine and its helpful areas. The same is expected from the modern medicine practitioners; while we physicians understand this point or view it is very important for the law also to understand this, when a modern medicine practitioner would refer a case to a CAM practitioner and vice versa the patients consent is considered to be understood as trust, it will be difficult if patients were allowed to sue us on meager basis.
Patients have a range of expectations of their physicians, with different patients looking for different things, which may include hope, compassion and comfort. However, patients universally seek effective and safe treatment; they want to be cured. Consequently, the legal and ethical systems that establish the parameters within which physicians practice must demand at the very least that physicians utilize their skills and knowledge to offer patients treatment which they reasonably believe will actually treat the condition from which they suffer. This minimum requirement precludes physicians form offering as medicine something that is not – even if it will, in a psychological or emotional sense, make the patient ‘feel better.’ To do otherwise misleads the patient about what ultimately matters — that she is receiving treatment for her condition. . . . The very fact that it is a physician who prescribes the therapy will endow the treatment with a false sense of legitimacy. . . . Patients do not expect physicians to succumb to fads or illegitimate pressure to provide treatment that has no reasonable chance of helping the patient. In medicine, that hope is inspired by scientific proof, whether or not the treatment is conventional or alternative.
If offering CAM to patients is ethically contraindicated, and the basis of that conclusion is, in part, a physician’s fiduciary obligation to be truthful with their patients, and the corresponding desire of patients for treatments that are actually beneficial, then, a fortiori, a physician offering implausible and unproven CAM treatments would have an ethical obligation to tell patients about that very implausibility and lack of efficacy.

MEDICAL LAWYER AND ETHICS CONSULTANT http://www.healthlibrary.com/helptalks.php?action=list&speaker_id=739

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