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Amber / Kerba The Wonder Gemstone by Dr.Fatema Palgharwala.

Happy Globe Gems and Gemstones
Has been educating people about the importance of KERBA since 10years and we have experienced the best of results from KERBA usage.
The three key components of Human life are measured by Happiness and Happiness is what is the aim of Happy Globe and Happy Homeopathy.

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Natural Baltic Amber – Magnetic, Adaptogenic, Universally Applicable

The actions of adaptogens, those mysteriously potent herbs and substances that have little understood, but nevertheless remarkable effects on the whole body/mind/spirit, continue to hold my attention, stir my imagination and inspire my creativity in the best of ways.

We’ll define adaptogens here as those natural substances that help the body adapt to stress and recall that in order to meet the criteria as defined by the word adaptogen, a substance must be non-toxic, produce a nonspecific response in the body which boosts the ability to resist multiple stressors, and exert a normalizing influence on physiology. By definition, adaptogens strengthen the immune, nervous and glandular system, increase metabolic efficiency and reduce susceptibility to illness and disease.

Adaptogens are exceedingly effective tonics, have a broad influence on the entire body and can be safely used over a long time. Many of these substances have a history of use that extends for hundreds and thousands of years and a huge body of experience has been accumulated and recorded regarding their therapeutic application.

Baltic amber is such a substance. In my experience natural Baltic amber is one of the most indispensible, as well as perhaps the most universally applicable, of the known adaptogens.

Along with other well known adaptogens such as American ginseng and reishi mushrooms, Baltic amber has been a constant and grounding element in my daily life for the last several years. The ancient history and compelling healing properties of this unique and unrivaled adaptogen are primarily what I am inspired to share with you here today.

Warming, stimulating, aromatic, bitter and absolutely beautiful, Baltic amber is both a potent medicine and an amazingly protective substance and has been revered as such for millennia.

Though not especially well known and rarely spoken or written about in American herb culture, Baltic amber actually has a long and illustrious history of medicinal as well as magical/spiritual use. Throughout China, India, the Middle East and all of Europe, from the northern Boreal forests to the Mediterranean Sea many people are not only well aware of, but also make regular use of, the vitality boosting and energetically protective qualities of these ancient golden fossil gems.

What is Baltic Amber? Baltic amber is a fossilized resin produced by coniferous trees from the Pinaceae family. A large number of conifers belonging to different genera are represented in the amber-flora, all given the collective name Pinus succinifera. These include Pines as well as Cedrus (cedar from the Atlas Mountains) and Larix spp. (larch) which grew in Northern Europe around the Baltic Sea 40 million to 200 million years ago.

As atmospheric change occurred and the climate warmed, the conifer trees in the Tertiary forests of northern Europe began exuding large amounts of resin in an effort to adapt to the changing earth environment. As the millennia progressed, these exudations sank to the Baltic Sea floor and gradually, over the eons, became stable through oxidation, the action of micro-organisms and other processes.

Extensively traded since remote antiquity, Baltic amber’s continuous use has been documented to at least 13,000 years ago. Natural Baltic amber was highly prized among the ancient Nordic and Scandinavian peoples, as well as by the Celts, the ancient peoples of the Mediterranean: the Phoenicians, Greeks and Etruscans, the Arabs, Egyptians and the Chinese, all of whom knew and used Baltic amber (succinite) many centuries before the Common Era. Baltic amber gems were not only valued by these ancient peoples for their unique beauty but also for their considerable medicinal and protective qualities.

Protective Substance – Baltic amber was (and still is) worn as a protective amulet for both the living and the dead and countless ancient magical and protective Baltic amber adornments have been found in Mycenaean tombs on the island of Crete, in the Egyptian pharaoh tombs in Tethys and among the burial goods of Tutankhamun and in excavated grave sites throughout Old Europe and the Middle East.

Eastern European people have long believed that amber smoke strengthens the human spirit and imparts courage. Lithuanian tribal people use Baltic amber incense to dispel evil spirits and to bless and offer guidance to the souls of their dead. Newborn babes are traditionally blessed with a smudge of burning amber smoke as they have been for centuries and newly-weds are smudged this way as well. Soldiers going off to battle are also fumigated with smoldering amber as a ceremony of protection accompanied by prayers for a safe return.

Mythology – Many diverse cultures carry primeval creation myths concerning the origins of amber. Ancient Grecian tales recount the story of the Heliades, who shed tears into the river Eridanus as they grieved the death of their brother Phaethon. The stories say that Phaethon was thrown into the river by Zeus as punishment for taking his golden chariot on a joyride across the sky and that the tears of the heart-sick sisters eventually hardened into drops of dazzling amber.

Ancient Chinese myths say that this warm and magical golden substance is the petrified soul of tigers. Primarily a symbol of good fortune and protection, the tiger is also associated with solar energy, summer and fire and is linked to the powers of attraction, protection and illumination.

Legends from the Polish Kushubian tribe, from whom my daughter-in-law Kasia (who first introduced me to the healing properties of Baltic amber) descends, say that amber is the result of great lightning strikes upon the earth. Lithuanian tales recount the unhappy love between Jurate, Goddess of the Baltics, and a fisherman named Kastytis.

In a fit of anger, Jurate’s father threw down a great bolt of lightning that shattered the amber palace on the bottom of the sea and drowned Kastytis along with his fishing boat. Since that day, waves have been endlessly washing fragments from the amber palace ashore and littering the Baltic Sea coastline with small pieces of amber which are the tears that the still grieving Jūratė continues to shed.

Ancients – The Greek poet Homer, writing as early as the 10th century B.C., made several references to amber in the Iliad and the Odyssey. Herodotus wrote about Baltic amber’s electrical properties in the 5th century B. C., they were well known even then, though that particular word would not be coined for centuries. Theophrastus, writing in the 4th century B.C., discusses Baltic amber in his work entitled On Stones. Theophrastus classified rocks based on their behavior when heated, and grouped minerals by common properties, such as amber and magnetite, both of which have strong powers of attraction.

Pliny the Elder tells us in his Naturalis Historia, published circa AD 77-79, that Baltic amber was called “northern gold” by both the ancient Greeks and the Romans and that by the time of the Emperor Nero (54-68 AD) a small amber statuette was worth more than a robust and healthy slave. According to the elder Pliny, a necklace of amber beads was well known to offer protection from several poisons as well as from “sorcery and witchcraft.”

Pliny the Younger recorded that Roman women wore amber pendants as adornments and also to ease “swollen glands, sore throat and palate.” Indeed, the ancient women of the original Italic tribes were especially fond of wearing Baltic amber for both its magical as well as its health enhancing properties. Due to the increasing demand for this magical healing substance, trade routes from the Italian peninsula to the Baltic Sea opened up and some were eventually paved by the Roman army.

Though no one knows the exact routes taken during the time of the Imperium Romanum, we do know that considerable amounts of raw Baltic amber were brought south from the Baltics to the Danube, through Eastern Europe and across the Julian Alps down to the Adriatic Sea and the lands of the Veneti people on the east coast of the Italic peninsula. The Veneti tribe, whose territory neighbored Pannonia, helped to popularize amber among the people of the Italian Peninsula. In antiquity, Aquileia was the largest town in this part of Italy, an important transportation crossroads and practically overflowing with Baltic amber craft workshops.

Towards the end of the 1st century CE, the artisans in Aquileia had mastered amber sculpting techniques. The smallest nuggets were made into assorted beaded necklaces and a great variety of other items were produced here as well, including rings, pins and pendants and coffers to hold them, knife, comb and mirror handles and boxes for cosmetics. Dionysian motifs and scenes were popular as were miniature leaves, shells, fish, and loaves of bread, pomegranates, figs, dates and grapes.

Among the most intriguing archaeological finds in this area of Italy are spinning staffs made of bronze rods with strings of amber beads wound around them. Spinning was the sacred work of women and natural amber was a spinner’s ally because its electrostatic properties attracted the raw fibers of wool, flax and hemp and so helped to lighten the work.

Medicine – Baltic amber has been revered as a medicinal substance since time immemorial and many healing elixirs have been made with it down through the ages. The Persian scientist, philosopher and foremost physician of his time, Ali Ibn Sina, known as Avicenna, 980 – 1037, who’s Canon of Medicine provides a complete system of medicine according to the principles of Galen and Hippocrates and was the standard textbook for Western doctors up until the 17th century, was well versed in the medicinal uses of Baltic amber. He wrote that it was astringent, used to staunch the flow of blood and recommended it as a therapeutic remedy against many diseases.

Albert the Great, also known as Albertus Magnus and Albert of Cologne, 1193/1206, was a Dominican friar and bishop who promoted the peaceful coexistence of science and religion. Granted the title Doctor Universalis by his peers, he is often referred to as the greatest German philosopher and theologian of the Middle Ages. Albertus Magnus believed that stones had spiritual/magical properties and wrote about it in his work De Mineralibus. He categorized Baltic amber as one of the six most valuable medicines of his time.

The Polish astronomer and mathematician Nicholaus Copernicus, 1473-1543, studied medicine at Krakow University and wrote his graduate thesis on Baltic amber’s potent healing properties.

The terms Oleum succini (amber oil), Balsamum succini (amber balsam), and Extractum succini (amber extract or tincture) appear often in the formulas of the alchemists of the Middle Ages and these items were still listed as medicines in A Dictionary of Medical Science; Medical Lexicon of Official and Empirical Preparations, sixth edition dated 1846, written by Robley Dunglison, at the Boston Medical Library of Medicine.

Succinum was considered antispasmodic and diaphoretic in a dose from five to twenty grains. It was commonly referred to as Electrum, Ambra, Ambre jaune and Yellow Amber, reported to be composed of resinous matter, essential oil and an acid, sui generis; inodorous, except when rubbed or heated, insoluble in water, and slightly acted upon by alcohol. The oil, oleum or Balsamum Succini, also known as Huile de Succin, was said to possess stimulating, antispasmodic, diuretic and rubefacient properties.

Baltic amber oil was an ingredient in British Oil, formulated by the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, which also contained oil of terbinth, juniper and aloe and was recommended as a remedy for sprains.

Russians of today promote Succinic acid in pill form as an important anti-alcohol medicine; a substance that reduces the desire for alcohol. They claim that it quickly eliminates the effects of excessive alcohol consumption; a mere 0.1 gram pill reportedly restores an inebriated person’s motor skill to normal. A tincture made of amber and vodka was thought to increase male sexual potency and the use of this remedy persisted from at least the Middle Ages well into World War I.

Health Benefits: Baltic amber is considered the very finest and most therapeutic amber in the world. It is renowned for its pain easing, rejuvenating and vitality boosting effects as well as its ability to help protect against illness. It is an exceedingly well researched adaptogen, most notably among Russian, Polish and German scientists, and has long been referred to as an Elixir of Youth.

When worn on the body Baltic amber warms against the skin, releasing its therapeutic properties safely and naturally. Baltic amber is used to clear the chakras, to fill the body with vitality, alleviate stress, and is believed to help draw disease out of the body and encourage healing. Baltic amber is a natural analgesic agent and possesses anti-inflammatory properties, so is often used to ease joint pain. It also acts as a natural antibiotic and as we’ve seen, has an ages-old history of use in preventing and treating disease and healing wounds.

The Greek word for amber was ηλεκτρον (electron) and the warm, golden gems were connected to the Sun God, one of whose titles was Elector or the Awakener. The English words electricity and electron both derive from the Latin electricus, which means “like amber in its attractive properties.” These names stem from research conducted in the late 1500’s by William Gilbert, regarded as the father of electricity and magnetism, who demonstrated that amber could indeed attract other substances.

Living tissues possess direct current surface electro-potentials that regulate, at least in part, the healing process. Following tissue damage, a current of injury is generated that is thought to trigger biological repair. In addition, exogenous electrical stimuli have been shown to enhance the healing of wounds in both human subjects and animal models.

Baltic amber’s considerable electrostatic properties are an essential part of its health boosting abilities. This substance has long been respected as a natural ionizer; it possesses the ability to produce negative ions, known to help to ease pain, boost over-all immunity and stimulate the healing process.

Additionally, Baltic Amber is proven to act as a shield, providing protection from harmful radiation emitted from computers, cell phones and wireless devices, microwave ovens and electrical appliances. Today 285 million Americans have mobile phones and 83 percent of 18- to 29-year-olds are “wired” all the time and sleep with their cell phones next to their heads.

Mounting scientific evidence suggests that nonthermal radio frequency radiation (RF)—the invisible energy waves that connect cell phones to cell towers and power numerous other everyday items—can damage our immune systems and alter our cellular makeup, even at intensities considered safe by the FCC, according to Cindy Sage, an environmental consultant in Santa Barbara, California, who has studied radiation for 28 years.

Negative Ions and our Health – Extensive research has shown that our good health is in large part dependent on the amount and quality of the negative ions in the air around us and in our bodies.

The human body consists of billions of cells, each enclosed by a membrane. This cell membrane performs many important roles, such as the absorption of nutrients and elimination of waste. The function of the entire cell and its membrane is enhanced when there are enough negative ions within and outside the cell. This electrical material exchange revitalizes cell metabolism so that optimum nourishment is absorbed and waste material is eliminated efficiently.

The reverse also holds true – in the presence of excessive positive ions healthy functioning of the cell is inhibited. As a result diseases such as inflammation, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, allergies, anemia, neurological dysfunctions, kidney problems, cancer and many others can occur.

According to results of research on negative ions conducted at the Nanzandoh Medical Clinic in Japan, negative ions help speed recovery from illness, slow the aging processes and offer protection from the harmful effects of environmental stressors such as electromagnetic fields and radiation.

Additionally, it was reported that negative ions support the health of the autonomic nervous system, promote deep sleep, healthy digestion, effect the production of insulin, neutralize free radicals and enhance adrenal function.

And, while this magical, electrical, negative ion producing property of Baltic amber’s is nothing short of amazing, it’s not by any means the only thing responsible for its potent healing effects. There’s more!

Succinic acid – Baltic amber has high concentrations of a unique substance known as succinic acid, and with from 3% to 8% succinic acid by weight, is one of the most important natural sources of succinic acid in the world.

Succinic acid from Baltic amber was analyzed by Robert Koch (1886), the pioneer of modern bacteriology who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1905. Koch confirmed the positive health influences of this substance and discovered that there is no risk of the accumulation of surplus amounts of succinic acid in the human organism.

Succinic acid is commercially produced, widely used and approved for use by the United States Food and Drug Administration. It was originally employed by European scientists and military doctors to bolster the body’s immunity to radiation from industrial accidents. It is touted in Russia and other European countries for its youth preserving and cell rejuvenating properties and is commonly used in anti-aging formulations and to aid recovery of cancer patients after undergoing conventional medical treatment. It has been shown to strengthen immunity to ionizing radiation, infections, alcohol and other toxins.

Succinic acid is a powerful antioxidant shown to stimulate neural system recovery, eliminate free radicals and modulate the immune system. It is also used to discourage disruptions of the cardiac rhythm and to ease stress. Succinic acid helps restore strength and energy to the entire body, enhances brain function and so helps to improve awareness, concentration and reflexes.

Wearing Baltic Amber – The highest content of succinic acid is found in the amber cortex – the external layer of the stone. It has long been believed that by wearing raw or polished natural Baltic amber against the skin, a “homeopathic dose” of succinic acid is absorbed into the body, enough to exert its analgesic, anti-inflammatory, immune enhancing and vitality boosting influence.

Due to their natural analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, Baltic amber beads have long been valued as teething necklaces. Worn by babies and small children for countless centuries throughout Europe, the amber beads seem to ease babies teething discomforts and are believed to help calm a fussy baby. The beads are simply worn around the neck and not necessarily chewed.

Raw Baltic amber comes in many shades of yellow and yellow browns, and also white, pale lemon yellow and almost black. Uncommonly one finds red or “cherry amber”, green or blue, but these are rare and highly sought after. Baltic amber is translucent and can be especially beautiful when polished.

One of the things about Baltic amber that I find the most magical and fascinating is that not only does it carry the energy and memory of all those millions of years on earth, but it also often contains bubbles of air that was actually on the earth all those millions of years ago, as well as inclusions of small particles of living matter, such as leaves or bugs that bear witnesses to life on earth 40 to 200 million years ago. These physical traits energetically transmit to me the power of longevity, endurance, and the ability to survive, with strength and grace, any changes that come our way. Now that is what I call adaptogenic!

Another thing I like about natural Baltic amber is that most amber pieces are sustainably harvested in the same traditional ways that have been used for centuries. Raw chunks of amber are stirred up by turbulent seas, carried ashore by waves and collected at ebb-tide. Harvesters, furnished with nets at the end of long poles, wade into shallow waters of the Baltic Sea and drag their nets through seaweeds which may contain masses of entangled amber. Some rake amber up from boats.

Tincture of Baltic Amber
Amber’s antibiotic and disease fighting properties are legendary. It was credited with saving people from the bubonic plague during the Middle Ages. The Prussian Priest Matthaus Praetorius recorded that “During the plague not a single amberman from Gdansk, Klaipeda, Konigsberg or Liepaja died of the disease.” The succinic acid in Baltic amber has proven to be immune enhancing and an exceedingly effective ally in fighting both bacterial and viral infection.

Modern research at the University of Hamburg, Germany, confirms the safe use and positive effects of succinic acid in cellular metabolism. And in Russia, Dr. Veniamin Khazanov of the RAS’ Institute of Pharmacology says “For aged people, succinic acid has proved to be indispensable. It is capable of restoring the energy balance at the cellular level, which is often upset as the years go by, and helps the patient regain his youthful energy.”

Its “hormone-like” effect on the neuroendocrine system, studied extensively by Professor Eugene Maevsky, Deputy Director of the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics, which is part of the Russian Academy of Sciences, is notable. Scientists working with Dr. Maevsky have documented studies over the past several decades that consistently support their use of succinic acid to prevent and treat many age related diseases.

Traditional Chinese Medicine also has high regard for the medicinal properties of Baltic amber. Chinese practitioners use it for subduing fright, tranquilizing the mind, for the relief of palpitations, to promote blood circulation and protect against heart attack and stroke. Amber is also specifically recommended for lower abdominal pains affecting the testes, prostate or uterus. An old time remedy called “amber syrup”, a mixture of powdered amber and opium, was used as a tranquilizer and antispasmodic.

Chemistry – In addition to the succinic acid, terpenoids with a wide range of therapeutic actions, aromatic oils, phosphoric and sulphuric acids, a-keto acid and a-hydroxy acid are also present in the alcohol extract. Ethanol extracts of amber have been used therapeutically and with no recorded negative effects, for a very long time.

According to A. Matuszewska and A. John, Department of Geochemistry, Mineralogy, and Petrography, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Silesian University, Sosnowiec, Poland, the succinic acid isolated from Baltic amber stimulates plant organisms, and can contribute to an increase in the yield of cultivated plants

Baltic amber tincture tastes strongly of pine; it is bitter, slightly sweet, aromatic, stimulating and warming. Soluble in alcohol 1:4.

How to use Tincture of Amber
Adults – Take 1 drop on day one, 2 drops on day two, 3 drops on the third day, and so on for 10 days, then drop off one drop each day until the 20th day. Let 10 days go by, and then start a new course of amber treatment, if necessary or desired.

For Children – Follow the same procedure, going only to 5 drops and then reduce one drop per day, as above.

Baltic Amber Oil
Baltic amber oil is widely used as a topical application to the skin, especially the face. Russian scientists report Baltic amber’s unprecedented ability to act as an anti-aging substance. Its ability to restore cellular health and elasticity and inhibit aging of cells has earned it a reputation as a modern elixir of youth.

Amber oil is universally regarded as an especially effective treatment against aches and pains, rheumatic and arthritic joints, swollen limbs and joints, and painful muscles.

Amber oil permeates the skin exceedingly fast, penetrating deep into the tissue, improving blood flow to the area and easing muscle and joint pains. It is excellent added to massage oils and facial creams. I use it diluted in a carrier oil, such as olive or sesame, mixed at a ratio of 1:4.

Antispasmodic and diaphoretic, “Oil of amber has properties resembling those of oil of turpentine, and is sometimes given internally in the treatment of asthma and whooping cough. Mixed with an equal quantity of olive oil, or as Linimentum Succini Compositum, it is used to rub the chest in bronchitis and whooping cough.”

The Classification of Baltic Amber (Succinite) Gemstones

Natural Baltic amber (Succinite) – gemstone which has undergone
mechanical treatment only (for instance: grinding, cutting, turning or
polishing) without any change to its natural properties

Some of the photos in this article are used by permission.

Monday 4 March 2024

BALTIC AMBER. OLD AMBER vs NEW AMBER. By Dr.Fatema Palgharwala, Gemologist.

What is this ? What is the meaning behind this statement? 
What is KERBA actually?
Always been answering these questions and again they are asked by people.
So here is your answer.

Old KERBA = The KERBA is measured by its age and this age is obtained by various lab tests and results show that KERBA is dated older than 100million TO 200million years ! 
Yes you heard it right.
Now OLD KERBA IS AVAILABLE FOR AUCTION AND SALE by few collectors. It is not available in open market at all. It is extremely expensive and rare. And many such items are held by museums or private institutions.
Now understand the importance of this terminology…. In the open market economy there are 99.99% fake items.
The many places where shop keepers boast of selling OLD KERBA is actually the PLASTIC COATED COMPRESSED BEADS OF COPAL. WHICH IS FAKE KERBA .
The reason why they term it as old KERBA is because they use powder of some KERBA beads to coat these plastic beads and give it the color of old KERBA.

These beads are worthless and have zero value and benefit to human. They will not enhance your HEALTH WEALTH OR RELATIONSHIP upon usage or wearing.

Now let me explain the term-

New KERBA means the freshly mined KERBA from the mining zones .
These are of 50 million to 70million years old KERBA.
THE OPAQUE NEW KERBA HAS THE best fragrance of the  new KERBA have High content of Succinic Acid .
New KERBA is best source of the mineral. And new KERBA enhances your health wealth and relationships immediately upon usage and wearing.

The open market people do not value NEW KERBA because they cannot change their color and resell it and thus they call it fake or something which they don’t understand.
Truth alone triumphs! Satyamev Jayate. 

Truth alone triumphs; not falsehood. Through truth the divine path is spread out. by which the sages whose desires have been completely fulfilled, reach to where is that supreme treasure of Truth.

We have always read and heard about this.
So let’s not forget that we have a right to understand the truth.
Don’t fall prey to falsehood.

Happy Globe Gems and Gemstones
Has been educating people about the importance of KERBA since 10years and we have experienced the best of results from KERBA usage.
The three key components of Human life are measured by Happiness and Happiness is what is the aim of Happy Globe and Happy Homeopathy.

Now in case you have more questions do ask us 
On Instagram or Facebook or WhatsApp 


At HAPPY GLOBE we've always asked one question to our clients 
You have good money to invest and such amazing resources  


FAKE EMERALD   Or Panna. (AVAILABLE ABUNDANTLY in green color glass )

 FAKE SAPPHIRE (in the name of navgraha and navratna SAPPHIRE is most abused gem  sold in packets very easy to color glass in yellow color and blue color and sold as SAPPHIRE)


The safest way to buy genuine gemstone 
Is step 1 - Meet us 
  step 2 - See it 
  step 3 - analyse your HEALTH WEALTH AND RELATIONSHIPS .
  step 4 - Enjoy the Abundance of Health Wealth and Relationships.

નવું કેરબા અથવા જૂનું કેર્બા Old Kerba  Or New Kerba.

શું છે?

  વિધાન પાછળનો અર્થ શું છે

હંમેશાં પ્રશ્નોના જવાબો આપતા રહે છે અને ફરીથી તે લોકો દ્વારા પૂછવામાં આવે છે.

તો રહ્યો તમારો જવાબ… by Dr.Fatema Palgharwala A.

ઓલ્ડ કેરબા  / Old Kerba. =  Kerba / Amber તેની ઉંમર દ્વારા માપવામાં આવે છે અને ઉંમર વિવિધ લેબ પરીક્ષણો દ્વારા મેળવવામાં આવે છે અને પરિણામો દર્શાવે છે કે Kerba / Amber 100 મિલિયનથી 200 મિલિયન વર્ષ જૂનું છે

હા, તમે બરાબર સાંભળ્યું છે.

English: New KERBA  or OLD KERBA 

What is this ? What is the meaning behind this statement? 

Always been answering these questions and again they are asked by people.

So here is your answer.

Old KERBA =  The KERBA is measured by its age and this age is obtained by various lab tests and results show that KERBA is dated older than 100million TO 200million years ! 

Yes you heard it right.

Gujarati:   હવે જૂની કેરબા થોડા કલેક્ટરો દ્વારા હરાજી અને વેચાણ માટે ઉપલબ્ધ છે. તે ખુલ્લા બજારમાં બિલકુલ ઉપલબ્ધ નથી. તે અત્યંત ખર્ચાળ અને દુર્લભ છે. અને આવી ઘણી વસ્તુઓ સંગ્રહાલયો અથવા ખાનગી સંસ્થાઓ દ્વારા રાખવામાં આવે છે.

હવે સમજો પરિભાષાનું મહત્વ.... ઓપન માર્કેટ ઇકોનોમીમાં 99.99 ટકા નકલી વસ્તુઓ છે.

ઘણી બધી જગ્યાઓ જ્યાં જૂના કેરબા વેચવાની બડાઈ મારતા હોય છે તે ખરેખર કોપલના પ્લાસ્ટિક કોટેડ કોમ્પ્રેસ્ડ મણકા છે. જે નકલી કેરબા છે.

તેઓ તેને જૂના  KERBA તરીકે ઓળખાવે છે તેનું કારણ છે કે તેઓ પ્લાસ્ટિકના મણકાને કોટ કરવા અને તેને જૂના KERBA રંગ આપવા માટે કેટલાક કેરબા મણકાના પાવડરનો ઉપયોગ કરે છે.

મણકાઓ નકામા છે અને તેનું મૂલ્ય શૂન્ય છે અને મનુષ્યને લાભ nathi તેઓ ઉપયોગ અથવા પહેરવા પર તમારી આરોગ્ય સંપત્તિ અથવા સંબંધમાં વધારો કરશે નહીં

English: Now OLD KERBA IS AVAILABLE FOR AUCTION AND SALE by few collectors. It is not available in open market at all. It is extremely expensive and rare. And many such items are held by museums or private institutions.

Now understand the importance of this terminology…. In the open market economy there are 99.99% fake items.

The many places where shop keepers boast of selling OLD KERBA is actually the PLASTIC COATED COMPRESSED BEADS OF COPAL. WHICH IS FAKE KERBA .

The reason why they term it as old KERBA is because they use powder of some KERBA beads to coat these plastic beads and give it the color of old KERBA.

These beads are worthless and have zero value and benefit to human. They will not enhance your HEALTH WEALTH OR RELATIONSH

Gujarati: ન્યુ કેરબા

ન્યૂ કેરબાનો અર્થ છે કે માઇનિંગ ઝોનમાંથી તાજી ખાણવાળી કેરબા.

૫૦ મિલિયનથી ૭૦ કરોડ વર્ષ જૂની કેરબાની છે.

નવી કેરબાની પારદર્શિતા સુંદર છે અને ફાયદા માટે ખૂબ મહત્વપૂર્ણ છે.

ઓપેક ન્યૂ કેરબામાં નવી કેરબાની શ્રેષ્ઠ સુગંધ છે તેમાં સુચીનિક એસિડની Succinic acid ઉચ્ચ સામગ્રી છે.

ન્યુ કેરબા ખનિજનો શ્રેષ્ઠ સ્રોત છે. અને નવી કેરબા ઉપયોગ અને પહેરવા પર તરત તમારી આરોગ્ય સંપત્તિ અને સંબંધોમાં વધારો કરે છે

English: New Kerba - 

New Kerba means the freshly mined Kerba from the mining zones .

These are of 50 million to 70million years old Kerba.


THE OPAQUE NEW Kerba HAS THE best fragrance of the  new Kerba have High content of Succinic Acid .

New Kerba is best source of the mineral. And new Kerba enhances your health wealth and relationships immediately upon usage and wearing.

Gujarati: હેપી ગ્લોબ જેમ્સ અને રત્નો 

૧૦ વર્ષથી લોકોને કેરબાના મહત્વ વિશે શિક્ષિત કરી રહ્યા છે અને અમે કર્બાના ઉપયોગથી શ્રેષ્ઠ પરિણામોનો અનુભવ કર્યો છે.




માનવ જીવનના ત્રણ મુખ્ય ઘટકો સુખ અને સુખ દ્વારા માપવામાં આવે છે, જે હેપી ગ્લોબ અને હેપ્પી હોમિયોપેથીનો ઉદ્દેશ છે.

હવે તમારી પાસે વધુ પ્રશ્નો હોય તો અમને પૂછો 

ઇન્સ્ટાગ્રામ અથવા ફેસબુક અથવા વોટ્સએપ પર

English: Happy Globe Gems and Gemstones 

Has been educating people about the importance of Kerba since 10years and we have experienced the best of results from Kerba usage.




The three key components of Human life are measured by Happiness and Happiness is what is the aim of Happy Globe and Happy Hom

Now in case you have more questions do ask us 

On Instagram or Facebook or

Dr.Fatema Palgharwala A.




Tuesday 14 November 2023

RUBY OR SAPPHIRE What are you wearing?

Ruby or Sapphire What are you wearing?
Ruby is a rare gem.
Ruby is a costly gem.
Ruby is Highest quality and King of GEMS Called RUBY/MANEK/YAQOOT.

SAPPHIRE is majorly available in all the colors of the rainbow.
It is less costly than many gems.
SAPPHIRE can't be worn without proper understanding and guidance from the expert.

DETAILS- To understand the differences and importance why you should not just wear any red color stone calling it Ruby.

Corundum coloured by traces of chromium can yield a range of colours and saturation from intense red to a less saturated red or pink.  From this range, the species corundum can be further classified into two varieties: ruby and pink sapphire.
Although they both have the exact same crystal structure and both have chromium as the main chromophore, ruby is the variety name given exclusively for corundum with a dominant red hue. Pink sapphires have a lower concentration of chromium and will display a dominant pink hue with a range of tones and saturations.

HAPPY GLOBE GEMS AND GEMSTONES. Dr.Fatema Adnan (Palgharwala),09762688352,

Thursday 12 October 2023

Second Child by Happy Homeopathy Clinic. Dr.Fatema Adnan


THE Most brain racking question today is 
Second Child-     ?????? 
I get so many mothers asking me what should she do ?? 
SOCIAL PRESSURE should I give up and satisfy the aunty who says my child needs a sibling otherwise he will be lonely. 
Dr my financial situation is not working for a second child should I stop my child's extracurricular activities and get pregnant?? 

Who will drive him around during my pregnancy?? 
Ma'am is it true that my second child can only complete my family where are we incomplete?? 

My husband never changed a diaper for the first one and inlaws were busy attending Miqaats whole year round will I get their support for second pregnancy?? 

So many scary stories and silly jokes from the covid times where many couples got pregnant because the husband was not ready to wear a mask and go buy a condom. 
Really Sad and imagine that mother who is yet stuck at home after covid with a 6month old and the first child has exams in school the husband is least bothered about it; because he has bad business and 1 more mouth to feed ! 
Listen MOTHER .
Listen Parents 
Listen Society 
Don't have a second child to give company to the first born they don't need that.

Only in case you have  supportive relationships go ahead with the second child. 

I have had this personal experience where society thinks oh financial freedom educated you should have another baby and all. 

I asked my body ? Yes or No and I received my answer. 
Society is just society. 
Just ask your self how many times have you your self gone and helped the mother next door who is struggling where should she keep her 2 month old and go to school pick up her 4year old?? 
It's a daily dilemma and when she sits alone and cries thinking about her self and the lacking of not fulfilling the elder ones play time that is where the regret sets in and the second child becomes the unwanted burden for all 
Mental Health is affected the elder child sees the baby as the reason mama was late to pick him from school, the father is tensed he has to buy diapers and crayons now , mother is always taken for granted and 90% times I have heard this Dr during first pregnancy I ate everything I took supplements properly I got malish done regularly but....... second pregnancy after 3days I was driving my bike to pick and drop my child to school..... imagine that. 
Think Choose 
Ask your questions to
 Happy Homeopathy Clinic. Dr.Fatema Adnan (Palgharwala),09762688352,   https://www.happyhomeopathy.com

We are listening to you happily!
Health Wealth and Relationships. 


Wednesday 11 October 2023

KLEPTOMANIA by Happy Homeopathy Clinic. Dr.Fatema Adnan

The repertories are full of strange and bizarre rubrics. There are rich, quality sensations that you feel so lucky if a client utters them.; strange symptoms that are a gift if elicited during case taking. Sometimes you just wish clients would present with some of these clear cut but obscure states just to make life easy - but they rarely do - many cases come across initially as quite ordinary and even after careful and detailed case taking one can still be left with a certain amount of interpretation, having to unravel the richness of someone's story in search of a quality that comes with strange, rare and peculiar symptoms.
Kleptomania could be one of those rubrics. But what is Kleptomania and why are the remedies that are in this rubric there; what do they have in common; how do they relate to each other; what are the themes and essences of some of the remedies that have this rather strange symptom and how might they present during the case taking?
Let's look at the word itself first - klepht = a Greek belonging to one of several independent and armed and sometimes brigandish communities, formed after the Turkish conquest of Greece. From the brigandish, bandit element (brigand can also mean to bring strength and honour), we get klepto = to steal. With the addition of mania we have finally = a persistent, neurotic impulse to steal, especially without economic motive in which the object stolen is usually believed to have a symbolic significance to the kleptomaniac. Almost magpie like
The desire to steal is irresistible and obsessional and the emphasis is on stealing items that are not rationally needed for personal use or monetary value - we could perhaps extend this to 'Desires more than s/he needs'; or 'Capricious, knows not what s/he wants'; then there is 'Delusion s/he has stolen something'; 'Fear of poverty'; 'Contradiction of will'; and 'Makes useless purchases', to consider in the analysis. Aetiology is not to be underestimated and could prove to be a confirming factor within the case - such as jealousy for example. Some clinicians view kleptomania as part of the obsessive-compulsive spectrum of disorders, reasoning that many individuals experience the impulse to steal as an unwanted intrusion into their mental state. Other evidence suggests that kleptomania may be related to mood disorders such as depression - which in turn will have its own aetiology.
But the emphasis really is on the need to steal. And, the thing is, you can steal almost anything. You can steal a kiss, ideas, a look, time, belongings, confidence, protection, energy, money, liberty, secrets, identity, and so on.
If we take a closer look at some of the remedies in this rubric it might shed some light and give us a deeper sense of understanding of these remedies.
Bryonia effects all serous membranes causing great inflammation and fever of many kinds. The circulation and the blood is disordered. Aggravation from any movement at all, they have to be still and resting. There is physical weakness when attempting to move. There are stitching, tearing, bursting pains. 'Bry is dry' - mucous membranes are dry and they are very thirsty, discharges are scant, menses are suppressed, joints seem to lack lubrication - hot, red and swollen, skin rashes recede or do not develop - a definite with-holding state, one of congestion.
Often affects people who are normally of a robust and determined constitution, the complaints develop slowly but with great force, they do not succumb quickly.
The trigger with Bryonia is all to do with clinging, protection and the fear of being scorned (yet wants to be alone), 􏰀fear of losing that protection (and yet so ugly in behaviour as to repel). -
Bryonia is a clinging and climbing vine. The climbing aspect might well relate to the normal robustness of this remedy - they often do well in life, reach sociable heights, are always talking of their business (even when ill). The clinging relates to the amount of protection they really do need, their fear of being scorned - ailments from being scorned - and as a plant that needs something to cling to the 'home' is a likely source of discontent.
Anxiety in the house
Delusion is away from home Delusion as if in a strange land Attempts to escape
Desires to go home
Talks of home
For people who fear being scorned and have a need to cling then Bryonia is unusually repellent in its attitude. They are so irritable and grumpy, to the point of rage. They want to be left alone (good thing too!), very ugly behaviour, taciturn. Usually so robust they cannot come to terms with being ill so they are extremely apprehensive about their condition, and fear for their future, but the overwhelming emotions are irritability and complaining.
The need to cling and fear of losing protection comes in the form of:-
Delusion is being injured
Delusion he is pursued
Delusion under the control of strangers Delusion he is unfortunate
Despair of recovery
Fear of being alone
Fear of being poisoned
Fear of suffering
Ailments from scorn
Aversion to being touched
Feels unfortunate
So, Bryonia steals for self gratification, needing to reward the self at any cost, they steal your time and drain your energy - a very selfish and needy remedy.
Once known as an exterminator of vermin Staphysagria has the action of stupefying. It also has physical, moral and sexual disturbance. Morbidly sensitive, everything is painfully sensitive, sensation as if being squeezed between stones - pushed to the limit where there is no thought as to the consequence of actions - becomes warped and stupefied, numb to the consequences. The faculties of perception and understanding are deadened but at the same time shocking, astonishing, stunning. Manipulative with a great propensity to object to what others may say or do to them but this is suppressed until again, pushed to that limit.
Staphysagria stands tall and haughty with dignity, reputation and honour at stake. So in the early stages their emotions are kept tightly controlled. But if they fall from this grand stance (fear of falling) they become capricious, appear sweet and romantic, sexually lures, suffers rape or sexual abuse because of this (?), there is want of self control and then deep suppression and remorse and finally more lack of control, violence and serious deep pathology.
Like Bryonia, Staphysagria cannot be scorned and yet they want to throw what they have away. They play with fire and like to throw things into the fire, until they cannot maintain the image anymore and a very unstable symptom picture begins to emerge.
But why does Staphysagria have kleptomania? What is it exactly that Staphysagria needs to steal?
When you stupefy someone you take away their notions of freedom and this is what Staphysagria steals - freedom of choice. Staphysagria suffers so much at their own makeover, their own self image, that they suppress their own identity to such a degree that they then, can only, explode and crumble (sensation as if broken in pieces). Temper, bones, teeth, limbs, stomach, sexual energies - all come to a violent breaking point and then break down.
Sepia gives and works and works and gives more and more until they feel as though everything they are doing is against their will (undertakes things opposed to her intentions and contradiction of will), they become completely worn out doing things for others and never for themselves. They also have fear of poverty and part of their disharmony is when they feel they want to have something back for all the hard work endured - so they steal it, whatever it is that they want - often is it freedom and liberty. The problem is, they continue to work enduringly hard, they continue to give against their will (even sexual activity is indulged in against their wishes) and this exhausts them even more. Pulled in two directions like this - stasis occurs.
Sepia has dreams of rape - this might be actuality - and this violation is a form of 'stealing' in reverse - so within the Sepia concept of despair 'stealing' becomes the norm. They cannot tolerate being contradicted, this is stealing respect; delusion, feels she could injure herself, this is a stolen self worth; unconscious while kneeling in church, this is stolen stability; ailments after anger, this is stolen control; averse to family, this is stolen love. But to counter this they refuse sympathy and consolation, they are heedless and impetuous, they love and welcome anything which disturbs the environment such as thunderstorms, suffer from states of mildness and indifference, have delusions the family will starve - the balance is never achieved, hence stasis, which has to be the encompassing keynote of Sepia.
Kali brom has guilt written all over it - they fiddle and fidget with their hands, the eyes are never still, always averting, suspiciously scanning - deep sense of guilt, as though they had committed a crime. This might actually be the case but there is Delusion about to commit a crime; that money is sewed up in the clothing; that he has been accused of stealing. Taking their case is more like a police questioning - they answer no to all questions!!
The Kali brom person is very unstable. It is likely that they have been brought up to feel this deep sense of guilt - delusion forsaken and deserted - perhaps they were not wanted as a child, so the love they had to work for is deemed as being stolen. They develop depression and melancholy, concern about their health, complain about everything, lose all moral and religious feeling, are full of remorse and eventually become paranoid - delusion is the object of god's vengeance, that life is threatened, that they are in danger from their family (do not underestimate this), that they are conspired against. They often develop overwhelming sexual activities and epilepsy - all because love was stolen from them and they want it back.
I never expected to see Calc carb in this rubric. The oyster in the shell, cannot exist without a shell, this protection is a must for Calc carb - protection and security, the stuff of bones and life and the need for a 'home' and all that entails. A fragile and threatening world is out there waiting for them if this is threatened or stolen from them - delusion small and weak.
Protection comes in many forms - people, money and possessions, softness, food - Calcarea needs company, has fear of poverty, loves soft food (especially eggs) and are often plump (but not always). If these basics are missing then they will steal to get them. But they are fearful of being observed and don't want to be found out, (in fact many fears will evolve over time, all to do with a theme of persecution). So this is how they do it:-
they complain about offences long past
spend ridiculous amounts of money - delusion wealthy
steal money
talk a lot about money in general
become indifferent about their own recovery so others will attend to them get irritable
become extremely obstinate
talks all the time of danger - fire, cruelties, murder, rats and snakes - and how it effects them become averse to the family
pretend to be sick
become destructive
will let people take them over completely indulge in sexual excesses
shriek and scream for attention
they bite you
This is an antiseptic, disinfectant and deoderent remedy. It is a remedy of decay and putrefaction, there is no oxygen in the blood, there is stagnation and collapse, maybe after a long period of serious and weakening illness, they are weak, sick and exhausted - they appear to be lifeless and this is a clue as to why this remedy is in the kleptomania rubric. It is a 'must have' state:-
must have air
must be fanned
must have windows open
must have cold water
must have high living and over indulgence with lots of stimulants, rich food and wine - this is often the causation of their diseased state.
But there is also 'never been well since a violent attack or shock'. This can be absolutely anything, but it will be something that renders them lifeless, something big has been taken from their life, there will be a great loss somewhere - rape and abuse might be present and this is what needs disinfecting. It will be an event that does this:-
makes them feel small
become indifferent to the music he used to love anxious as if committed a crime
anxious with strangers but desires company they bite (defence mechanism)
delusion as if someone in bed with them delusion deserted or forsaken
hears footsteps in the dark
delusion people are beside him
fear of evil and that something will happen shrieking during sleep
very timid and bashful
They are so dejected and unhappy that they can become excessively affectionate - they just want to 'buy' or steal it back.
Anyone who knows anything about the history of drinking absinthe will know the effects it has on the brain - hysterical cerebral irritation, hyperemia, epileptiform seizures, delirium and hallucinations, sometimes loss of consciousness, otherwise extremely restless, trembling and twitching, nervous and no relief found in sleep - cannot sleep, insomnia. The active compound in Artemisia absinthium is Thujone which causes brain damage. It occurs naturally in all the artemisias. It is a monoterpene with 10 carbons and is found in many other fragrant plants especially those which emit an essential oil. Thujone is related to menthol and can be found in products such as Vicks Vapour Rub.
There is a theme of two extremes which evolve out of the fact that the alcoholic effects of Absinthe would be sedative but the Thujone  content would cause the excitation and the hallucinations. So you have stupor AND violence, unconsciousness AND brain excitation.
The inner organs become paralysed and have sensations of swelling (probably are), especially the liver, spleen and tongue, the heart thumps and can be felt and heard all over the body.
Two of the most notable symptoms are always falling down (which can be taken to mean both physical and emotional) and a compete loss of memory. Perhaps that is what the absinthe drinkers wanted - to forget, to numb the brain and memory of their fall from grace, from a higher status. They fall so far as to end as if in a dream, where he has awful visions and feels persecuted, pursued by enemies and fears being murdered. In return they become dangerously violent themselves. It all gets so bad that death is desired.
The best part is the dreamy state, the initial exhilaration and then the loss of memory - who would want to remember all that anyway. And like any addictive habit, it has to be paid for somehow - by stealing.

Happy Homeopathy Clinic. Dr.Fatema Adnan (Palgharwala),09762688352,   https://www.happyhomeopathy.com . Cancer is fast,We are Faster. 

HAPPY HOMEOPATHY CLINIC Dr.Fatema Palgharwala A , 09762688352, https://www.happyhomeopathy.com/    33, ROOM NO.206,SECOND FLOOR,KAPADIA COMPLEX,KHOKHA BAZAR,SARANG STREET. MUMBAI 400003,MS. 
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Tuesday 3 October 2023

Bribe vs YAKEEN ,WHAT do you choose? By Dr.FATEMA PALGHARWALA Happy Homeopathy Clinic.


Since childhood when I actually started understanding this word it felt wrong. The conscience didn't approve of it. 

Even today although bribes are common as many hands on earth it feels bad.

Why I always ask myself. 

Have you asked your self why bribe is unethical? 

Although you and me give it every day!

It has become the way of business nothing works without sending a packet.

Small medium big anything pani puri wala on the street corner gives, small shops , showrooms everywhere each one gives. 

It’s bribe,inducement,incentive,payola,backhander,pay-off,kickback,sweetener,carrot,bung,dropsy,plugola,schmear,sling,douceur,drop…………..whatever you call it it’s present.

Why are we pondering about this today well my blogs are always about my personal experiences so that is what happened I came to know about a new way of bribing to get business. 

It's been a practice for certain groups of people to come together and form a symbiotic relationship between ,in which they pay to be a part of the group to themselves and others , the bond they have in between is that they will give business within themselves and get business for all as much as possible. 

And for this design of destiny they pay  200inr / day as 'Bribe'.

So I ask myself has all my study gone to the drain? 

Has all my prayers gone to the drain? 

Has all my Yakeen Gone to the drain?

Were the words heard that Rizq is DEFAULT by Almighty false? 

200/day Bribe is Everything it's the only way to earn money making business. 

Now you are pondering now you are scratching your head. 

Ask your self a breakfast with some deceiving beings will bring you business or a kind gesture of feeding one needy will fetch you more money?      

Oh cool down Doctor you are overreacting.....! 

That's what a few of you might say.

Well I say it’s about  Collective Subconscious. 

We've written a blog earlier about this Collective Subconscious and again I insist that you understand this.

Business is a plan it's a game to play ; cheating might get you a bit ahead sometimes or maybe always yet in the larger picture you have failed. 

Also some free divisions run many zoom shows where you may learn a few good things and get business updates etc.etc .

Yet these don’t actually teach you business it just adds skills to your methods. 

Remember the Camel story of IMAM ALI AS. 

Did HE bribe ?

Did HE go to any hotel for breakfast to promote HIS camel?

Did HE have ZOOM up Skilling? 

No .

Just simple Yakeen. 


This Grace this hope this peace of mind is Business it's just beautiful.

Let’s pray that we will all follow this, I meet so many wonderful people each day who follow this peaceful path of business. I went to mangaldas market the famous cloth market of Mumbai, here I met this uncle who only sells bottoms . Yes all sizes all colours and fixed price, he was very happy to sell his product very confident that his pricing is optimal and best value one will get in a salwar! So simply I buy the product peacefully.

So my learning is that let’s just keep businesses simple and easy going. Make sure your business is unique and fruitful,make sure your product is unique and optimally priced.

And when the customer takes your product it will be advantageous for Health ,Wealth or Relationship of the Customer.

This should be the core of your business and product strategy.

With the Discipline and Yakeen on Our interpretation of the teachings of  OUR AQA MAULA TUS always ,

Follow your heart and keep your ethics safe;

Say no to Bribes. 

Happy Homeopathy Clinic. Dr.Fatema Adnan (Palgharwala),09762688352,   https://www.happyhomeopathy.com . Cancer is fast,We are Faster. 

HAPPY GLOBE GEMS AND GEMSTONES. Dr.Fatema Adnan (Palgharwala),09762688352, https://www.happyhomeopathy.com IS A CERTIFIED GEMOLOGIST. ALL OUR PIECES ARE 100% NATURAL GEMSTONES.

Health Wealth and Relationships with 

Dr.Fatema Palgharwala. 




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30000000 with Gemstones A Case Study by Dr.Fatema Palgharwala.

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