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Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Discount - Dulha. - by Dr.Fatema Palgharwala.@ #HappyHomoeopathy Clinic

DISCOUNT  DULHA – by Dr.Fatema Palgharwala.
Discount on every service.
Tv on karo--- its starts with SALE – SALE-SALE-
Grab Grab Grab !!! 

My goodness what a waste of money and effort. Imagine the kind of money these companies spend on such adverts. 
Make you buy stuff for ‘DISCOUNT’
At Clinic I face some visitors who will ask me for discount!! This SALE gene is so deep knit in our system now that we feel without discount there cannot be a transaction.
And we never realized how this SALE AND DISCOUNT system has ruined our businesses and relationships and personal growth.
How ?? 
Think !!
Many of us have the book “SECRET” it speaks about abundance right ?
Abundance !!
Don’t you realize DISCOUNT x ABUNDANCE 
Are antonyms to each other.
Its been a personal view whenever I have shopped the discount tag at the shop hasn’t attracted me.
I find the word discount feel ‘Cheap’
Imagine the lack of truthfulness and honesty when something which has a price tag of 100INR is put up for SALE at 70% discount , its seriously BAD business , Seriously unethical pricing .
Why cant we price optimum. Why waste time in stocking up things and then do CLEARANCE SALE 70% DISCOUNT.
The Prophet RA , has taught ethical pricing for goods and also encourage barter system. I am sure these teachings have a reason behind them.
Ethical pricing is a serious requirement of the hour, I don’t understand why some people find it easy to cheat , I work with honey, and I have experienced how this wonderful food from mother nature is manipulated and sold just to fill pockets, we know the latest example of Maggi.
There are very few places I shop at one of them being, fabindia where I get all my home and kitchen stuff , and they never have a discount going on , always new stock fresh stock and ethically priced stock, and they don’t advertise themselves .

You must be wondering why Dr.Fatema suddenly thought about discount and writing something out of her subject; well here is the reason.
Since my profiles online give away the fact that I am Single and well aged to get married and common sense I will be looking for  a Happy Groom for myself, I get advertisement calls from many matrimonial websites to open an account with them , the variety of “dulha.com”; the other day one of these websites called me and said Madam; we have a discount going on and now you can pay for 50 profiles and actually see 100 !!!!! LMAO,LOL,Hahhhaahahah ;;; I am feeling like santabanta here seriously .

Ultimately its all about quality and quantity. Why should I buy something at discount or I should buy something which is optimally priced; it’s a very important decision we should make,we all read about the sale websites and how they are extracting money by not so ethical means, the other day I read about jabong.com , and how it is making bad business by decreasing prices just to achieve numbers…. Its killing the common man economy.

The discount dulha call made me introspect about this new evil,and invoked my thoughts about it. 

You dear patrons and readers are discretional enough to decide.

As I always say Be Kind to our own selves and all around us.
With loads of love 
I always believe in abundance and My AQA MAULA TUS teaches me abundance ! I never ask for discount in blessings then why should I ask for discount and make someone suffer.
I wish we all start preferring ethical pricing in every mode of our life.
Your Happy Doctor,
Happy Homoeopathy
We are present now at INDIA UAE KUWAIT.
Call us 09762688352   ;0971557863353  email us – dr.fatemapalgharwala@gmail.com 
P.S.  www.happy homoeopathy.com

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