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Monday, 1 June 2020


Yes the article is about corona virus ........ deep!
Sorry jokes apart.
Well this is important because you are important.
So let’s start with some praises about this virus,
We got a nice holiday. Rested well,spent time with family etc. 
took charge of the whole house without Bai.
And you all got the opportunity to feel the feeling of being a doctor,wearing mask,gloves ,sanitizing the hands round the clock.
Wow what a blessing, as I always say everything happens for the best.

So have you also taken the ‘immunity booster’ ?
Yes No Maybe?
No matter what your answer is read ahead carefully.
And most importantly follow it.
1)So you took the free booster without your doctors advice. 
2)It was donated to you so you took.
3) All were taking I also took.

You know why you did any of the above because it was free and you think HOMOEOPATHY IS SAFE,HAS NO SIDE EFFECTS , kya farak padega le’lo waise bhi free hai.

Do you realise by doing this you only jeopardised your own life your family’s life .........
How ? 
Yes you should ask questions to me ? 
{any point of time during this article in case you have a doubt call me 9762688352}
I am not afraid and don’t hide .
So coming back to 
Well in simple words homoeopathy is a subjective medicine and even in epidemics , a general dosage is given in emergencies, later it has to be repeated under proper medical attention.
So now second question 
Did you repeat your ‘immunity booster ‘ ? 
All three categories will answer NO.

Unheard voice in your mind must be telling free Nai mila! 

bang now I feel like §{]\£…{][$}£]$[3{_]£4[{£]€\

Do good unto those who do evil to you.
So even though you belittled my Science I give you a wise choice 
Your choice is to follow us at Happy Homoeopathy Clinic ,
For proper dosage repetitions.
For complete prevention towards the Pandemic2020.

Now let’s move ahead to our observations and analysis .
Masks .......
Yes Masks !
The way you guys are wearing it, I understood why contraceptions fails.

Like seriously ,
Masks have risen to fashion statement already.
Every alternate post has a mask advert on Instagram order now premium quality...... and comments are .... where is my Order ... I’ve already paid.
Foolish .
Not them, you are foolish, you ordered something from out of state out of city out of your own area. Postal seva working hai par time kitna lagega woh nahi keh saktey.

When will you understand this is the time to buy locally from shop around you not online. Or best is stitch your own.
And hello mask Has to be 100% Organic cotton at least 2layer, with strings for tying it securely,washable,and keep 2pairs for your personal usage.
And not just designer and style statement.
If you are coming in contact of high risk people then you should use the WHO STATED MASK , yet remember a mask is like helmet or seat belt or contraception comes with the statutory warnings. So our safety is in our hands only.

When you drive do you wear seatbelt ,helmet every time you drive or you wore it just once when you first got the vehicle,hoping it will save you every time you drive?
Funny question right .
Yes .
Immunity booster and mask are also same , your seatbelt and helmet against COVID19 . You will need them every time you drive.

Burning CAMPHOR in your home and surroundings is the best way to sanitize. 

Amber/KERBA/KEROBA is the most important and effective adaptogens Gemstones for the Pandemic  .

As I said meet or call us at Happy Homoeopathy!

Now taking some attention towards what we achieved by typing on online portals while world has gone for a topsy turvy.

Can you make a call to high post holding people?
*Call means a direct call like from your mobile to his mobile *
*No right!!! *
*Whether it was Jawahalal Nehru's time or Today , there's no such possibility.........hmm *
*So *
*Now what human rights, connectivity, hamara neta , man ki bat, ........ *
We can comment and dm To @official or @real.....
Right .
*How close . I tweeted my comments to him directly, has he read ... *
There are like lakhs of comments in minutes you think they are really read? Who are you fooling... The blue bird is just fooling you and helping them fulfill your desire of being able to speak . It's as good as speaking to the walls .

So  analysis and experience how much I have gained during this free time inside my house with no honking outside no traffic no hustle no rush!
The calmness inside .
And I’m a FOLLOWER of HIS HOLINESS.  Thus for me from day one of the lockup was taken care of by HIM.
Sometimes the best ritual is to just pray.
Just pray.
And we followers achieved that with HIM .
So with all my prayers for you,
With kindness and hugs ,
Dr.Fatema Palgharwala Adnan.


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