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Tuesday, 8 March 2016

SAY 'NO' Dear Woman!! Happy Women's Day to You.

Received loads of messages and wishes for women’s day, many invites for free talks and stoppings and thing like that.
Ever thought about the negative about a WOMAN?
Yes women are negative too. In between all those achievements all those praises and colors.
I have seen some gravely negative women …..
I have seen

And the best types are those CHAUVENISTS, who create gender bias.
HAPPY HOMOEOPATHY cares for all you and in case you identify yourself here and this creates some awareness in you, start LOVING YOURSELF and create happiness, make something better for the women around you.
Many of us are scared to write negative, I ask why?
Awareness of every level is important, and I write to make one aware that in case you come across such personalities, instead of making your life a nightmare choose to say ‘NO’

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