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Saturday, 23 August 2014



In the end it can be said that informed consent is at heart shared decision making—a recommended approach to medical treatment decision in which patients actively participate with their doctors.
The Patients must have adequate information if they are to play a significant role in making decisions that reflect their own values and preferences, in cases like HALAL vs. NON-HALAL medicine and side effects of medicines or treatment  outcomes consequences of denying treatment and lastly areas like trust the doctor or trust self-study.
 The physicians play a key role as educators in this process.[1] To avoid legal action, according to the doctrine of informed consent, physicians must disclose enough information for the patient to make an “informed” decision. However, because informed consent laws and principles do not specify the amount of information that must be disclosed like the process of treatments, time consumption, life expectancy, perfect treatment outcomes in theory and practice etc., physicians might find it useful to know what they must typically disclose.[2]
In India also the situation has been made clear by the apex courts. The courts in all their decisions have held that the patient has the right to know all about their treatments and procedures. The doctor should disclose everything before going for any surgery or treatment. Whenever the doctor failed to disclose such information to the patient, they are found to be at fault.
In UK as we studied found that the core of everything lies with the NHS; which is completely responsible for complete care of the patient irrespective of any condition. The informed consent and all rules and regulations pertaining to the same.

The CAM treatments hold their own shortcomings and ethics following the Hahnemannain and Hippocratic Oath; they do their best in complete disclosure to the patient and help them achieve cure. Thus pin pointing here in conclusion that CAM treatments are purely in unification of doctor-patient relationship both are equally involved; opposite in case of a typical surgery where the patient is under anesthesia and cannot do anything.in CAM its always collective efforts thus informed consent is of utmost importance at every step of treatment.

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