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Showing posts with label CERTIFIED AMBER. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CERTIFIED AMBER. Show all posts

Saturday 24 January 2015

“Ek amul,....with KINDNESS! - by Dr.Fatema Palgharwala.@ #HappyHomoeopathy Clinic

“Ek amul, tikha kam, kanda nai, kakdi zyada “
“1 amul sandwich , less spicy, no onion, add more cucumber.”
This is an overdue article, I was waiting for a proper example for this thought to be put through you dear patron.
When we think about Mohamadali road At Mumbai, MS, the first thought which comes in our heads is STREET FOOD AND SHOPPING!
Well here is located a small standing stall of GOLDENPOINT SANDWICH, Just by the general Post office.
I must be eating the famous AMUL SANDWICH here for like last 15years average 2 sandwiches per week.
What’s so unique about this we all get vegetables stacked with bread everywhere, why are you reading about this particular sandwich?
When I was a kid and we would go for a sandwich at this place there was always an Old Fat Uncle standing and when we would say “ek sandwich”!!! he would look at me with wide eyes and then wait for me to repeat my order and I would wonder what to say, I used to feel intimidated also sometimes with his demeanour and always would wonder why he does that?
Then eventually I learnt what I wanted so I started saying, “ek amul, tikha kam, kanda nai, kakdi zyada “……. This would make this Uncle Smile and very happily he would neatly cut my sandwich and present it to me appetizingly!
Over the years I learnt with this OLD Uncle that although sandwich is just bread n raw vegetables YET every sandwich will taste unique with him. Yes this is the quality that only this uncle standing at GOLDEN POINT SANDWICH can offer, he has the capacity of making that 1 sandwich special and unique for you.
It took him years to inculcate that habit in me every time I said 1-sandwich he will stare at me as if I committed a crime!!!! lol!!! and then every time I felt I wanted this and I dint want that in my sandwich and then the ek sandwich became ------“ek amul , tikha kam,kanda nai, kakdi zyada “

So this is kindness of this Fat man that I learnt to get what I wanted.
He taught me kindness. He taught me perfection. He gave me the thought that everything has the capacity to be unique.
Since 2years I started writing about Amber which is such a unique offer from the universe to us all,
We are reading learning knowing so many things about this wonder gemstone.
Here are some experiences I will share with you,
Many people come and talk about the prices of amber to me and show and give me big stories about the prices of amber, and here’s what I say to them;
The difference between the amber you are talking about and the amber I am giving is simple and straight FALSE x TRUE.
False ----- nO comments …..;;;;
I know today I am like this Old Man at Goldenpoint sandwich 15years back , who incessantly made and habituated every customer describe his/her  sandwich ……,
And today every person who eats a sandwich here has a unique taste on his tongue.
Always remember this world is filled with kinds and kinds and kinds of humans  
Yes kindness!
احسن الى من اساء اليك
Do good unto those who do bad / evil to you.
Be Kind, irrespective of your situation
 Your status
Your place

 At Happy Homoeopathy I follow this rule, whatever the situation, being kind.
Achievement is a rule. And Kindness is the key to this achievement.
There are many amongst us who are unique who incessantly point out and only follow ethics.
Our Most unique example for this is MY AQA MAULA, RA, ‘SMB!’ and Our AQA MAULA, TUS.
Every second rather every micro second of HIS LIFE IS KINDNESS KINDNESS KINDNESS!!!
Why are we having problems amongst us?
Why do we feel Dr.Fatema will cheat us?
Why do we compete street stuff vs certified goods?
Why do we ask does Homoeopathy work????
Its just because we lack in kindness.
I know kindness is tough to practise it took me 7years of medical practice to learn it I’ve faced failures had my wins, learnt and learnt from every patient, learning every day.

Came across this one patient who came to me after visiting 3 separate mental health physicians for 3years; after meeting me she had one sentence for me “ Dr , you are the first one I came across during this ordeal who has been Kind to me and explained to me what I am suffering from.”
It just took me 10extra minutes to explain her situation to her, and that was kindness to her , because nobody ever did that to her it made things so simple and ethical for her because now she knew what medication she needed and such cases than heal quick. It just took kindness, for healing.
So as I understand being kind is now routine here at HAPPY HOMOEOPATHY, its nothing like a task, now every patient here is treated uniquely with their own tasty sandwiches.
Visit for your sandwich soon!
Dr.Fatema Palgharwala.
Your Happy Homoeopath.
NLP Consultant and Trainer.
Happy Handwriting Analysis expert and Teacher.
Amber/Kerba Consultant.
Be Kind call me @09762688352
Tweet me with Kindness @ffspp
Look at me with Kindness on Skype – drfatema1
For more about Kindness – www.happyglobe.blogspot.in

Friday 5 September 2014

WILL YOU TRUST ME!! - by Dr.Fatema Palgharwala.@ #HappyHomoeopathy Clinic

Dr.Fatema Palgharwala.
"Homoeopathy is a pseudoscience and its remedies have been found to be no more effective than placebos” this is the description of homoeopathy on Wikipedia. I am a homoeopathy physician in this ad mad world and here writing about homoeopathy humbly. All I am concerned about is to show you how Happy Homoeopathy works and how we achieve cure every day.
Let's explore a new area of homoeopathy which would very simply explain how Homoeopathy works so effectively and why it poses such a threat and is pushed into the alternative form?

To begin with please be informed that Dr.Samuel Hahnemann is the founder of Medicine! And Founder of Homoeopathy Medicine.
 I ask the reader.... Do you think in today's world where every career option is taken with care and sense of understanding would Students like us opt for Homoeopathy! If it was a pseudoscience or something unproved or something which is a fooling system? Ever wonder that? Ok say I took admission without this knowledge and started learning the science I ask you dear reader , do you think I am such a fool that even after learning that this was a wrong system I would continue studying it ? .
Would you continue in case you were in my place?
So we know the answer now.
Anyways let me prove it further.
Homoeopathy is the only science which follows a set of rules. Every student is taught this and we all follow it. These are called Law of Cure, which were laid down only after perfect scientific proving on healthy human beings.
Yes only homoeopathy is a Medical Science which consists of every medicine which is scientifically proved on HEALTHY HUMAN BEINGS. So by default all my medical kit is Safe for Human consumption in prescribed dosage.
My Cancer patients ask the most common question to me Doctor Can you perform Surgery? So here is the information about Surgery---- surgery is a separate technique which is learnt by those who desire to learn it. I opted for understanding the medicine part of disease only thus opted for Homoeopathy. Do surgeries happen in homoeopathy hospitals? Answer is yes; it happens and pre-operative post-operative care is Homoeopathy medicines.

So now going further in our task. Why homoeopathy for chronic diseases? Understand the body, its complex machine and when something hurts the body continually it gets habituated to that occurrences and defends itself with what little methods available to it. Homoeopathy helps the body to get stronger against the chronic diseases and thus it's more effective in deep seated diseases than anything else.
Cases of Cancer Psoriasis thalassemia find their cure with Homoeopathy very easily.

Halal and Homoeopathy practice: this is the latest debate found around our clinics these days. Well here's the answer homoeopathy is a halal medicine and when used with proper care and rules it's not going to send you to hell!
Another pointer here is that readers depend on lot of jargon available free of cost on various media. Study the science spend 6years of your precious life become a Homeopath and then ask me is my medicine effective, or is it halal, or can it work and is it proven,
I am not unhappy for the questions you ask I'm unhappy about the mistrust created by a handful few which is wrong.

So here I'm at Happy Homoeopathy spreading Happiness, I'm a proud to be a homoeopath; proud follower of AqaMaulaTUS. I will put my future generations in this field.
I know my science and my religion do you have the guts to follow it as thoroughly as I do?

For all about Amber/ Kerba www.happyglobe.blogspot.in.  
Or talk to Dr.Fatema Palgharwala @09762688352
Tweet Dr.Fatema @ffspp
Skype drfatema1
For appointment with the clinic use any of the above.

Happy Homoeopathy takes Clients and patients by appointments.
With Blessings of my AQAMAULA.TUS here I am having a blessed practice each day with smiles and happiness abundant! Ameen.

Tuesday 10 September 2013

KERBA/Amber – Its Identification Identifying an original amber gemstone can be quite difficult.

Motivation: its been about a year now that I have posted about Amber and lot off awareness has occurred about the particular gemstone. I met many clients who carried fakes and came to me and were astonished to find out that they have spent on fakes being a Mumin is no certificate to prove that only originals are sold !!  few tips for you to find out if that wrist bead you are wearing is a fake or original.

People have told me that kerba dint work for them my answer is dear Sir only original will benefit you how will glass do the wonders of diamond ?

Amber – Its Identification Identifying an original amber gemstone can be quite difficult. This is because there are many amber imitations found in the market which confuse the buyers One of its numerous imitations is called 'Amberdan'. It has properties fairly near to natural gem. The way to test the originality is when the stone is heated and gives off a certain odor. When the odor smells like a mixture of plastic and amber, it suggests that a natural resin has been mixed with a plastic binder.

Amber is often confused with copal. These two stones are composed of very similar materials with nearly identical origins and so it is difficult to identify the original amber. The main difference is that while copals are just a few hundred thousand years old, ambers are several million years old.

Another imitation that is found in the market is made up of pressed amber or 'ambroid'. This is created by fusing smaller bits of the gem under heat. This can be distinguished from original gem when you examine it under a microscope.

Ancient techniques for identifying this gem are still useful today. When it is rubbed vigorously on a piece of wool, it generates a static charge, which is enough to pick up a small piece of ash. When this gemstone is warm enough, it tends to give off a distinctive odor. These techniques will separate it from plastic imitations but not distinguish it from copal.

To distinguish this gem from copal is difficult. They share the same refractive index, specific gravity, and most other properties. However, Copal tends to fluoresce whiter than amber under UV light. So, it is a judgment call which one needs to make based on having examined a sufficient number of samples so as to recognize the difference.

If one is not able to make the distinction based on fluorescence, then one will have to resort to a destructive test. On an inconspicuous area of the stone, place a drop of acetone. Let it sit for three seconds, and then wipe it off. Copal will have the surface damaged by the acetone, while amber will show little or no change from the brief exposure.

Another easy method to separate this gemstone from its plastic imitations is with a specific gravity solution. Boil water and add as much salt as you can dissolve in it to create a handy testing liquid. Most of the imitations will sink in this solution. This is because few plastics have a density as low as 1.05 and many can be lower than amber if they have air bubbles inside. So, if your sample sinks, you can be sure it is not real. If it floats you need to determine if it is plastic or amber.

There is another destructive test to separate real amber from the fake ones. However, it must be done with care. The best part is that it can be done almost invisibly. Discover a place on the stone where a mark would be as less visible as possible. This can be on the edge, bottom or on an area with scratches. Next, heat the tip of a needle until it glows red. Touch the selected spot just enough to release a tiny whiff of smoke. Now smell the smoke. If it is genuine amber, the smell is of fine incense. It is plastic if the odour is chemical and offensive. This is a good reason for making your test on a very small scale as possible!

Another test of discovering a fake piece is to identify the insect inclusions present in the stone. If one finds this stone which has an inclusion of say, a modern house fly, this can easily alert you to the fact that the stone may be a fake. This is because the house fly did not exist millions of years ago, which means that the inclusion has been fused into the stone, and that the stone is not genuine.

With these tips and techniques, it thus becomes easier for you to identify and spot a genuine amber gemstone from among the fakes.


Dr.Fatema Palgharwala from Happy Homeopathy Introduces The Benefits of KERBA (Amber) for you.

Every Mumin has the RAZA to wear KERBA (Amber), however many of us get special farmaan for wearing it.

 The biggest challenge here is, where do you buy this gemstone from. KERBA (Amber) is an Ancient RESIN of Pine trees which is about Million years OLD; it’s a collector’s item, hence where will you get it from. KERBA (Amber) is not a STONE so no jeweller will analyse it for you.

A person who has not studied KERBA (Amber) will never understand it KERBA (Amber) is not Glass KERBA (Amber) is not Plastic So it is very difficult to analyse It’s like buying blindly from a blind vendor so nobody is the cheater and nobody is cheated!!!! Mumineen in Sidhpur Palanpur in 20th century had a customary tradition to invest in KERBA (Amber) which was considered pride and royalty. This tradition exists even today.

So, the big question is, where to buy your KERBA (Amber) from? Dr.Fatema Palgharwala ,BHMS,MSc.Forensic. AURA Therapist; has studied the mining process and the properties of the KERBA under the able guidance of Shk.F.Motiwala, who is the world’s no.5 in KERBA (Amber) studies. We hold membership with the INTERNATIONAL AMBER ASSOCIATION and all gemstones are certified internationally. KERBA (Amber) is available at various shops in ranging prices. It’s up to you from whom you buy your KERBA (Amber), from an authentic expert or mere salesmen??

 Dr.Fatema Palgharwala analyses the KERBA (Amber) according to your energy fields and recommends the perfect match which is most compatible to your energy type and which will benefit you the most. KERBA (Amber) is for all AGES and Both SEXES.

Benefits of KERBA (Amber) --- Every Individual has an AURA and based upon that when you wear the recommended KERBA (Amber) your Health, Wealth & Relationships get better, making your life worth living. It has both Religious Values and Healing Properties. It protects the wearer from evil eye, and wades away Lungs and Heart diseases. Helps in keeping the Mental Balance and fosters decision making Contact details Dr.Fatema Palgharwala 09762688352 dr.fatemapalgharwala@yahoo.com Skype= drfatema1 GUIDELINES FOR PLACING AN ORDER= Attach the snap of the wearer. In case of CHATTI for new-borns kindly place your order with the names and pictures of the parents. To read more www.happyglobe.blogspot.in




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