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Wednesday, 18 November 2020


Happy Homoeopathy Clinic is actively working towards new cures and more effective treatments always and for the last 7years Dr.Fatema Palgharwala Adnan,has been recommending AMBER GEMSTONES ALSO known as KERBA STONE, KEROBA STONE...
AND today we are presenting a very in depth analysis of what is KERBA , 
history and main question Why AMBER and why AMBER ONLY FROM HAPPY GLOBE GEMS AND GEMSTONES.


 Protective Substance – Baltic amber was (and still is) worn as a protective amulet for both the living and the dead and countless ancient magical and protective Baltic amber adornments have been found in Mycenaean tombs on the island of Crete, in the Egyptian pharaoh tombs in Tethys and among the burial goods of Tutankhamun and in excavated grave sites throughout Old Europe and the Middle East.

Eastern European people have long believed that amber smoke strengthens the human spirit and imparts courage. Lithuanian tribal people use Baltic amber incense to dispel evil spirits and to bless and offer guidance to the souls of their dead. Newborn babes are traditionally blessed with a smudge of burning amber smoke as they have been for centuries and newly-weds are smudged this way as well. Soldiers going off to battle are also fumigated with smoldering amber as a ceremony of protection accompanied by prayers for a safe return.

Mythology – Many diverse cultures carry primeval creation myths concerning the origins of amber. Ancient Grecian tales recount the story of the Heliades, who shed tears into the river Eridanus as they grieved the death of their brother Phaethon. The stories say that Phaethon was thrown into the river by Zeus as punishment for taking his golden chariot on a joyride across the sky and that the tears of the heart-sick sisters eventually hardened into drops of dazzling amber.

Ancient Chinese myths say that this warm and magical golden substance is the petrified soul of tigers. Primarily a symbol of good fortune and protection, the tiger is also associated with solar energy, summer and fire and is linked to the powers of attraction, protection and illumination.

Legends from the Polish Kushubian tribe, , say that amber is the result of great lightning strikes upon the earth. Lithuanian tales recount the unhappy love between Jurate, Goddess of the Baltics, and a fisherman named Kastytis.

In a fit of anger, Jurate’s father threw down a great bolt of lightning that shattered the amber palace on the bottom of the sea and drowned Kastytis along with his fishing boat. Since that day, waves have been endlessly washing fragments from the amber palace ashore and littering the Baltic Sea coastline with small pieces of amber which are the tears that the still grieving Jūratė continues to shed.

Dr.Fatema PALGHARWALA Adnan. 

Tuesday, 13 October 2020

AMBER is an ADAPTOGEN. by Dr.FatemaPalgharwala Adnan. HappyGlobe Gems and Gemstones .

Happy Homoeopathy Clinic is actively working towards new cures and more effective treatments always and for the last 7years Dr.Fatema Palgharwala Adnan,has been recommending AMBER GEMSTONES ALSO known as KERBA STONE, KEROBA STONE...
AND today we are presenting a very in depth analysis of what is KERBA , 
history and main question Why AMBER and why AMBER ONLY FROM HAPPY GLOBE GEMS AND GEMSTONES. 

so Part 1 Is all about Adaptogens. 
The actions of adaptogens, those mysteriously potent herbs and substances that have little understood, but nevertheless remarkable effects on the whole body/mind/spirit, continue to hold my attention, stir my imagination and inspire my creativity in the best of ways.

We’ll define adaptogens here as those natural substances that help the body adapt to stress and recall that in order to meet the criteria as defined by the word adaptogen, a substance must be non-toxic, produce a nonspecific response in the body which boosts the ability to resist multiple stressors, and exert a normalizing influence on physiology. By definition, adaptogens strengthen the immune, nervous and glandular system, increase metabolic efficiency and reduce susceptibility to illness and disease.

Adaptogens are exceedingly effective tonics, have a broad influence on the entire body and can be safely used over a long time. Many of these substances have a history of use that extends for hundreds and thousands of years and a huge body of experience has been accumulated and recorded regarding their therapeutic application.

Baltic amber is such a substance. In my experience natural Baltic amber is one of the most indispensible, as well as perhaps the most universally applicable, of the known adaptogens.

Along with other well known adaptogens such as American ginseng and reishi mushrooms, Baltic amber has been a constant and grounding element in my daily life for the last several years. The ancient history and compelling healing properties of this unique and unrivaled adaptogen are primarily what I am inspired to share with you here today.

Warming, stimulating, aromatic, bitter and absolutely beautiful, Baltic amber is both a potent medicine and an amazingly protective substance and has been revered as such for millennia.

Though not especially well known and rarely spoken or written about in American herb culture, Baltic amber actually has a long and illustrious history of medicinal as well as magical/spiritual use. Throughout China, India, the Middle East and all of Europe, from the northern Boreal forests to the Mediterranean Sea many people are not only well aware of, but also make regular use of, the vitality boosting and energetically protective qualities of these ancient golden fossil gems.

What is Baltic Amber? Baltic amber is a fossilized resin produced by coniferous trees from the Pinaceae family. A large number of conifers belonging to different genera are represented in the amber-flora, all given the collective name Pinus succinifera. These include Pines as well as Cedrus(cedar from the Atlas Mountains) and Larix spp. (larch) which grew in Northern Europe around the Baltic Sea 40 million to 200 million years ago.

As atmospheric change occurred and the climate warmed, the conifer trees in the Tertiary forests of northern Europe began exuding large amounts of resin in an effort to adapt to the changing earth environment. As the millennia progressed, these exudations sank to the Baltic Sea floor and gradually, over the eons, became stable through oxidation, the action of micro-organisms and other processes.

Extensively traded since remote antiquity, Baltic amber’s continuous use has been documented to at least 13,000 years ago. Natural Baltic amber was highly prized among the ancient Nordic and Scandinavian peoples, as well as by the Celts, the ancient peoples of the Mediterranean: the Phoenicians, Greeks and Etruscans, the Arabs, Egyptians and the Chinese, all of whom knew and used Baltic amber (succinite) many centuries before the Common Era. Baltic amber gems were not only valued by these ancient peoples for their unique beauty but also for their considerable medicinal and protective qualities.

Dr.Fatema PALGHARWALA Adnan. 

Monday, 1 June 2020


Yes the article is about corona virus ........ deep!
Sorry jokes apart.
Well this is important because you are important.
So let’s start with some praises about this virus,
We got a nice holiday. Rested well,spent time with family etc. 
took charge of the whole house without Bai.
And you all got the opportunity to feel the feeling of being a doctor,wearing mask,gloves ,sanitizing the hands round the clock.
Wow what a blessing, as I always say everything happens for the best.

So have you also taken the ‘immunity booster’ ?
Yes No Maybe?
No matter what your answer is read ahead carefully.
And most importantly follow it.
1)So you took the free booster without your doctors advice. 
2)It was donated to you so you took.
3) All were taking I also took.

You know why you did any of the above because it was free and you think HOMOEOPATHY IS SAFE,HAS NO SIDE EFFECTS , kya farak padega le’lo waise bhi free hai.

Do you realise by doing this you only jeopardised your own life your family’s life .........
How ? 
Yes you should ask questions to me ? 
{any point of time during this article in case you have a doubt call me 9762688352}
I am not afraid and don’t hide .
So coming back to 
Well in simple words homoeopathy is a subjective medicine and even in epidemics , a general dosage is given in emergencies, later it has to be repeated under proper medical attention.
So now second question 
Did you repeat your ‘immunity booster ‘ ? 
All three categories will answer NO.

Unheard voice in your mind must be telling free Nai mila! 

bang now I feel like §{]\£…{][$}£]$[3{_]£4[{£]€\

Do good unto those who do evil to you.
So even though you belittled my Science I give you a wise choice 
Your choice is to follow us at Happy Homoeopathy Clinic ,
For proper dosage repetitions.
For complete prevention towards the Pandemic2020.

Now let’s move ahead to our observations and analysis .
Masks .......
Yes Masks !
The way you guys are wearing it, I understood why contraceptions fails.

Like seriously ,
Masks have risen to fashion statement already.
Every alternate post has a mask advert on Instagram order now premium quality...... and comments are .... where is my Order ... I’ve already paid.
Foolish .
Not them, you are foolish, you ordered something from out of state out of city out of your own area. Postal seva working hai par time kitna lagega woh nahi keh saktey.

When will you understand this is the time to buy locally from shop around you not online. Or best is stitch your own.
And hello mask Has to be 100% Organic cotton at least 2layer, with strings for tying it securely,washable,and keep 2pairs for your personal usage.
And not just designer and style statement.
If you are coming in contact of high risk people then you should use the WHO STATED MASK , yet remember a mask is like helmet or seat belt or contraception comes with the statutory warnings. So our safety is in our hands only.

When you drive do you wear seatbelt ,helmet every time you drive or you wore it just once when you first got the vehicle,hoping it will save you every time you drive?
Funny question right .
Yes .
Immunity booster and mask are also same , your seatbelt and helmet against COVID19 . You will need them every time you drive.

Burning CAMPHOR in your home and surroundings is the best way to sanitize. 

Amber/KERBA/KEROBA is the most important and effective adaptogens Gemstones for the Pandemic  .

As I said meet or call us at Happy Homoeopathy!

Now taking some attention towards what we achieved by typing on online portals while world has gone for a topsy turvy.

Can you make a call to high post holding people?
*Call means a direct call like from your mobile to his mobile *
*No right!!! *
*Whether it was Jawahalal Nehru's time or Today , there's no such possibility.........hmm *
*So *
*Now what human rights, connectivity, hamara neta , man ki bat, ........ *
We can comment and dm To @official or @real.....
Right .
*How close . I tweeted my comments to him directly, has he read ... *
There are like lakhs of comments in minutes you think they are really read? Who are you fooling... The blue bird is just fooling you and helping them fulfill your desire of being able to speak . It's as good as speaking to the walls .

So  analysis and experience how much I have gained during this free time inside my house with no honking outside no traffic no hustle no rush!
The calmness inside .
And I’m a FOLLOWER of HIS HOLINESS.  Thus for me from day one of the lockup was taken care of by HIM.
Sometimes the best ritual is to just pray.
Just pray.
And we followers achieved that with HIM .
So with all my prayers for you,
With kindness and hugs ,
Dr.Fatema Palgharwala Adnan.

Thursday, 5 March 2020


Happy Homoeopathy Clinic and Pharmacy.

The fear and panic that COVID19 has created cannot be ignored. Homoeopathy has excellent medicines for Viral infections too; both for treatment as well as prophylaxis.At this point of time it is difficult to arrive at a single remedy (prophylaxis to be used in general population) as the peculiar symptoms of the disease as would present in our environment are not fully known. There are lots of messages doing the rounds on social media. Our team suggests maintaining good personal hygiene including clothes ( to be washed daily), taking adequate rest, having a healthy diet, good hydration and and sleep to keep immunity boosted. Consult a qualified Homoeopath for individualised treatment if you have signs of a flu and also for prophylactic treatment. Homoeopathic medicines can certainly help to prevent and cure. Strictly take medicines under a qualified Homoeopathic doctor's supervision.

Friday, 21 February 2020

Medical Law and Ethics.

Medical Negligence Dr.Fatema Palgharwala A . 

Medical Law requires enforcement and understanding. 
Medical negligence is growing each day, and vice versa full Medical fraternity is blamed. 
Law 》》》》
Medicine 》》》》

Become aware of your rights and duties. 

Lecture for Law Students with PLEA PROGRAMMES .

Just for reflections:
I was just looking, and this really amazed me. 
He removed the TOPI from the dabba, and wore it. 
Then before keeping the dabba in the bag he kissed it!
This is what happens with a dabba when he has the TOPI set over it, a simple piece of plastic, the Dabba gets kissed !
References and reflections will be understood by you.

Kindness and Happiness. 
Dr.Fatema Palgharwala A.

#Happyglobe #happyhomoeopathy #52typesofmasti 


Tuesday, 14 January 2020

Pay The Price .....Ambra Grisea AMBRA MISRI.... by Dr.Fatema Palgharwala Adnan.

Hi all;

readers often remind me that its time for another blog, so what is the topic today.

We had an amazing feedback and reviews for our previous blog about the Collective Subconscious and The POWER {https://happyglobe.blogspot.com/2019/11/the-power-economic-slowdown-vs.html}

Well so since we are following a particular trend, lets read about,


That sounds like Karma and its cycle too!
Yes, why some people refuse to pay the price and procrastinate instead.

Change is Omnipotent and we have read and understood this in our previous blogs,Why not finish and get done with it as soon as possible.

Like I always say to my clients who ask me this most silly question, Doctor homoeopathy is slow na ? how much time will it take to work ,,,,, hilarious always I feel like bursting into laughter whenever I hear this question, lol your slowness is being transferred to homoeopathy !!!!

Yes, this is what happens when we refuse to pay the correct price, we land with a wrong practitioner who transfers his lack of skill in curing to the science,

Only because he is easily available and charges bus ticket prices.

Homeopathy is the fastest mode of treatment and Happy homoeopathy is faster than the fastest option one has today.


Slowness of deeds and procrastination increases waste of time and that is dangerous.

Good things often come with a price tag
And the best of things are costly,



People are madly running behind sugar crystals which are worthless.

This item is the most misinterpreted one today I guess,
Every tdh is giving amber misri, is it available so cheap?

Do you even know the spelling for it before selling it online and giving away recipes of the misri?

Ambra Grisea.—Ambergris.Botanical name: Physeter macrocephalusRelated entry: Sperm oil - CetaceumSYNONYM: Ambra cinerea.Source.—An odorous, fatty material, believed to be a morbid production of the Physeter macrocephalus, Linné, or Sperm whale. It is found in the intestines of the whale, where it is thought to be produced, and also excreted and floating in large masses upon the waters of the sea. A single whale has yielded over 700 pounds of ambergris (Amer. Jour. Pharm., 1859). The manner of production of ambergris is not definitely known, though it is supposed to be derived from the fatty matter of certain cephalopods consumed as food by the whale.
Description. —Ambergris occurs in irregular, wax-like masses, of a greyish or greyish-brown color, streaked or mottled, and opaque. Its density is less than that of water; it becomes soft and waxy by the warmth of the hand, but when cold is friable. It is also inflammable, and when heated is almost completely volatilized. Its odor is peculiar and fragrant. Ambergris has little or no taste. It is subject to adulteration, but may be distinguished by its physical characters.
Chemical Composition. —The chief constituent (80 to 85 per cent) of ambergris is ambrein (Pelletier and Caventou), a fatty body bearing some resemblance to cholesterin. It may be obtained in shining, white, needle-like crystals, odorless and tasteless. According to an analysis by John, in 1818, it also contains coloring matter, balsamic substances, sodium chloride, and benzoic acid.
Medical and Other Uses. —This substance has-been employed as a stimulant to the circulatory and nervous systems. On account of its supposed selective affinity for the generative apparatus of the female, it has been given in hysterical disorders of a spasmodic character. Musk, castor, and like animal drugs, as well as valerian, have been frequently given in conjunction with it. It has likewise been employed in low grades of fevers. The dose is from 5 to 20 grains in substance, or in solution in ether. It is more generally used in the preparation of perfumes. Ambergris was formerly employed in cookery.
Tinctura Ambrae. —Finely triturate with well-washed sand 10 parts of ambergris; then macerate the powder in 100 parts of alcohol (80 per cent). This tincture is often employed in fixing the odors of delicate, volatile perfumes.
King's American Dispensatory, 1898, was written by Harvey Wickes Felter, M.D., and John Uri Lloyd, Phr. M., Ph. D.‹ Amaranthus.—Amaranth.upAmbrosia Trifida.—Tall Ambrosia. ›

So dear friends please read and understand this carefully.

AMBER GEMSTONE {KERBA, KEROBA is a gemstone}          And

AMBRA GRISEA Is SPERM WHALE VOMIT, obtained from the sea.And the misri in question here is supposed to be prepared from AMBRA GRISEA,
AMBER {except in certain way} is not consumable.I worry when people read the recipe and what in case, they pound an AMBER BEAD {that also is dangerous because true amber is a different story} and prepare misri out of it and consume it.

I am always suspicious when I get this misri packets so casually.

Approximate price of AMBERGRIS OR AMBRA GRISEA IS like 4000 inr per gram.

And current population of SPERM WHALE IS like just under 2lakh.https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/species/sperm-whaleso, its really difficult to get raw Ambra Grisea.Phew that was some difficult understanding to dawn upon.

Why do all these funny things start,Who gives all these ideas and silly information which can really be very dangerous. 

I come across at least 2 phone calls per day asking for so called amber,Because people don’t know the difference between AMBER and AMBRA
and my name is synonymous with AMBER GEMSTONE.And like we have GENUINE CERTIFIED AMBER
For health wealth and relationship, uses
We have AMBRA GRIESEA too.And to top it all
I am a homoeopath we have used Ambra Grisea homoeopathy dilution for years in cases, we never make spelling mistakes! So call for your appointment now
9762688352.HAPPY HOMOEOPATHY CLINICHAPPY PHARMACYHAPPY GLOBE GEMS AND GEMSTONES.drfatemapalgharwala@gmail.comwww.happyhomoeopathy.comhttp://happyhomoeopathy.com/Services.aspxthere are many such examples
always remember pay the correct price and don’t be fooled , ethics reap ethics .as you sow , so shall you reap.

All types of rare honey, 

Gems and Gemstones 
Now available with us.

With Kindness always
Dr.Fatema Palgharwala Adnan.

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