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Wednesday, 23 January 2013

KERBA / KEROBA /AMBER the wonder Gemstone!

Happy Homoeopathy Dr.Fatema Palgharwala Introduces Benefits of KERBA (Amber) for you.
Many of us get RAZA for wearing KERBA (Amber) the biggest obstacle is where to buy this gemstone from.
KERBA (Amber) is an Ancient RESIN of Pine trees which is about 70Million years OLD; it’s a collector’s item where will you get it from.
Remember KERBA (Amber) is not a STONE so no jeweller will analyse it for you
KERBA (Amber) is not Glass
KERBA (Amber) is not Plastic
So very difficult to analyse it.

A person who has not studied KERBA (Amber) will never understand it
It’s like buying blindly from a blind vendor so nobody is the cheater and nobody is cheated!!!!
Mumineen in Sidhpur Palanpur in 20th century had a customary tradition to invest in KERBA (Amber) which is considered pride and royalty even today.
Where to Buy KERBA (Amber) from?
Dr.Fatema Palgharwala has studied KERBA under the Guidance of Shk.F.Motiwala. Who is world’s no.5 in KERBA (Amber) studies.
It’s up to you from whom you buy your KERBA (Amber) from Authentic personnel or various shops??
Dr.Fatema Palgharwala analyses KERBA (Amber) according to your energy fields and perfect match is recommended for buying according
KERBA (Amber) is for all AGES and Both SEXES.
Benefits of KERBA (Amber) ---
It has Healing properties and religious Values both, evil eye, Lungs and Heart diseases get away from you.
Helps keep a Mental Balance and decision making
Every Individual has an AURA and based upon that when you wear the recommended KERBA (Amber) your Health Wealth & Relationships get better than Best.
Contact details
Dr.Fatema Palgharwala 09762688352 dr.fatemapalgharwala@yahoo.com  Skype= drfatema1
GUIDELINES FOR PLACING AN ORDER= Attach the snap of the wearer and in case of CHATTI for New-borns kindly place your order with names and snaps of Parents.

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