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Saturday, 25 August 2012


Cancer has haunted human Kind since its onset and people believe and follow dogmatic methods as soon as they have a Cancer diagnosis in the family or for self ….
Em Dua kariye ke
Maula TUS hamesha bachave apnea from this disease.Ameen.
Here are some questions which my cancer patients have asked me and how they were benefitted by following homoeopathy
Homoeopathy is slow?? How will it cure my cancer ???
Reply: first of all there is no measure to ascertain that some medicine is slow and another fast ….Cure is the aim and unlike modern medicine homoeopathy does not only relieve symptoms it brings cure..Homoeopathy is the fastest medicine and if somebody has told you that it acts slow it’s a Myth …medicine cant be slow your dr can be !! cancer is a disease which works as follows and Only HOMOEOPATHY holds the Key to cure this Chaotic disease .
I Quote one Homoeopath here :

“The modern day oncology speaks that a single oncogene in the massive network of 100trillion cells in the human body is enough to set the system in chaos and present a picture of cancer if that is true then why do they refuse to accept the fact that a single simple homoeopathic remedy can set this system of chaos to discipline and cure cancer ?
This is the reason that modern day medicine fails with its aggressive chemo therapy and immunosuppressant {cyclosporine; methotrexate} cheats with the nature of inner biology by making the immune system handicapped and thus camouflaging cancer just to make it worse”

Homoeopathy are very small doses how can it treat such a big disease like cancer ???
As I have mentioned above that only one cell in your body can cause cancer and remember homoeopathic doses are small because they are energy medicine and not bulk chemicals and your doctor knows how to measure this energy and trigger your immunity enough to cause CURE of the Cancer …killing a cockroach with HIT only kills that particular cockroach it doesn’t bring an end to its breed ….
Here breeding is the aim not killing the cockroach.
Drawbacks your homoeopath faces ??
Only after the chemotherapy is done and the modern medicine doctor has said now they have no treatment left  you run towards “alternative” Medicine Homoepathy and expect miracles ???? How is That possible …only when Homoepathy is the first option there is complete recovery YET Homoepathy is so strong it works in certain cases and helps the patient go towards cure …. Yet There is a fine line
In cases where Only Homoeopathy was taken we have only seen recovery and there are examples all over the world ….My seniors have shown I have shown and My Juniors will show …
Decide well and take your best hope ahead ….
Next question ??
Homoeopathy medicine is made of Alcohol How can we take alcohol its Haram ???
My answer – Please understand That Alcohol as a substance is not Haram ….. INTOXIFICATION  is Haram … !!! Alcohol in certain compositions causes INTOXIFICATION  and Thus UNIVERSALLY termed as Haram ,,,,, But That is Not The case Dear Friends ,Alcohol is a PRESERVATIVE and Homoeopathy Medicines are preserved by it and this Alcohol DOES not CAUSE INTOXIFICATION….. so Its not Haram .I don’t Understand why this question arises on the first place Because If Homoeopathy would be Haram students would never Get RAZA of Studying Homoeopathy Medical Science and Homoeopaths would never be employed at Saifee Hospital !!!!

I Only Hope That Inshallah Happy Homoeopathy Can Help you…
For Appointments :
Cancer – 09762688352
Any Other Chronic/Acute Disease – 09762688352, 09730544152
Email- dr.fatemapalgharwala@yahoo.com

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