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Saturday, 23 August 2014


Origin of ‘informed consent’ and its implications

In various relationships like marriage, Businesses, services, consumer goods, lawyer-clients, etc. It is always understood that a duty is liable like for example in the relationship between lawyers-clients the lawyers have a duty towards their clients to make disclosure of any conflict of interest that has arose and accordingly inform them and if the lawyer fails to do the same it is said to be a breach of duty on the lawyer’s part.
The moral of the story is that the client should not be the one who should suffer for the mistake of the lawyer. Therefore the question here is that why should not the same rule apply to doctors that is should it not be the duty of a doctor to inform the patient about the necessary care and treatment.

"Informed consent" is a technical term first used in a medical malpractice United States court case in 1957.
These practices are all part of what constitutes informed consent and their history is the history of informed
Consent. They combined to form the modern concept of informed consent rose in response to particular problems
This happened in modern research. Whereas various cultures in various places practiced informed consent, the
Modern concept of informed consent was developed by people who drew influence from Western tradition. In this context originated the role of ‘informed consent’ in the field of medical treatment in common law jurisdictions which mainly originated in the United States and spread to Canada although not much influence has been made on the English legal system. [1]. This doctrine is also well developed in numerous civil law countries like France and Switzerland where informed consent is directly linked to an individual’s right of self-determination. [2]

Medical history
Medicine and History goes hand in hand since birth of human kind there is presence of disease and being a Homoeopath, Dr.Hahnemann follower I understand history is a very important part to understand any topic. Everything in Medicine starts with Hippocrates and Dr.Hahnemann, a conjunction of Modern and Old school of medicine under every aspect of the sciences.
Historians cite a series of medical guidelines to trace the history of informed consent in medical practice.
The Hippocratic Oath, a 500 B.C.E. Greek text, was the first set of Western writings giving guidelines for the
Conduct of medical professionals and a similar text the Hahnemannain Oath, It advises that physicians should conceal most information from patients in order
To give the patients the best care. The rationale is a beneficence model for care; the doctor knows better than the
Patient and therefore should direct the patient's care because the patient is not likely to have ideas which would be
Better than the doctor's.
 Henri de Mondeville was a French surgeon who in the 1300s wrote about medical practice. He traced his ideas to the
Hippocratic Oath. Among his recommendations were that doctors "promise a cure to every patient" in hopes
That the good prognosis would inspire a good outcome to treatment although .Mondeville never mentioned getting consent,
But did emphasize the need for the patient to have confidence in the doctor. He also advised that when deciding
Therapeutically unimportant details the doctor should meet the patients' requests "so far as they do not interfere with
Benjamin Rush was an 18th-century United States physician who was influenced by the Age of Enlightenment
Cultural movement. Because of this, he advised that doctors ought to share as much information as possible with patients. He recommended that doctors educate the public and respect a patient's informed decision to accept
therapy. There is no evidence that he supported seeking consent from patients. In a lecture titled "On the
duties of patients to their physicians", he stated that patients should be strictly obedient to the physician's orders; this
was representative of much of his writings.
John Gregory, Rush's teacher, wrote similar views that a doctor could
best practice beneficence by making decisions for the patients without their consent.
Thomas Percival was a British physician who published a book called Medical Ethics in 1803.
Percival was a student of the works of Gregory and various earlier Hippocratic physicians.
Like all previous works, Percival's
Medical Ethics makes no mention of soliciting for the consent of patients or respecting their decisions. Percival
said that patients have a right to truth, but when the physician could provide better treatment by lying or withholding
information, he advised that the physician do as he thought best.
When the American Medical Association was founded they in 1847 produced a work called the first edition of the
American Medical Association Code of Medical Ethics. Many sections of this book are verbatim copies of
Passages from Percival's Medical Ethics. A new concept in this book was the idea that physicians should fully
disclose all patient details truthfully when talking to other physicians, but the text does not also apply this idea to
disclosing information to patients. Through this text, Percival's ideas became pervasive guidelines throughout the
United States as other texts were derived from them.
Worthington Hooker was an American physician who in 1849 published Physician and Patient. This medical
ethics book was radical demonstrating understanding of the AMA's guidelines and Percival's philosophy and soundly
rejecting all directives that a doctor should lie to patients. In Hooker's view, benevolent deception is not fair to the
patient, and he lectured widely on this topic.Hooker's ideas were not broadly influential. Thus we see a general idea about Ethics and Physicians duties towards patient which later on implied towards a proper Informed Consent procedure.
History makes Doctor like God and Law makes him more human and answerable to variety of questions.

Informed consent is a process for getting permission before conducting any form of health care on a patient and such informed consent has to be given by a patient by understanding all necessary facts, implications and consequences of the said medical treatment or procedure, which are to be given by the doctor. [3]. Impairments to reasoning and judgment which may make it impossible for someone to give informed consent include such factors as basic intellectual or emotional immaturity, high levels of stress or a severe intellectual disability, severe mental illness, intoxication, severe sleep deprivation, Alzheimer's disease, or being in a coma.
Some acts can take place because of a lack of informed consent. In cases where an individual is considered unable to give informed consent, another person is generally authorized to give consent on his behalf, e.g., parents or legal guardians of a child (though in this circumstance the child may be required to provide informed assent) and guardians for the mentally ill.  [4]

The methods of Obtaining the Consent can be summarized as follows:
Consent can be given in the following ways:
a.     Express Consent: It may be oral or in writing. Though both these categories of consents are of equal value, written consent can be considered as superior because of its evidential value.

b.     Implied Consent: Implied consent may be implied by patient's conduct.

c.      Tacit Consent: Tacit consent means implied consent understood without being stated.

 d. Surrogate consent: This consent is given by family members. Generally, courts have held that consent of family members with the written approval of 2 physicians sufficiently protects a patient's interest.
Advance consent, proxy consent, and presumed consent are also used. While the term advance consent is the consent given by patient in advance, proxy consent indicates consent given by an authorized person. As mentioned earlier, informed consent obtained after explaining all possible risks and side effects is superior to all other forms of consent.
Consent does not mean mere writing YES in the consent form. What the surgeon is going to do has to be clearly explained and only in that case the person concerned can exercise his discretion. So obtaining the consent is not a matter of mere formality.
The doctrine of informed consent mostly falls within the law of tort and also has its roots in criminal law. [5]. The idea behind this doctrine is that a patient should be able to determine as to what should be done with his or her body and accordingly decide to take up the necessary treatment or not. It is here that flows the duty of the doctor to protect the patient’s right of self-determination by disclosing all the necessary information that includes the nature of the treatment, associated risks and any possible alternatives, so that the patient is able to make a proper decision. [6]. Physicians and doctors owe their patients an honest relationship duty which requires them to act exclusively in the interest of the patient and to disclose all the information which is material to the interest of the patient. However when it comes to a doctor’s duty to disclose there are a few issues. Firstly the doctor’s duty to disclose all material facts is very relative from jurisdiction to jurisdiction with respect to the numeric probability of an adverse medical outcome.
The question that arises is that does this probability refer to the average risk that can be incurred by the large population or does the risk only extend to the smallest group to which the patient belongs, the latter being more relevant to the patient[7]. In this context, the Supreme Court of California in Arato v Avedon[8], considered the victim’s claim, who was the wife of a deceased pancreatic cancer patient, that failure to disclose information regarding the life expectancy of pancreatic cancer patients meant breach of duty of informed consent. The plaintiffs argued that had they known about the life expectancy[9], then the deceased would not have been subjected to such painful therapy and treatment and would not have incurred such economic losses. The Court held that the rule of law required the disclosure of specific information that included the statistical life expectancy from a given treatment.

Arato completed a routine questionnaire that asked, among other things, whether he wanted to be “told the truth” about his pancreatic cancer condition. Arato answered yes. The oncologists, including Dr. Melvin Avedon (defendant), recommended a course of chemotherapy medication and radiation treatment. Arato and his wife were never told the statistical probability of his survival. Arato nor his wife ever asked for life expectancy information and Arato’s operating surgeon did not disclose statistical life expectancy data because Arato was extremely anxious about his condition. Avedon also did not disclose the specific statistics because the direct disclosure of extremely high mortality rates for pancreatic cancer would negatively impact Arato’s hope for a possible cure. About eight months after his surgery, Arato’s cancer returned and quickly spread. He died shortly thereafter. Arato’s wife (plaintiff) filed suit against Avedon, his surgeon, and the other physicians alleging that they had not adequately disclosed statistical mortality information of the cancer and thus failed to obtain his informed consent to undergo the treatment. His wife claimed that had he known the bleak truth regarding his chance for survival he would not have sought treatment and, instead would have chosen to die peacefully at home. At trial, all of the physicians testified that statistical life expectancy data obtained from large groups had little predictive value when applied to a particular patient with individual symptoms, history, etc. The jury found in favor of Avedon. A divided court of appeals reversed and ordered a new trial. Avedon petitioned the California Supreme Court to review the decision.

The second issue with respect to the doctor’s duty to disclose is with respect to disclosing alternatives. Doctors are ordinarily required to inform their patients about the risks of treatments as well as any reasonable[10] alternatives. Some jurisdictions even require the doctors to disclose even those forms of treatment that may be more hazardous than the current treatment. The third issue is related to causation or injury. Here causation is of two types namely injury causation and decision causation. Injury causation is the undisclosed risk that must have caused the patient’s harm, is an element of all informed consent claims while decision causation is if the patient were properly informed, he would have made a different decision with respect to the treatment. Even under the prudent patient test, it is the doctor who retains ample discretion over the best possible way to inform the patient about the risks involved to his patient. Also this test does not require the doctor to make disclosure to his patient, if in his judgement; it would be harmful to the patient’s health or in cases where the patient has made it clear that he does not want to know. Due to the fact that the average patient knows so little about medicine, the patient must be able to receive all details from the doctor so that he is able to make a good decision. It is due to the right of the patient to make an informed choice that gave rise to the duty of the doctor to make necessary disclosures of the risks that are related to medical diagnosis and treatment. [11] In Wilson v Scott[12], the Texas Court stated that in some medical procedures, the dangers are big while in other cases, the dangers are minimal and therefore probably some disclosures may disturb the patient which may hinder necessary treatments. It is the medical practitioner who should consider the health of the patient, the condition of his heart and nervous system, his mental state and accordingly assess risks[13]  involved and their possible adverse consequences if any on the patient.

The point being ADEQUATE INFORMATION[14]  - the treating doctor should enable the patient to make a balanced judgement as to whether he should submit himself to the particular treatment or not. This means the doctor[15]  should disclose
a.)  Nature and procedure of the treatment and its purpose, benefits and effect;
b.)  Alternatives ,if available
c.)   Outline the substantial risks and adverse consequences of refusing treatment.

Yet in this I hold a point where there needs a discretion about not frightening the patient or confuse them with remote risks and information. A balance should be achieved by the physician individually, as we have seen earlier in the writing about the endometrial cancer case where the patient overlooked every risk and simply followed her choice the doctors opinion was not considered, although this again is an individual case, not all patients are so dogmatic about decisions and consider their physicians word over their own.

Here’s citing one more case of Informed consent of another manner

Argued September 13, 2012
Summary of the Case:
Health care must be based on a patient’s informed consent. A health care provider may be
Liable for failing to disclose to a patient the risks inherent in proposed treatment.
 The issue in this case is whether the possibility that a patient, due to an undetectable physical condition, will suffer
a severe, negative reaction to a procedure is a risk that is inherent in the procedure.

Aaron Felton sought treatment for neck pain from Brock Lovett, a doctor of chiropractic.
Lovett obtained a history, x-rayed Felton’s cervical spine, and on two occasions, manipulated his
neck. When the treatments did not provide relief, Lovett performed a more forceful manipulation
on Felton's third visit. Felton immediately began experiencing blurred vision, nausea, and dizziness.
Lovett called an ambulance, which took Felton to the hospital, where doctors determined that he had
suffered a stroke resulting from a vertebral artery dissection.
Lovett was well aware of the risk of stroke from chiropractic neck manipulation. Just that
morning, he had been reading an article on the subject. And, he previously had a patient who
suffered a vertebral dissection.
Felton sued, alleging that Lovett had failed to disclose the risks associated with the neck
manipulations and was negligent in treating him.

 In this case the so called physician is a CHIROPRACTIONER and not a MEDICAL doctor,

The respondent appealed on this Basis

Lovett appealed. For the law governing Felton’s claim for lack of informed consent, the
court of appeals looked to Section 74.101 of the Medical Liability Act (“MLA”), which states: 2
In a suit against a physician or health care provider involving a health care liability
claim that is based on the failure of the physician or health care provider to disclose
or adequately disclose the risks and hazards involved in the medical care or surgical
procedure rendered by the physician or health care provider, the only theory on
which recovery may be obtained is that of negligence in failing to disclose the risks
or hazards that could have influenced a reasonable person in making a decision to
give or withhold consent.3
 Id. at 390-391.
 TEX. CIV. PRAC. & REM. CODE § 74.101 (emphasis added).
3This is the theory the trial court submitted to the jury at Felton’s request and without objection. But 4
as Lovett argues, under the MLA, while a chiropractor is a “health care provider”, he is not a
physician, and “medical care” can be provided only by physicians. Also, Lovett did not (and 6 7
Legally could not) perform surgery. Thus, Felton’s suit was not based on a failure to disclose the 8
risks of “medical care or surgical procedure” and was not covered by Section 74.101.9
But when Section 74.101 does not apply, the common law does. It imposes on 10
“physicians and surgeons [the] duty to make a reasonable disclosure to a patient of risks that are.

Make us aware that informed consent is a tool for the patient’s own safety. Here in this case it’s very important to understand the variety of alternative methods available in market today.

Informed consent in cases of Psychiatry cases, here there are immense possibilities. Taking the modern medicine methods there may be certain levels of ease. When it comes to more traditional methods where does the patient draw a line when they have no control?
 Methods like Herbal home remedies where only statutory warnings are given and available at free will, I would say such procedures are seldom useful and often misunderstood as FIRST-AID practice which is false and should be made evident and more understanding. As a consulting doctor I have come across many such cases where a medical intervention was avoided and Non-medical person was approached. Without any lawful training and adequate expertise such practitioners only mislead common man and since there is not much imposed upon them they are not answerable.
Hypnosis – which involves that the practitioner just take the Consent from the Universe or ether or Cosmos or the Soul, is a very beyond Law Books concept.
How can the soul give consent?
How can Soul consent be proved in a court of law?
Regressions techniques etc. involve the same methods.



It is my pioneer work in the field of law and being a doctor by profession for the last 15years it is something that’s very unique for me.
Have taken the thought subject since have a very unique experience during my early years of practice in this area
   My experience:
Dr.Fatema personal experience during practice year 2006-2010
Informed consent my experience with this,
I was a fresher and just started handling case,
I had a case of Cervical and Uterine Cancer (which was diagnosed very late in regards to its onset; which is very difficult to point out.)
The Female was trying to conceive and in the race for a child was having recurrent abortions since 3years of marriage and had a history of oral contraceptives as well .During one Dilatation and Curettage (D&C) procedure, a tumor was doubted by the doctor. She did not take a biopsy because the patient had only given consent for D&C and when this was communicated to the patient, the presence of a tumor doubted by the doctor was told to the patient, which was also asked to be checked by a Ultrasound test, the gravity of the situation was ignored in the race for a child.
 Only after 1year and finally conceiving it was found that a tumor of unknown quality was growing along with the child inside the uterus of the patient and was doubted for a twin first which was ruled out upon the sonography report. It was informed and advised during child birth that a total hysterectomy be done to save the patient from any future complications and avoid further medical complications

 but the patient only gave consent to remove the child and not the uterus which was importantly pointed by the doctor , the doctor was left with no scope  we had to follow the patient’s wishes , here one important point was the husband of the patient was in favor of the total removal of organs after one child. Yet the patient herself wanted to keep a chance of having a second child in future, 
The case thus progressed and after child birth the tumor alone was removed and the organs left untouched. The biopsy of the tumor was taken and a Stage III Cancer of endometrium was diagnosed.


Endometrial cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the uterus. The uterus is the hollow, pear-shaped pelvic organ in women where fetal development occurs.
Endometrial cancer begins in the layer of cells that form the lining (endometrium) of the uterus. Endometrial cancer is sometimes called uterine cancer. Other types of cancer can form in the uterus, including uterine sarcoma, but they are much less common than endometrial cancer.
Endometrial cancer is often detected at an early stage because it frequently produces abnormal vaginal bleeding, which prompts women to see their doctors. If endometrial cancer is discovered early, removing the uterus surgically often cures endometrial cancer.

The life expectancy in Cancer is a dangerous question; the doctor was asked what the life expectancy in the case is? The patient had not followed the recurrent advises given in this case,
And the patient succumbed to cancer in the next 1 year.
Informed consent as in this case I experienced; is a two way weapon. The patient was so assertive and in the contest of having a child lost her own life, which was preventable, and the child born today is left without a mother. The doctor would stand helpless because diagnosis in certain conditions is seriously difficult, after 6months when this patient returned with classic symptoms of endometrial cancer it was very late, the family and the patient has no business blaming the doctor here because the doctor simply followed his patients consent. Had the patient consented for a complete hysterectomy at the first instance everything would be avoided.
Medicine and Practicing are two values which have different parameters. Medicine will say “WHEN IN DOUBT, CUT IT OUT”.
Practicing would state “TAKE THE CONSENT OF THE PATIENT”.

As a doctor for us it is part of the regular practice of medicine to measure the mental anguish and physical discomfort of a patient with respect to his treatment surgery or any other interventional and non-interventional procedure. Treatments of any form can be mentally and physically exhausting and therefore the patient who is supposed to undergo the treatment should have knowledge of the possible outcomes that might arise out of the said treatment. The role of a doctor or a medical practitioner is to provide the patient with adequate treatment regardless of his age or his/her mental state, acting in fiduciary capacity for his patient. However even though autonomy has been of crucial importance when it comes to making such decisions, we find that the voluntariness of the decision making of the patient is being subjected to various restrictions over various jurisdictions. It is to be noted that the basic principle of medical ethics is that the people whose body has to be interfered with should be fully informed about the procedure that is to be conducted on them, without any form of coercion.
In the above mentioned context, in this paper I seek to understand and analyze the extent of the scope of the doctor’s duty to disclose to the patient. This paper shall probe on the basic understanding and history of the doctrine of informed consent which every patient is entitled to while receiving treatment or therapy. The paper shall then proceed on to the scope of the doctor’s duty to disclose and discuss various elements relating to the disclosure that is supposed to be made to the patient. The paper shall also discuss if a doctor or medical practitioner has to disclose every possible risk or alternative treatment and shall proceed along the lines if the doctor can be sued for his breach of duty to disclose. The paper shall also discuss the various circumstances which could compel a doctor to disclose a patient’s medical information to parties other than the patient. The paper shall finally make a comparative study of the doctrine of duty of disclosure between India and United Kingdom.


Aims and Objectives of the Paper

In this project I would like to extend the understanding of the term ‘Informed Consent ,
Its origin and its implication on the present day scenario in Indian Medical Practice. The object of this project is to determine the duty of doctor’s to disclose Medical Information to patient and his family and the necessary implications of failing to do so.
I have concentrated on the concept of Informed Consent and the liability incurred by a doctor in not following the same.
Its scope also extends to find the current regulation and the code of ethics that are supposed to be followed by our medical practitioners.
 This project has also emphasized in making a comparative study between the code of conduct followed by Medical Practitioners of both India and UK.their work environments and conditions of the medical facilities which make a way for Human Rights and its needs.
Also the paper is pointing the stark importance of INFORMED CONSENT in areas of Alternative therapies and Treatments available a very exhaustive study in this regards is portrayed in the paper; and a very elaborate process of informed consent in Homoeopathy Practice.
The paper also pinpoints on the Religion aspect of informed consent and case of Halal law to be followed by certain religions, in this part I will show the importance of ethics over everything and importance of religion in medical field.
This project is mainly based upon research and reading and personal experiences.
  I have relied upon all the secondary sources available to me. The books, newspaper articles, news & journals published on the websites regarding the issue were of maximum help in formulating and understanding the topic in greater detail.
Meeting some practicing lawyers was helpful too. They helped me understand the topic from practical point of views. Personal experience as a doctor for 6years was of very deep importance and helped me understand the various aspects of which are important from the doctor point of view and patient point of view, with my experience extending to practice overseas it makes it easy for me to see the difference between different cultures and patients and education levels between India and Abroad and a very exhaustive knowledge of rules and regulations and their differences here and overseas.
In the course of this project I have come across the following questions:-
1.     What is the history and evolution of doctrine of informed consent?
2.     How and Which Medical Historian and Practitioners has worked upon the evolution of doctrine of informed consent?
3.     What is the extent of the scope of the doctor’s duty to disclose to the patient
4.     What are the various circumstances which could compel a doctor to disclose a patient’s medical information to parties other than the patient?
5.     What is the scope of Disclosure in other developed Countries like that of U.K?
6.     What the scope of Alternative Therapies and the doctrine of Informed consent?
7.     How does a physician deal with daily life issues which would arise during practice such as HALAL and NON-HALAL drugs and its usage?

Saturday, 2 August 2014

Cosmos Inflation and Awareness. - by Dr.Fatema Palgharwala.@ #HappyHomoeopathy Clinic

Cosmos Inflation and Awareness
Cosmos Inflation and Awareness
We all talk about the universe in some terms or the other and then we do understand what it is and then next moment it all seems to be an illusion why we are all in the middle of INFLATION where in we are doing something or the other so we can save its like we are all being like those ants who prepare for winters and our stores are invaded by some pest-control liquid!!!!!!
And then the questions arises since we all know that all is in the universe and maybe predetermined so may be god has made this inflation like Stephen Hawkins asks ‘WAS IT PRE-ORDAINED,BUILT INTO THE LAWS OF PHYSICS,THAT A COLLECTION OF ATOMS KNOWN AS ISAAC NEWTON WOULD WRITE A BOOK KNOWN AS PRINCIPIA THAT WOULD BE
So then what is the answer to this question which has been blogging our minds and souls since ages
And now as we think we are more AWARE then previous
So what is your say on this think and reply your thoughts.
Dr.Fatema Palgharwala.
Tweet @ffspp
g+ me on drfatemapalgharwala@gmail.com

Monday, 12 May 2014


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Tuesday, 8 April 2014



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When I posted this last week I started receiving calls from all over the globe asking Dr my child was diagnosed with SO AND SO CONDITION by CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST and School
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Monday, 28 October 2013



Since ancient days, gemstones and crystals are widely used for protection and healing purposes. They would either place gemstones on the body or make gemstone jewelry to receive healing from gemstones. Gems and crystals clear out energy blockages from the body and heal sicknesses by their positive vibrations. Gemstones are known to have positive energy and special powers that come from earth itself. Even today, gemstones are popularly used in treating many serious illnesses and healing major diseases like cancer and tumors. If someone in your family has been touched by cancer, you must be looking for more healing sources to help your loved one to get healed of this disease quickly ,

Happy Homoeopathy Presents to you Benefits of Kerba and Homoeopathy together.

Placing gemstones on the skin of the body or close by according to the associated chakras can help in curing ailments such as heart diseases, neurological diseases, kidney and stomach problems, life threatening diseases such as diabetes and cancer.
The Amber gemstone absorbs negative energy and transforms it into positive energy. It rejuvenates the body cells and draws out the disease, giving complete healing and restoration. Amber gemstone is helps in healing cancer and malignant tumors.
The Amethyst gemstone boosts immunity, reduces pain and strengthens the body to fight against cancer. It destroys malignant tumors and aids tissue regeneration.
The Carnelian gemstone in combination with bloodstone is effective in healing cancers of kidney and liver. It is known to shrink tumors and heals cancers. It detoxifies and rejuvenates the body completely.
The Malachite is effective in killing tumors and cancerous growths. It works on most forms of cancerand promotes good health.
The Smokey Quartz aids in healing of cancer and also shortens the after effects of radiation and chemotherapy. It deals with all interruptions in thehealing process and stimulates cellular regeneration.
The Blue Tourmaline gemstone reverses cancerous growths and encourages restorative healing.
For the effects of the gemstone to be realized, it can either be carried in your purse or pocket, or you can keep it in some special place in your home. Alternatively it can be used during meditations. Gemstones jewelry not only adds to the beauty of a person but also blesses the person with good health. Gemstones balance out the negative vibrations coming from the human body.
Gemstones will have maximum effect in your life and encourage healing only if you have faith in its powers and you really want it to work for you. However, astrological gemstones should not replace medical advice and consultation. It is not advisable to use gemstones to cure a serious illness like cancer without the approval of an alternative medicine practitioner. Therapeutic gemstones not only heal cancer but also balance your physical and emotional health.
Amber has been a sacred stone to Eastern Indians and Native Americans for thousands of years and was used by ancient tribal healers and shamans during fire ceremonies. It was burned as an incense to cleanse, or clear, the environment of negative energy. It was considered a symbol for the renewal of marriage vows and promises made. Amber was used in the breastplate of the high priest.

Amber has been called a kind of "time capsule" that holds the early history of life on earth. It is a fossilized resin that is normally golden to yellow-brown in color and although it is not mineralized it is considered to be an organic gemstone. Specks of red, blue and green have also been found in samples of amber. Most specimens found today are between thirty and ninety million years old and commonly contain and preserve insects, spiders, frogs, plant-structures, fruits, and other small organisms. The value of amber increases with the rarity and precision of whatever object in entraps.

About ninety percent of the world's extractable amber is found in the Kaliningrad region of Russia on the Baltic Sea. It is widely distributed and also extends over a large portion of Northern Europe. Amber that is used in the making of jewelry usually comes from the Baltic Sea or the Dominican Republic . Specimens that come from the Baltic region are generally older and more valuable, but those that come from the Dominican Republic are more likely to contain inclusions. In addition to jewelry it is also used extensively for beads, ornaments, cigar holders, and the mouth-pieces of pipes.

Metaphysical Properties of Amber 

-Different colors of amber used on the appropriate chakras to open, cleanse, and heal the body's energy centers.

-Helps to calm the nerves and transforms negative energy into positive energy providing for the centering of the emotional body.

-Stimulates the intellect and helps to strengthen the memory.

-Aids in opening and activating the crown chakra. 

-Encourages the art of manifestation by helping one to bring that which is desired into a state of reality. 

-Believed by the ancients to bring good luck to warriors.
-Balances the electro-magnetics of the physical body.

-Aligns the ethereal energies to the physical, mental, and emotional bodies.

-Used in purifying birthing and re-birthing rooms, as it is believed to cleanse the environment in which it remains.

-Purifies ones mind, body, and spirit/soul.
Healing Properties of Amber

-Used to treat goiter and other diseases of the throat.

-Helpful in the treatment of disorders of the kidneys and bladder.

-In ancient times amber, used in the form of an elixir, was utilized as a penicillin type of medicine.

-Dispels pain by absorbing negative energy and allowing the body to rebalance and heal itself.

-Useful in alleviating stress.

-Soothes pain and aching associated with the joints.

-Assists in treating disorders of the stomach, spleen, liver, and gallbladder.

-Helpful in revitalizing tissue and strengthening the mucus membranes.

Happiest Post Of The Day!


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