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Friday, 28 February 2025

Ramadan 2025. Are you Ahsin ready ...?

The universe works on a simple theory ... As You Sow , so Shall you reap.

It's not as simple as read!
Then comes Forgiveness. 
Now to add on some people say .... Forgive and Forget.

This is the catch , no do not forget.
Do not let the poisonous snake bite you again!
Do not sow same deeds repeatedly. 
Do not forget just for fun. 

Forgive yes definitely Forgive. 
Yet do not forget. 

Nowadays we come numerous cases of backstabbing and cheating. 
Frauds , scams . Cyber crime. So much. So many countries are at war with eachother. 
Bribing is common place! 
Human being are drained and in turn they drain those who are available it's a vicious cycle.
There are very few who follow Ahsin Ila Mann Asa Ilake. And many more who misunderstand this quote. 
Ahsin means Forgive....... It nowhere says , "FORGET"

THE collective subconscious which is powerfully attached with the Cosmos, takes this misinterpreted quote and the huge cycle doesn't end.
The collective subconscious needs to work towards Ahsin with proper understanding. 

The sudden change of perspective towards having children is so much about what is being sowed , by the collective subconscious imagine a world without kids.......

Our Aqa Maula tus is always standing by us. No matter what!

Some think about fixing the declining birth rate with subsidies or financial incentives. 

The “kids are too expensive” argument is a convenient cope. People claiming they can’t afford children are usually rationalizing deeper issues: they just don’t want them. having children is as expensive as you choose to make it, and for all of human history, people with far fewer resources managed to raise families.

The problem isn’t financial; it’s cultural. The humans are forgetting their Culture their own place in the Cosmos. 

We live in a society that has systematically psyopped and brainwashed people into believing children are a BURDEN, not a blessing. WOMEN are told that motherhood is a sacrifice and a hindrance to their career, chasing corporate promotions or vanity metrics is more meaningful than creating life. IS it??  
Men are infantilized and taught to fear responsibility. WORST of all, we’ve cultivated a nihilistic worldview that makes people see no point in building a future. BECAUSE Instead of Forgiving we keep forgetting and the Wars between countries keep going on without resolutions. 

The solution starts with changing the culture. 

We need to instill pride in people: pride in their ancestry, 
their legacy, 
and the future they could create. 
OPTIMISM about what’s to come has to replace the relentless doomscrolling of modernity. 

Kids aren’t just an "expense"; they’re the greatest investment a human WILL make, and we need to start celebrating that.

In the short term, the most realistic strategy is doubling down on those who already value family. Focus on motivating families with 2-3 kids to have one or two more. That automatically happened during Covid and some made fun of it , no Universe always finds a way.
It's much easier to expand a family than to convince couples to start from scratch when they've been ideologically poisoned against the idea.

Finally, we need to stop glorifying the miserable,
atomized single life and the media narratives that turn parenthood into a joke or tragedy. 

Yes, parenting is hard, yet believe me it's everything worth doing.

The joy and purpose it gives far outweigh the sacrifices. once we get that cultural shift rolling, the financial complaints will fade away like the convenient excuses they always were.

Ahsin Ila Mann Asa Ilake. 
Let's make the world a better place.
Collective Subconscious is the most powerful. 

Dr.Fatema Adnan (Palgharwala). Owner - HAPPY HOMEOPATHY CLINIC & HAPPY GLOBE GEMS & GEMSTONES www.happyhomeopathy.com CANCER IS FAST WE ARE FASTER. 

Friday, 21 February 2025

Zulm- by Dr.Fatema Palgharwala.


Ẓulm (ظلم, zulm) is the Arabic word used interchangeably for cruelty or unjust acts of exploitation, oppression, and wrongdoing, whereby a person either deprives others of their rights or does not fulfill his obligations towards them.

Hello all ,

So here’s a thought provoking question for all of you? 

What is the meaning of Zulm? 

For you,

Is it just physical hurt or more than that or is it verbal abuse or something else?

In life we all have experienced Zulm , and it's really difficult to get through the phase.

We  get exhausted and broken it's hard for us to understand how to deal with this situation.

I was watching AQA MAULA TUS everyday at Raudat Tahera during RAMADAN 2024 showering us with energy and love each moment. And that’s what keeps me going.

There was another type of Zulm occurring during Ramadan , the gastronomic events all around, we are told to observe iftari with dates and water yet, the rows of fried food outside was overwhelming and then followed by so called celebrity worship who were coming for this food and Instagram accounts overflowing with people who instead of praying night namaz were clicking snaps with these people and then calling it entertainment I call this Zulm, will you please help me with little enlightenment is it Ramadan ? 

Don’t get me wrong that I am against good food yet let’s keep it halal don’t make it a Zulm on yourself and your surroundings.

And now we will welcome Muharram with tears reminding us about the Zulm endured by our Ahlul Bayt and Imam HUSAIN AS.

So are you prepared to go through the 10 day rigorous schedule of sitting and concentrating on the Waaz? How much is your attention span?

Thinking about our children who will have hard time sitting quietly for so long.

It’s a Zulm on your body to sit cramped in front of the screen and also aggregate our attention on each word!

Yet it’s the most satisfying part of mumins life. 

Imam Husain AS , went through far more Zulm than what we would feel.


There is no justification for Zulm,

The universe registers these events and gives it back to the doers so be rest assured that when you endure any kind of Zulm, your thought should be Ahsin, with this thought you will be able to sail through it. Else you might end up creating more Zulm.

I sailed through it with Ahsin, each mumin who didn’t wait outside for a snap with the so called celebrity and walked quietly past it towards the masjid did Ahsin, when you will sit in front of the screen you will do Ahsin, let’s teach our children Ahsin and reap the glory of Ahsin., Ameen.

I meet many people who come to me and speak big about manifesting and kindness and giving and yet they have unsolved mysterious questions in their lives. Health, Wealth and Relationships…. 

And then we speak about doing good to those who did evil to you !

Bang , how will I do it? 

They ask ……

And we remind ourselves of Ya  IMAM ALI AS.

So again I ask you what is the meaning of Zulm for you? Why are you reading this blog ? 

What Zulm have you gone through or done on someone.

Its52 allocation doesn’t depend on internet speed or anything else it purely depends on what’s in store for you what have you sowed and how you will reap it . 

It’s a Zulm to make assumptions about anyone getting it or not getting it. And reasons behind it. Ahsin. 


Ahsin Ila Mann Asa Ilake.

Dr.Fatema Adnan (Palgharwala). Owner - HAPPY HOMEOPATHY CLINIC & HAPPY GLOBE GEMS & GEMSTONES www.happyhomeopathy.com     CANCER IS FAST WE ARE FASTER. 

RUBY OR SAPPHIRE What are you wearing?

Ruby or Sapphire What are you wearing?
Ruby is a rare gem.
Ruby is a costly gem.
Ruby is Highest quality and King of GEMS Called RUBY/MANEK/YAQOOT.

SAPPHIRE is majorly available in all the colors of the rainbow.
It is less costly than many gems.
SAPPHIRE can't be worn without proper understanding and guidance from the expert.

DETAILS- To understand the differences and importance why you should not just wear any red color stone calling it Ruby.

Corundum coloured by traces of chromium can yield a range of colours and saturation from intense red to a less saturated red or pink.  From this range, the species corundum can be further classified into two varieties: ruby and pink sapphire.
Although they both have the exact same crystal structure and both have chromium as the main chromophore, ruby is the variety name given exclusively for corundum with a dominant red hue. Pink sapphires have a lower concentration of chromium and will display a dominant pink hue with a range of tones and saturations.

HAPPY GLOBE GEMS AND GEMSTONES. Dr.Fatema Adnan (Palgharwala),09762688352,

Tuesday, 28 January 2025


We all have read loads about KERBA/AMBER and many wear it too. We are all aware that by wearing it we will obtain Maula TUS’s khushi.
So with Ruby I will say its His command that we wear Yaqoot
Being a Medical Doctor, makes it very easy for me to learn and come across new individuals with new experiences everyday and now with knowledge of Medicine, graphology and Gemology its more and more enhanced.
I came across Ruby thanks to my teachers and started understanding the stone. As a doctor my question remained that Kerba/Amber is organic material; its at sync with my body system thus it helps me to stay healthy but whats with a stone? It’s just a red coloured stone.
Well then after an interesting revelation from higher books I understood why this red stone was born, why was it created for mankind. And my dear friends, trust me fascination will over power you once you know it.
Our MAULA TUS doesn’t just command us to start wearing the red stone on one fine lailatulqadr !
Here I present some common known features of yaqoot:
Natural Ruby is one of four “precious” gemstones (including Diamond, Emerald and Sapphire) known its rarity, monetary value, and hardness (second only to Diamond). Ruby is red Corundum, an aluminum oxide mineral with chromium responsible for its rich, red color. The name comes from the Latin word rubeus, meaning “red,” and until 1800 when Ruby was recognized as a variety of Corundum, red Spinels, Tourmalines, and Garnets were also believed to be Ruby. All other color varieties of Corundum are designated as Sapphire. 
Ruby forms in prismatic tabular, bipyramidal or rhombohedral crystals, as well as granular or massive habits, and has a vitreous luster. The most valuable and desired Rubies are those of a shade called “pigeon’s blood,” defined by William Fernie as “a pure deep, rich red, without any admixture of blue or yellow,” though others define it as “a pure red with a hint of blue.” The shade of red varies depending on where it is mined, and may be a deep pink-red, a reddish-orange, red with a violet cast, or even a deep wine color. The paler pink Corundum, debated as Ruby by some, is usually referred to in gemological terms as Pink Sapphire rather than Ruby.
Some very commonly known uses of RUBY:
Wear or carry Ruby to overcome exhaustion and lethargy. It stimulates circulation and amplifies energy and vitality to the whole system.Ruby has been known to calm hyperactivity in some individuals.
Ruby is an aphrodisiac, allowing one to experience all forms of love, from wild sensuality to mystical communion. It deepens a couple’s relationship and encourages closeness and commitment. It is also the stone of courtly love and may honor admiration from a distance. Worn during lovemaking, Ruby can help restore and maintain passion, and is excellent for increasing the chances for conception.
Ruby’s intense energy sharpens the mind, bringing a heightened awareness and excellent concentration. It promotes a courageous attitude, and may increase one’s success in controversies and disputes.
Ruby helps reduce fear of the paranormal and evil. It banishes nightmares, and guards against psychic and psychological attack.
Ruby is considered a blood stone, strengthening the heart, myocardium, ventricles and coronaries, and stimulating good circulation and blood flow. It is also an aid in treating disorders or disease of the heart.
Ruby assists in regulating menstrual flow and alleviating pain associated with menstruation. It is considered beneficial for the reproductive organs, and is often used for treatment of sexual dysfunction, impotence and infertility, early menopause, and as a support for gynecological operations. It is believed to be helpful during pregnancy, especially for older women, and in the optimum formation of children in the embryonic state. 
Ruby is useful in detoxifying the body, blood, and lymph, and is helpful in treating fever and infections. It stimulates the adrenals, kidneys and spleen, and aids inadequate circulation or energy flow in the feet and legs. It may also be used to assist in weight regulation, especially when emotional eating is a cause.
Ruby assists in connecting one’s energy field to the Earth for the purpose of replenishing one’s energy stores. It is excellent for grounding and overcoming mental overload, and is a great support during times of stress or when there is a lengthy sojourn before having the opportunity to rest.
As we have said, colour is a ruby's most important feature. Its transparency is only of secondary importance. So inclusions do not impair the quality of a ruby unless they decrease the transparency of the stone or are located right in the centre of its table. On the contrary: inclusions within a ruby could be said to be its 'fingerprint', a statement of its individuality and, at the same time, proof of its genuineness and natural origin. The cut is essential: only a perfect cut will underline the beauty of this valuable and precious stone in a way befitting the 'king of the gemstones'. However, a really perfect ruby is as rare as perfect love. If you do come across it, it will cost a small fortune. But when you have found 'your' ruby, don't hesitate: hang on to it!
Dr.Fatema is proud to present fully certified and guaranteed  rubies to you, I repeat for me the ruby is not important whats important is that what I recommend for you will help you optimum.

Saturday, 4 January 2025

aa toh homoeopath che - by Dr.Fatema Palgharwala.@ #HappyHomoeopathy Clinic

   My AqaMaulaTUS has always fortified our decisions with HIS Raza Mubarak and we go ahead in life undeterred.
      I was given Raza Mubarak for studying Homeopathy medical science at my College. Being a merit student I had the option of taking course of my liking could have taken MBBS. DENTAL etc. 
       I am happy with Homoeopathy because I was given Raza for the same.

 This is for all those people who call us inferior in the medicine field and mock us. Call me pseudo-doctor who fails to cure. 
 This is for all those who term us ' aa toh homoeopath che' and laugh on us that we give sweet pills.

         Please be informed that BEST MEDICINE MAN is that who gives least medicine and gives most harmless medicine. That is Homoeopathy infinitesimal dosage sweet completely proven harmless medicine with fastest cure
       I heard AqaMaulaTUS say:

 I'm so grateful that AqaMaulaTUS gave me Raza for Homoeopathy.
At Happy Homoeopathy we spread happiness each day. Have gratified patients who shower us with loads of blessings. Accepting Raza for Homoeopathy was difficult 10-years back for me!
 Yet today I'm the most Happiest and Satisfied Professional,
 Burhanudin MaulaRA is so importantly engraved in my heart that each of his word is fresh in mind.
Today hearing Aliqadar MaulaTUS say happily accept matters here I am a very Happy Homeopath heartily performing my duties.
Enjoying my life to the fullest.
 Let people say anything let them find me lesser than them.
 I'm happy that I followed what my AqaMaulaTUS said I'm practicing studying and changing lives every day!

Here I am

amt-e-SYEDNA (TUS)
 Dr.Fatema Palgharwala,
Successful Homeopath. 
Specialist Forensics Psychologist. 
Medical Lawyer and Ethics Consultant.

A decorated khidmatguzar of My AqaMaulaTUS.

Today 2025... and going ahead every second... 
 Dr.Fatema Adnan (Palgharwala). Owner - HAPPY HOMEOPATHY CLINIC & HAPPY GLOBE GEMS & GEMSTONES www.happyhomeopathy.com     CANCER IS FAST WE ARE FASTER. 

Match Me!!!
me Begins !!

Friday, 13 December 2024

The Cycle of Karma and the Decline of Family: A Call for Cultural Renewal by Dr.Fatema Adnan (Palgharwala).

The Cycle of Karma and the Decline of Family: A Call for Cultural Renewal
The universe operates on a fundamental principle: as we sow, so shall we reap. This concept, while seemingly straightforward, becomes nuanced when forgiveness enters the equation. Many believe "forgive and forget" is the ultimate path, yet true wisdom lies in forgiveness without forgetting.
We live in a world plagued by betrayal, scams, and endless wars. This negativity stems, in part, from a collective misinterpretation of the quote "Ahsin Ila Mann Asa Ilake," which emphasizes forgiveness, not oblivion. This misunderstanding perpetuates a vicious cycle within the powerful collective subconscious, the shared consciousness that influences our reality.

The declining birth rate exemplifies the consequences of this cultural shift. Fear of financial burdens and a distorted view of parenthood as a hindrance, not a blessing, are often cited as reasons. However, these are mere justifications for a deeper issue: we are forgetting our cultural values and our place in the cosmos.
Modern society has been conditioned to believe children are a burden. Women are bombarded with messages that prioritize careers and personal achievements over motherhood. Men are portrayed as incapable of handling responsibility. Most troublingly, a pervasive nihilism discourages building a future. This negativity stems from our tendency to forget past transgressions, allowing conflicts to fester.
The solution lies in a cultural revival. We need to instill pride in our heritage, our legacy, and the future we can create together. Optimism must replace the constant negativity that permeates our media. Children are not expenses; they are humanity's greatest investment.
Realistically, the most effective strategy is to empower existing families. Motivating families with two or three children to have more ,thus creating a ripple effect. Expanding existing families is far easier than convincing those indoctrinated against parenthood.
We must stop romanticizing the isolated, single life and media portrayals that trivialize parenthood. Yes, parenting is challenging, yet the unconditional love and purpose it offers are unparalleled.
Let's embrace the wisdom of "Ahsin Ila Mann Asa Ilake" and collectively work towards a brighter future. By remembering the past, forgiving transgressions, and cherishing our cultural values, we will ensure a world where families thrive and the human spirit flourishes.

Dr. Fatema Adnan (Palgharwala)



 #asyou sowsoshyallreap

Monday, 11 November 2024

“Ek amul,....with KINDNESS! - by Dr.Fatema Palgharwala.@ #HappyHomoeopathy Clinic

“Ek amul, tikha kam, kanda nai, kakdi zyada “
“1 amul sandwich , less spicy, no onion, add more cucumber.”
This is an overdue article, I was waiting for a proper example for this thought to be put through you dear patron.
When we think about Mohamadali road At Mumbai, MS, the first thought which comes in our heads is STREET FOOD AND SHOPPING!
Well here is located a small standing stall of GOLDENPOINT SANDWICH, Just by the general Post office.
I must be eating the famous AMUL SANDWICH here for like last 15years average 2 sandwiches per week.
What’s so unique about this we all get vegetables stacked with bread everywhere, why are you reading about this particular sandwich?
When I was a kid and we would go for a sandwich at this place there was always an Old Fat Uncle standing and when we would say “ek sandwich”!!! he would look at me with wide eyes and then wait for me to repeat my order and I would wonder what to say, I used to feel intimidated also sometimes with his demeanour and always would wonder why he does that?
Then eventually I learnt what I wanted so I started saying, “ek amul, tikha kam, kanda nai, kakdi zyada “……. This would make this Uncle Smile and very happily he would neatly cut my sandwich and present it to me appetizingly!
Over the years I learnt with this OLD Uncle that although sandwich is just bread n raw vegetables YET every sandwich will taste unique with him. Yes this is the quality that only this uncle standing at GOLDEN POINT SANDWICH can offer, he has the capacity of making that 1 sandwich special and unique for you.
It took him years to inculcate that habit in me every time I said 1-sandwich he will stare at me as if I committed a crime!!!! lol!!! and then every time I felt I wanted this and I dint want that in my sandwich and then the ek sandwich became ------“ek amul , tikha kam,kanda nai, kakdi zyada “

So this is kindness of this Fat man that I learnt to get what I wanted.
He taught me kindness. He taught me perfection. He gave me the thought that everything has the capacity to be unique.
Since 2years I started writing about Amber which is such a unique offer from the universe to us all,
We are reading learning knowing so many things about this wonder gemstone.
Here are some experiences I will share with you,
Many people come and talk about the prices of amber to me and show and give me big stories about the prices of amber, and here’s what I say to them;
The difference between the amber you are talking about and the amber I am giving is simple and straight FALSE x TRUE.
False ----- nO comments …..;;;;
I know today I am like this Old Man at Goldenpoint sandwich 15years back , who incessantly made and habituated every customer describe his/her  sandwich ……,
And today every person who eats a sandwich here has a unique taste on his tongue.
Always remember this world is filled with kinds and kinds and kinds of humans  
Yes kindness!
احسن الى من اساء اليك
Do good unto those who do bad / evil to you.
Be Kind, irrespective of your situation
 Your status
Your place

 At Happy Homoeopathy I follow this rule, whatever the situation, being kind.
Achievement is a rule. And Kindness is the key to this achievement.
There are many amongst us who are unique who incessantly point out and only follow ethics.
Our Most unique example for this is MY AQA MAULA, RA, ‘SMB!’ and Our AQA MAULA, TUS.
Every second rather every micro second of HIS LIFE IS KINDNESS KINDNESS KINDNESS!!!
Why are we having problems amongst us?
Why do we feel Dr.Fatema will cheat us?
Why do we compete street stuff vs certified goods?
Why do we ask does Homoeopathy work????
Its just because we lack in kindness.
I know kindness is tough to practise it took me 7years of medical practice to learn it I’ve faced failures had my wins, learnt and learnt from every patient, learning every day.

Came across this one patient who came to me after visiting 3 separate mental health physicians for 3years; after meeting me she had one sentence for me “ Dr , you are the first one I came across during this ordeal who has been Kind to me and explained to me what I am suffering from.”
It just took me 10extra minutes to explain her situation to her, and that was kindness to her , because nobody ever did that to her it made things so simple and ethical for her because now she knew what medication she needed and such cases than heal quick. It just took kindness, for healing.
So as I understand being kind is now routine here at HAPPY HOMOEOPATHY, its nothing like a task, now every patient here is treated uniquely with their own tasty sandwiches.
Visit for your sandwich soon!
Dr.Fatema Palgharwala.
Your Happy Homoeopath.
NLP Consultant and Trainer.
Happy Handwriting Analysis expert and Teacher.
Amber/Kerba Consultant.
Be Kind call me @09762688352
Tweet me with Kindness @ffspp
Look at me with Kindness on Skype – drfatema1
For more about Kindness – www.happyglobe.blogspot.in

Happiest Post Of The Day!

Ramadan 2025. Are you Ahsin ready ...?

The universe works on a simple theory ... As You Sow , so Shall you reap. It's not as simple as read! Then comes Forgiveness.  Now to ad...

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