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Monday 30 September 2024

Zulm- by Dr.Fatema Palgharwala.


Ẓulm (ظلم, zulm) is the Arabic word used interchangeably for cruelty or unjust acts of exploitation, oppression, and wrongdoing, whereby a person either deprives others of their rights or does not fulfill his obligations towards them.

Hello all ,

So here’s a thought provoking question for all of you? 

What is the meaning of Zulm? 

For you,

Is it just physical hurt or more than that or is it verbal abuse or something else?

In life we all have experienced Zulm , and it's really difficult to get through the phase.

We  get exhausted and broken it's hard for us to understand how to deal with this situation.

I was watching AQA MAULA TUS everyday at Raudat Tahera during RAMADAN 2024 showering us with energy and love each moment. And that’s what keeps me going.

There was another type of Zulm occurring during Ramadan , the gastronomic events all around, we are told to observe iftari with dates and water yet, the rows of fried food outside was overwhelming and then followed by so called celebrity worship who were coming for this food and Instagram accounts overflowing with people who instead of praying night namaz were clicking snaps with these people and then calling it entertainment I call this Zulm, will you please help me with little enlightenment is it Ramadan ? 

Don’t get me wrong that I am against good food yet let’s keep it halal don’t make it a Zulm on yourself and your surroundings.

And now we will welcome Muharram with tears reminding us about the Zulm endured by our Ahlul Bayt and Imam HUSAIN AS.

So are you prepared to go through the 10 day rigorous schedule of sitting and concentrating on the Waaz? How much is your attention span?

Thinking about our children who will have hard time sitting quietly for so long.

It’s a Zulm on your body to sit cramped in front of the screen and also aggregate our attention on each word!

Yet it’s the most satisfying part of mumins life. 

Imam Husain AS , went through far more Zulm than what we would feel.


There is no justification for Zulm,

The universe registers these events and gives it back to the doers so be rest assured that when you endure any kind of Zulm, your thought should be Ahsin, with this thought you will be able to sail through it. Else you might end up creating more Zulm.

I sailed through it with Ahsin, each mumin who didn’t wait outside for a snap with the so called celebrity and walked quietly past it towards the masjid did Ahsin, when you will sit in front of the screen you will do Ahsin, let’s teach our children Ahsin and reap the glory of Ahsin., Ameen.

I meet many people who come to me and speak big about manifesting and kindness and giving and yet they have unsolved mysterious questions in their lives. Health, Wealth and Relationships…. 

And then we speak about doing good to those who did evil to you !

Bang , how will I do it? 

They ask ……

And we remind ourselves of Ya  IMAM ALI AS.

So again I ask you what is the meaning of Zulm for you? Why are you reading this blog ? 

What Zulm have you gone through or done on someone.

Its52 allocation doesn’t depend on internet speed or anything else it purely depends on what’s in store for you what have you sowed and how you will reap it . 

It’s a Zulm to make assumptions about anyone getting it or not getting it. And reasons behind it. Ahsin. 


Ahsin Ila Mann Asa Ilake.

Dr.Fatema Adnan (Palgharwala). Owner - HAPPY HOMEOPATHY CLINIC & HAPPY GLOBE GEMS & GEMSTONES www.happyhomeopathy.com     CANCER IS FAST WE ARE FASTER. 

Wednesday 24 July 2024

30000000 with Gemstones A Case Study by Dr.Fatema Palgharwala.


Hello all , 

Today I am going to write you a case study of gemstones, how we experienced something very fast.

Now it was my usual working day and appointments were given according to my schedule our appointment schedule works at least 2months in advance, and very rarely we have such walk-ins.

www.happyhomeopathy.com for appointments.

That day was awesome I was meeting some follow-up clients and new ones each one showcasing their theories of life and experiences; happy day Alhamdolillah Shukranlillah.

So typically I finish the morning session by 12noon and leave and suddenly this Bhai appeared,

I want to meet the Doctor!

He was informed that I was already leaving for the day and he had no appointment.

He requested that he meet me just for 1 minute,

So he came in and just said “ I will loose it all” so I said Bhai we should meet again and analyse further.

Well I love intrigue.

 And this case was very interesting by the vibes itself,so a schedule was made and this bhai was given a time appointment and he met me the next day.

The case was of 30000000.

As he unfolded the little he understood about his situation,

he was facing a financial crisis and somewhere he was being backstabbed by someone unknown and his money was being stolen. He said 50000 was left behind and he wanted to go for ASHARA also.

So ….

I wasn’t convinced with his story that the backstabber was ‘unknown’ to him 

Yet in cases we know that not all people will be able to speak full truth.

Fine I told him come back the next day with certain things and then we could go ahead.

This was a pure case of gemstones.

So the next day a Beautiful Baltic Amber/ Kerba was recommended and the client also agreed to wear A strong Ruby.

The needful was done and to catch the culprit certain measures were taken.

NLP works wonders for such cases because the client has to stay steady, vigilant and keep his anxiety at bay plus show up happily at work. And to top it he has to maintain the required secrecy to catch the culprit.

 The client was advised to constantly update his findings and so that miss no chance is missed to get back his money.

And I always give my clients their money worth. 

In the next 10 days what followed was just amazing the client got back his amount lost. 

We guided him through the process and he always knew what to expect because of the strength of the gemstones he was wearing and that’s how we win.

Cosmos helps those who help themselves,

We wish we could share more details here yet that would not be possible.

Just for your curiosity nothing unethical was done nothing illegal was done it was pure power of gemstones and my analysis.

We know it’s hard to believe such things people say they are just stones well…

Nature doesn’t make anything without purpose. They are pure living beings ready to help you enhance your Health Wealth and Relationships,only in case you wish .

So the bhai did not loose a penny, off course he was not just thankful he was overwhelmed with joy, and he just kept praying for us.

During our last meeting I just asked him how did he land into my office that day, who sent him what brought him here? 

He said I just remember I was crying and holding my phone and asking for help and somehow one of my earlier blogs popped up and he read it, the words “HEALTH WEALTH AND RELATIONSHIPS”, not knowing what to do he just searched the address and reached my office that day. 

So I understood I am HIS catalyst.



Amber is researched by Dr.FATEMA  and Amber is used for all types of Diseases and most importantly for Cancer Cases at our Homeopathy Clinic. Amber is the first gem every human being should wear for health wealth and relationship benefits ; with our association with the world authority for Amber we are the Only Authentic Amber Seller near you. 

Sapphire is the gemstone for Power and Endurance. 

Ruby wearer is the King of his Universe.Happy Globe is known for the highest quality of Ruby the Ratnaraj of Gems. Ruby is Prosperity!

Emerald is the stone of heaven, the centre of everything ,the emerald wearer is the central owner !

Rubies are a window into the ancient world. Rubies have been traded throughout Asia along the Silk Road as long as 2200 years ago and mined in Burma since at least 600 CE. But of course, they’ve existed for much longer than that.

Greenland is the source of the oldest rubies in the world. Scientists recently determined that Greenland rubies formed around 2.5 billion years ago. These rubies grew with graphite, a type of pure carbon. Analysis of this graphite suggests that early life existed on earth at least around 2.5 billion years ago. The ruby itself may be much older. Scientists concluded that the carbon atoms were once ancient life, most likely cyanobacteria.

Who are we? 
"Welcome to Happy Globe Gem and Gemstone & Happy Homeopathy, founded by renowned homeopathic practitioner, Dr. Fatema Palgharwala! We're your trusted destination for holistic wellness and natural beauty, offering a harmonious blend of ancient wisdom and modern expertise.

Explore our exquisite collection of gemstones, each carefully handpicked for its unique energy, aesthetic, and healing properties. From calming amethyst to vibrant citrine, our gemstones are selected to balance your chakras, amplify positivity, and inspire inner peace.

Pair your gemstone with personalized homeopathic remedies tailored to address your physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Dr. Palgharwala's expertise spans years of successful practice, ensuring customized solutions for acute and chronic conditions.

At Happy Globe Gem and Gemstone & Happy Homeopathy, we believe in empowering individuals to take charge of their well-being. Our mission is to provide holistic, non-invasive, and sustainable solutions for a radiant, healthy life.

Discover harmony, balance, and inner peace with us. Browse our gemstone collection, schedule a homeopathic consultation, or simply explore our resources for a healthier, happier you!"
Dr.Fatema Adnan (Palgharwala). Owner - HAPPY HOMEOPATHY CLINIC & HAPPY GLOBE GEMS & GEMSTONES www.happyhomeopathy.com   



Happiest Post Of The Day!

Zulm- by Dr.Fatema Palgharwala.

 Zulm. Ẓulm (ظلم, zulm) is the Arabic word used interchangeably for cruelty or unjust acts of exploitation, oppression, and wrongdoing, whe...

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